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Everything posted by colintkemp

  1. Bump for board shown in post 32 and 34.
  2. I generally agree with the other posts, absent express/implied vitriol. If you are interested, I have a pair of OS2s (silver, standard) that I will sell. Email me at colintkemp at yahoo dot com.
  3. Drool. And I have a Apex duckbill. But I have 2 kesslers, a 182 NSR, a 21 month old son and an 8 week old daughter... If this is still available in a few weeks, then I think my wife is going to get mad at me.
  4. Condolances. Sorry for your loss. But I agree with you, Fin -- she is now off frolicking full time with buddies. My family is bracing for this actually, which is coming our way soon-ish with a very old, wonderful girl.
  5. Dave, if you were asking me, see http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?11278-Tomahawk-snowboards-for-sale/page2&highlight=tomahawk (You might have to cut/paste) Send me an email at colintkemp at yahoo dot com and I can send you more pictures, etc. I'm 170 lbs, and am selling it b/c it is too much for me, so it could be perfect for you. Waist is 20.2 cm, so it should be ok for your boot size.
  6. I have a 180 Tomahawk metal. 16 SCR. Interested?
  7. Also interested in the GS boards. Would be pleased to skye. Please email me at colintkemp at yahoo dot com.
  8. Sugar Bowl (Tahoe) report: 24-28 inches of snow in the last 24 hours. (Thunderstorms in San Francisco last night. Fairly uncommon.) Many spots in Tahoe extending season to April 29.
  9. barryj -- and it just started raining again here in San Francisco... I'm bringing these bad boys up this weekend.
  10. Also, backside of Northside, skiers' left -- Challenger and Sierra Grande runs. (What "wide" means obviously is subjective.) Unfortunately, the rest of Northstar is not really big and wide, except for its crowds... I'll be an Northstar next weekend (Easter) if you want to meet up.
  11. Maybe someone said this, but the Proteus is not VSR (it's single) and it's metal. That said, from talking with Sean (and indeed what folks are saying here), it sounds awesome. I didn't get the memo about diversifying my board portfolio - I just got another Kessler 180... Love this thread.
  12. Good vibes your way, Boris. Here's to a fast recovery. Best of luck, Colin
  13. Mellow, I think you may be set on the 162 (and there are a lot of good recommendations here for one), but for what it's worth: I recommend the 180. For my 5'11, 170 lbs frame, it is the perfect free carving board -- it does everything. Mine is essentially all I ride (I ride my 182 NSR a bit too, but I have sold off all of my other boards b/c I just ride my 180). Note that I see your comment about "your" quiver. As I noted, however, the 180 is a quiver killer for me, so those boards would be collecting dust. And in case you doubt my commitment to the 180, I'm buying another one pretty much as I type. My current one has Hangl, then next one will have Apex. Happy shopping.
  14. Email sent to hotmail account re the white Kessler.
  15. I'm with the majority -- you replace the board. The more interesting question to me, and one I'm frankly pretty surprised folks aren't addressing in their posts is the following: If you're the uphill rider, you take out the downhill guy, it's clearly your fault no if-ands-or-buts, and you thrash his board, then - in addition to replacing his board - aren't you also supposed to buy yourself a new Kessler?
  16. This is an amazing board, which I had the pleasure of riding in Vail a few weeks back. I ride a standard 180 Kessler, and this board is that much better as it is fast edge-to-edge (due to the waist width). I'd be all over this, but for a certain agreement with my wife about the number of boards I can have...
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