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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. Does huckleberry or Cherry -shine- and Corn whiskey count? If so sign me up for the club.
  2. uuuuh skiis faster than boards in deep powder????? what physics class did you take? you are in it to your knees on skiis thats a lot of drag. a big swallowtail on top on the other hand can really move.
  3. Big MTN/whitefish mountain expression session Jan 23 to Jan 31 It is an all mountain experience as the groom is sometimes lost to huge amounts of powder:eek: There are no cancellations we carry on even if the snow gets to deep:eplus2:
  4. you would probably enjoy riding a surfrodz with soft boots. very similiar concept.
  5. ?????? I have and I don't for me the float was what hooked me on snowboarding and took me off of skiis forever. I skiid from age four to sixteen and haven't been back since. I like the concept though it just needs to be wider. I would say on the order of 10 inches or so at the nose and maybe four at the tail ridden like a skwal would be interesting. I think you could add enough sidecut to make it rideable to the pow. rather than extending the sidecut out to a wider nose, I wonder what would happen if you pie sliced your sidecut radii instead of aligning them on the parrallel.
  6. if you put some sidecut in it and made a more normal width nose with a narrow tail it would be almost ridable on groom
  7. ooooooooh what a concept seems like it might be a little overkill on the narrow side though. I'd try it:eplus2:
  8. Looks like I might make a living this year! Maybe you will see me down there this season:eplus2: I smell a road trip. I will have to see how many of us will fit in the old hippy bus after we load a couple cords of wood etc. gotta have hot water or you will smell a road trip:lol:
  9. Where is this TREASON of which you speak?
  10. I almost picked one up off ebay on the cheap just to try it out. anybody else ride the Rossi halfgun? what about its big brother? I heard that there were quality issues but then they said the same about the 4807's and mine have never given me a problem. there are no 4807's being made currently although there are a few of the dynastars still out there in old new stock land. the later model osins with the ghost flames and the thicker wood grain striping are great. the earlier ones with the thin woodgrain stripes and no ghost flames had fragile noses.
  11. You would do better with a 168 4807 than with a half gun. similiar tails and midboard feel but the 4807 has way more rocker in the nose and the midsection is stiff enough that it carves well in a pinch.
  12. The most versatile that I have ridden for powder is without a doubt the 4807. The boat nose gives it a surfy feel without compromising the normal sidecut. IT also gives it a very long and soft rocker nose. the shorty swallow tail could be improved on a little by giving a little rocker for the occasional switch situation. that said there is nothing like a true swallow tail for screaming down a wide open face. I think you need to decide what terrain you are going to be riding the most and work from there. I would like to try a Dupraz shape with split tail and with a short swallowtail. the spoon nose can be wider without affecting the sidecut provided it happens after the rocker starts on the nose. love the stiffer board with soft nose concept of the 4807 the most.
  13. we had hvy flakes in the rain early AM yesterday. It was a Frickin MONSOON! Can't remember the last time it rained like that
  14. check out the skateboard sites . I wear a pair of padded board shorts under my gear that work great and the pads are removeable. the pad shorts that go under football pants would work well to. you can take either hip pad out as well as the tailbone pad. the rest of my gear is mtn bike stuff. 661 has a great compression top that has hard plastic shoulder cups over the shoulder pads. they saved my shoulders at least twice. Once from a fall in the deep and steep and once from a straightlining idiot skier. anyone who doesn't like helmets hasn't tried one on. The comfort level is so much better temperature wise that I wouldn't ride without one for that reason alone.
  15. looks like another fine year in the making. the last snow was in june and the first may happen this month. we are definitely having a cooler summer so maybe that whole global warming thing is off this year:biggthump
  16. Anyone can watch if nbc has an agreement with their cable provider. this is controled by asking you your zipcode and cable provider. Try 29320 Charter communications greenville It worked for me and you only have to enter it once. you may have to kill your cookies and temp files to get it to let you try again. IT gives you access to all the archives as well
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z_KW_dBiXI
  18. besides they won't let us use dynamite anymore:mad:
  19. Depends on how good a shot you are:eplus2: Told ya I am not a fisherman. It was a good excuse to get the duck boat out and cleaned up for the coming season.
  20. I am not a fisherman. I like to catch but the fishing part is hard to get into! anyway I had some out of town friends show up and want to go fishing. I got out the duck boat and went looking for fishing poles etc. the only pole I could find was a $6.99 zebco spiderman pole of my son's. I purchased two pike worthy lures and a steel leader along with my license as we headed to the river. My two friends are fly fishing for northern pike with some seriously huge fly poles(he spent the last year working in anchorage) they are slinging these big wet rat looking things back and forth and basically accomplishing nothing that I can tell. Several hours go by in which I am primarily concerned with boat operation and navigation. I flipped a lure under a log occasionally when the air traffic pattern wasn't completely locked up with wet fly chaos. I had on my spiderman special pole with a steel leader and something called a pike mini. basically a jointed lure painted to look like a pike minnow about 4 inches long with a treble hook on the front section and another on the back. I cast it under a log in the slough we were fishing and it was instantly just anhilated. here's where things got wierd. It was not really a fight but more like pulling in the anchor. what we pulled out of the water was a small one pound plus large mouth bass on the front hook and a five and three quarter pound large mouth on the back hook. I guess the big one couldn't put up a fight with the little one slapping him in the face. crazy stuff. I will see about getting the pic off of my camera.
  21. http://famguardian.org/Subjects/GunControl/Articles/ragingagain.pdf WARNING this article concerns guns and gun control do not read it if the subject causes your angina to act up:eplus2:
  22. Just don't do it within 30 yards of the green. you might upset the course marshall.:lol:
  23. a little green propane bottle underneath and some lighter flints stuffed into .22 hollow points:eplus2: that'll wake the neighbors:lol:
  24. Up until recently nobody would have called it in if it happened here! Note of clarification. He's not in trouble for shooting his lawn mower he's in trouble for using a sawed off shotgun without the proper tax stamp to do it. Sawed off shotguns are not illegal they just require a special $200 tax in order to be legal.
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