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Everything posted by dredman

  1. I will be there Wednesday, It will be great to see you! @kram.
  2. No plate for me. With a well engineered board, I do not believe you need a plate. Especially when you are a recreational carver living in the Western US/CAD. I tried some of the first generation plates many years ago, and found them not to be hugely beneficial for my style of riding nor the conditions I typically ride in. We rarely have to sharpen our edges in Montana. I could see if I was racing or riding a lot of man-made snow / icy condition they could be very benificial. The latest generation of boards from the US / CAD board makers are some of the easiest riding, quietest, great handling on icy condition boards ever for recreational carvers. Recreational carvers in the US are very interested in a step-in MS boot however.
  3. Look what showed up at the corporate MCC office today. Ace Skwal Green Mountain Proto! This fine board will be available to demo at the MCC! Thank you so very much for the support @*Ace*
  4. I started riding at Turner Mtn in 1983 on a Backhill and Sorels. The following year I picked up a Performer Elite 150 with real edges and high back bindings... Wow!! talk about a performance jump! Late 80's or early 90s was when started in hard boots. Burton first came out with MegaFlex boots. I think it was on one of the first generation PJ boards. I was still a pretty serious freestyle guy and spend maybe 20% of my time carving or trying to copy what Peter and Jean were doing. In 94 I blew my ACL and riding soft boots just loaded my knee uncomfortably, so I started riding hard boots exclusively. I was riding Factory Primes and some other all purpose Burton carving boards. I got my ACL replaced in 2000 but have stuck with carving and hard boots. My first custom Coiler came in 2002... and here we are today!
  5. I have ridden mixed bindings TD-3 (one step in, one toe bail) as do many folks on the forum. I have never heard any complaints, or even noticed a difference. I have not tried a mixed set on any other type of bindings.
  6. Or just get a full set of TD-3 SW step in, then you will have 2 sets of bindings with a step-in combo for another board. I have been on Fintec for years and think they are worth every penny.
  7. Very close... there was a clip from Aspen that had a few of those stylish turns linked together.
  8. That was the Montucky version of a Sword Eurocarve. I can't seem to find that video to repost it. Will try and recreate it this MCC.
  9. I skid turns every run. I only post pictures of carving turns. The magic of still pictures....it is a nanosecond of time, you do not get to witness all the flailing and skidding before and after that snapshot of time.
  10. @1xsculler The board you are on will take great care of you. Just tip it a little more up on edge to get it to come around quicker keeping you at the speed you are comfortable with.
  11. Just a quick thread jack. These cards will be in the registration bags for MCC participants. I hand them out every time I am at hill. I guess people like talking to folks in obnoxious onzies.
  12. Donek should have them. Or find a ski boot shop that carries Full Tilt ski boots. They will have them. Same boot, different toes and heels.
  13. @nekdut Great top sheet! Wogococo! Hope you love it as much as I love mine. It eats up challenging conditions and makes them smooth and easy. They are great "Ride all day" boards!
  14. Yes, they have started vaccinations in Montana. Seems like they are getting through the front line workers first and now moving onto the experienced/at risk citizens. Info on the event COVID plan and other info on the website www.montuckyclearcut.com. I added a Blog with some additional info also. We still have some spots open if you are interested in joining us. We are not having any social meet-ups and are requiring everyone to comply with Montana State COVID recommendations. Montana ski areas have done an exceptional job keeping the lifts running and mitigating COVID exposure. For those of you that are not in the loop about the MCC... 4 days of riding, our group has the entire ski area only open to us. No general public allowed. No Passing on the groomed runs, so no worries about getting hit from behind! See you all soon!
  15. Red Lodge bendy and GoPro distortion.
  16. Or come to the MCC and I will give you some!
  17. I have been on a Talking Heads kick and the new AC/DC Power Up album. Thought this thread would be a good one to revive.
  18. We have been using these around town and at the hill when it is warmer. https://www.dickpondathletics.com/performance-running-face-mask/ We have regular double layer merino wool ones for colder days. Most people I have seen on the ski hills of Montana this year are wearing a neck gaiter. We are getting some fleece lined neck gaiters made for MCC complete with cool MCC logo! I will post pictures when we get some at the house.
  19. Another great edit by Anna K and video shot by Clint Ekern at Vault Media! https://www.instagram.com/p/CJoOrZnDsvg/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  20. Agreed wider does feel more stable and if you are lifted/canted appropriately. I believe that you will have a larger range of motion with your body with a wider stance. I am 5'11 and riding a 21.5 inch/55cm stance 6 degree toe/lift, 6 degree heel lift. When I was riding 19.5ish stances, I used 3 degree lifts. Comfort wise I both stances feel great, the wider one has better performance for me.
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