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I'm staying away from the Canyons-both accidents happened there!

Ski Patrol was great, as usual....I required a bunch of help walking backward onto the gondola and holding my arm up and still....

5 attempts at starting an IV in the ammalance not fun...

A-hole doc trying to reduce dislocation without meds def not fun and very frustrating for me as I am an ER doc who NEVER EVER has reduced a shoulder dislocation without meds...

He made me cry, I'm not ashamed to say...

I'm going to bounce the appropriateness of said action off the orthopod I'm seeing Wed, then I'll make the a-hole doc cry-I'll turn his ass into the Utah medical board :angryfire

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check out the patches they have given me some amazing results in my practice.

They'll give you some free samples since you are a Doc and then give you wholesale pricing.

the patches will half your healing time.

good luck healing

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I'm staying away from the Canyons-both accidents happened there!

Ski Patrol was great, as usual....I required a bunch of help walking backward onto the gondola and holding my arm up and still....

5 attempts at starting an IV in the ammalance not fun...

A-hole doc trying to reduce dislocation without meds def not fun and very frustrating for me as I am an ER doc who NEVER EVER has reduced a shoulder dislocation without meds...

He made me cry, I'm not ashamed to say...

I'm going to bounce the appropriateness of said action off the orthopod I'm seeing Wed, then I'll make the a-hole doc cry-I'll turn his ass into the Utah medical board :angryfire

I feel your pain... literally! I've had tons of shoulder dislocations in the last 10 years or so, pretty much all of the right shoulder, of couple of rare ones on the left. I managed to put it back in place myself except on three occasions where it had to be done by a doctor.

The first time, the doc did not know how, he tried a way, didn't work, so he went to get someone else who was able to do it. I had a shot of Demerol that time.

The second time, the doc did not know how either (different hospital), so I think he went to his books to see how it was done or something like that they were two to put it back in place: one pulled on my arm, the other pushed the shoulder back in place. Not fun. I was on Dilaudid this time, it was horrible; I almost fainted when I got the shot and when I got home after this was done, I threw up my lunch. I don't recommend this to anyone.

The third time was a charm. It was at another hospital (the one the closest to the mountain), the doctor was relaxed, wearing sandals. I said: no pain reliever? He said no, not necessary. He had me sit on a chair, took my arm with his two arms and put it bakc in place. Quick, easy and painless, I was really surprised.

In between all this, I saw a physiotherapist, an orthopedist and started doing sports good for my shoulders (badminton, archery) and I am much better now.

Hope you get well soon.

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I think your third experience was best because of your short time between injury and reduction,derf....

My shoulder was completely spas-sed out by the time I got to the clinic...waiting about 45 minutes in the ambulance while two different EMTs stuck me with needles didn't help...

I've had some laxity in this shoulder for a while and could feel it slip with certain movements, like resting against it while holding it extended against a wall...I could abort the dislocation by taking my weight off it and forcing my arm down...obviously, I couldn't do it on Saturday

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Sorry to read about your shoulder Skatha. I hope you have a quick recovery. BTW what board were you riding?

Crosstraining helps me stay solid.

03 Burton Custom....

hey, rocks were showing so I took the rock board...I had no idea it would bend that way...... :mad:

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03 Burton Custom....

hey, rocks were showing so I took the rock board...I had no idea it would bend that way...... :mad:

Were you riding the Custom with plates and hardboots? Yea the Custom is really soft, even the Alp is rather soft. When I started riding hardboots, my Donek Incline 155 felt stiffer than the Burton Ultraprime 162 I started out with.
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Yes, I was, lone....

My skiing hubby also suggested that I take it since I did so well first time out in the crud with it...

But, the first time was in March and it was CO and not so icy...

and it was ice, it was a west facing slope following a 45 degree day at 9 am following a frosty night...

Sunday it didn't get below freezing that night, we listened to the water pouring off the hill, literally....

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I think your third experience was best because of your short time between injury and reduction,derf....

My shoulder was completely spas-sed out by the time I got to the clinic...waiting about 45 minutes in the ambulance while two different EMTs stuck me with needles didn't help...

On all three occasions, I was 2+ hours with a dislocated shoulder. The doc I saw the third time was just THAT good, he knew his stuff. He stuck my forearm between underneath his arm, took my upper arm with both hands and very gently puck it back into place using the right trajectory, quite painless, simply amazing.

I've had some laxity in this shoulder for a while and could feel it slip with certain movements, like resting against it while holding it extended against a wall...I could abort the dislocation by taking my weight off it and forcing my arm down...obviously, I couldn't do it on Saturday

There is some loose in my shoulder too. The orthopedist said it's either a streched or torn ligament. I can't throw a baseball, smash in tennis or badminton without restraining my movement a lot.

As for falling when snowboarding, when I know I'm going to fall, I stick my armsby my side or on my chest and don't try to prevent the fall. It works out most of the time.

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Ice+noodly rock board=shoulder dislocation...

I cannot believe my luck...I'm supposed to have my frigging cadaveric cartilage transfer for my lt ankle-broke last year -on the 19th....

and now I'm in a sling for my rt shoulder..... :smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea

Crappy, sorry Skatha. Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.

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Thanks for all the well wishes...

The orthopod I saw today says he would take a gun to the ER with him if he ever dislocated something-he told me that he thinks ER docs have something against pain meds....

I told him, not this one :biggthump

I learned something Saturday...if your little inward voice tells you to ride the gondola back down and hang out with your spouse, listen!

Even if your big snowboard demon is yelling at you to go...

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