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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. does your wife have any new baubles you can't otherwise account for? I know mine would love to unload about half my quiver
  2. easy there tiger! reread that last paragraph. It says bodyflopping is more fun in hardboots. I ride with john regularly and he can go both ways with the best of them:eplus2: No really, I could flip a coin and be as accurate as guessing what he is riding on a given day. He rips! He won the most vertical feet contest with a freshly repaired collarbone one year. broke it got the surgery and was on the hill days later in a splint. He rode the whole last week of the season that way. AND he's an old fart so show some respect:lol::lol:
  3. there's a us rep for dupraz now as well. I will have to look but he was posting on one of the other carving boards. considerably cheaper than importing I might say. seems he was advertising them in the 500 range. here it is. I asked which models he had available here's the answer. Hi, I can get you anyone you want, except for the Safari. The only thing is you will have to wait until the end of November beginning of December, as I have to order the boards from our headquarter in France first. If you give me your request soon enough, I can be sure to get the model you want. Here attached is the picture of our 08/09 collection. The 165cm are 499$ + domestic shipping and the 178 cm are 520 + domestic shipping. This is our discovery price for our first year in the US, so you better take advantage of it while it lasts. Hope to hear from you soon, Gabriel Hourcade Dupraz snowboards ga.hourcade@gmail.com
  4. JAck's my hero I ride angles like jack:eplus2: toes and heels on the edges and different on every board in the quiver. maximum control:biggthump There's an old fart on Big mtn that rides at least 20 degrees toe in. If I had to guess I'd say 57 in the front and 80 in the back. But hey he's up there ripping it 7 days a week all season long. whatever works for you I guess!
  5. I can't wait for the elections to be over so we can all move on with our lives:smashfrea ones old and ones black other than that they are both socialists so whats the difference!
  6. Cap boards have no sidewall. the core is radiused down to the edge and the topsheet and fabric wrap down to the metal edge, sandwhich boards have a rubbery or plasticy sidewall between the topsheet and the edge. they have a square edge between topsheet and sidewall instead of a rounded topsheet to the edge. here's a cap board pic
  7. I have a 91 M6 Burton regular board with variplates on it that I would let go of as a package deal. I would have to think about selling the bindings alone.
  8. The Deep dish pizza alone is worth the trip! The bars down by navy pier were a smokin good time if like a loud raucous mardi gras atmosphere.
  9. Hey I finally got the 4807 today thanx it looks great man.
  10. Dr D

    What to do?

    If you want a primo set up and cost is no problem, then the catek FR2 is the absolute best soft binding available for stiffness and adjustability. Get the upgraded straps and highback or upgrade them yourself. I have drake carbon podium highbacks and straps on mine. salomon malamutes are the stiffest of the soft boots I have found and are very comfortable:biggthump I have also run soft boots with hardboot liners with some success using a booster strap around the top of the boot.
  11. Well if the boards you prefer are no longer made then you have to collect a backup copy of each. that way a tragedy doesn't have to be a tragedy:biggthump I have a long and a short 4807 and a back up for each I have a BX board madd I have four lengths of mcginnis alpine boards (I will probably sell 2 of these this year due to non use) they are identities I have a Dupraz (potential replacement for the 4807's) I have two nitro swallowtails (we get big dumps:eplus2:) 181 and 196 so technically I have only four rides
  12. I picked up a D used for a good price I will ride it first and make my determination on final purchase of a new one.
  13. get thee to a pawn shop young man. snowboards are dime a dozen in the spring. I bought 5 old identities for 15 bucks a piece last spring and built a fleet of boards experimenting with shapes etc. you could cut out the center but it would make for a narrow board and the metal edges are cool hitting the pavement in a low carve (sparks) the edges go nearly 3/4 of an inch into most boards so you really lose a lot cutting them off. If you got metal specific blades for the jigsaw/scrollsaw it should work. a couple of stone wheels for one of the mini grinders might pull it off as well. experiment with a couple pieces of 4x4 in lieu of trucks and wheels so you can get a feel for flex and truck placement etc. if they flex to much for you try an old alpine board or monoski. I have also seen an aluminum strap (home depot) between the trucks underneath or a hunk of old snow ski. these would be attached between the truck and the board via a longer set of hardware. any of the epoxies will work for the edges but the slower cure ones are probably better. a can of fiberglass resin and a paintbrush is also a possibility.
  14. I am size twelve and it doesn't look like a problem. I haven't ridden it yet but standing on it looks like plenty of room.
  15. I think it was a new virus prototype:eplus2:
  16. The second one was from the last week of the season on Big mtn. possibly the biggest dump in recent history. Couple of the local powder mafia boys
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWUtrfpbcKE <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="<A href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWUtrfpbcKE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWUtrfpbcKE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWUtrfpbcKE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  18. Thanx for the input Bola I hear the same stuff from john. He's definitely a physics geek and a composites specialist. He switched from sandwhich to cap long ago for specific reasons that I don't remember all of. Bottom line was cap made a better board and the downside was tooling expense not durability. an interesting note to the durability issue. Blacktail mtn, a smaller local hill, purchased all new identity snowboards for their rental fleet when they opened 10 years ago. Most of those boards are still in service and doing fine. they have a dedicated terrain park which no doubt is responsible for any that have died. Its a small hill but just the time factor alone is impressive. It also speaks to the design and tech features of those boards being well ahead of their time. PS I made it a poll in an effort to draw interest to the topic. people seem more inclined to check back on the poll topics.
  19. true enough but I am 275 and they feel stiff so preference plays a part as well.
  20. some of the shops are terrible. be sure theyhave done them before. A local shop overheated and shrunk my liners.
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