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Forum Suggestions

Guest Ghostrider

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Guest Ghostrider

BOL has grown a TON. I think its time to update the forum structure a little.

Instead of:

-Carving Community


-Photo Contest

Could it be something like:



-Get UR Chat on


-Photo Contest

I posted a gear question yesterday and its already gone 2 pages deep today...lost in a sea of hundreds of posts. I haven't really been around here for about 6 months just because its too crazy. This place is PACKED!!! Granted I'm a computer nerd but trying to sort through 3 pages of posts every day to find a few rare tips or people looking for help isnt my idea of a good time.

Just a thought..maybe i'm alone on this...or maybe i'll just watch this thread drift to the archives within a few hours...

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Guest Ghostrider
yesterday i was thinking the same thing. maybe the original poster should email fin and bring his attention to this thread in case he misses it. its a great idea!!!

good call. just did it!

...for everybody else, let us know what you think on the idea. Maybe we can find out if this is a democracy or dictatorship community :D

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More specific topics, a bit more structure.

It is a rare day that I don't get a least a few minutes, and there are a lot of posts that I miss too.

I think we should have a list of topics that we want to see so Fin doesn't have to pull them out of his..........................................................fadal.


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i agree, i think if you had more specific topics it would weed out a lot of the useless ot chatter. im not sure of the goal of this forum, if it is to discuss all the things carving or to let carvers discuss all things. if it is the first i think more topics makes sense.

this is a good start:



-Get UR Chat on


-Photo Contest

but also add:

- hot deals (carving related discounts)

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Threads tend to meander.

Readers miss things because they don't check all the categories.

Discussions get misfiled.

I like things the way the way they are. I just ignore the threads that are irrelevant. Sometimes, I check out what I thought was an irrelevant thread and I find out that it's suddenly of interest.

Why fix what ain't broken?

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Instead of:

-Carving Community


-Photo Contest

Could it be something like:



-Get UR Chat on


-Photo Contest

If we segregate Gear and Technique into different forums, what will become of the "main" forum (Carving Community)? I think it would spiral into a chaotic and useless mess. We all come here mainly to discuss <i>carving</i>. Gear and technique are the meat and potatoes of the carving discussions that go on here. Personally, I think the technique threads are the most interesting, and often it is the newbie posts/questions that spark the most useful, information packed discussions that add a ton of value to the CC.

If you really want a response to your post, you are welcome to bump it. And if you're looking for something specific, try the search function. The BOL Carving Community is a great place for a reason, I say let's not mess too much with success. The forums proposed above appear to me to be a complete dissolution of the Carving Community as we know it.

The Ride Board is coming. Soon. Also a forum for racing-specific discussion. The only other forum I think could be useful is a resort review/discussion forum, but perhaps that will be covered by the Ride Board. (?)

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If we segregate Gear and Technique into different forums, what will become of the "main" forum (Carving Community)? I think it would spiral into a chaotic and useless mess. We all come here mainly to discuss <i>carving</i>. Gear and technique are the meat and potatoes of the carving discussions that go on here. Personally, I think the technique threads are the most interesting, and often it is the newbie posts/questions that spark the most useful, information packed discussions that add a ton of value to the CC.

If you really want a response to your post, you are welcome to bump it. And if you're looking for something specific, try the search function. The BOL Carving Community is a great place for a reason, I say let's not mess too much with success. The forums proposed above appear to me to be a complete dissolution of the Carving Community as we know it.

The Ride Board is coming. Soon. Also a forum for racing-specific discussion. The only other forum I think could be useful is a resort review/discussion forum, but perhaps that will be covered by the Ride Board. (?)

I like that idea is the best but a true OT board (summer stuff) would be useful.

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Guest astan100

I'm a mod over at m3forum.net, so I'll throw in my 2 cents.

Our forum grew quickly too, so we started creating new sections. The problem we had was keeping stuff in the right sections. The biggest problem was new members not caring where they posted. So, it took a few months of mods constantly moving stuff until people got it. On this forum, I feel like it is a smaller community of (probably smarter) people who can manage to post correctly.

That being said, the mods will have to actively move stuff anyway. :)

Also, creating a FAQ section was massively helpful so we didn't have to answer the same questions over and over again. HEre for instnace, maybe a thread called "What degrees do you run", or "What should I do wtih Cant", "which first board shoudl I look at". Most of the thread can be stuff linking to the tech articles.


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Guest astan100

As another note, I would be careful not to segment it too much because we don't get sooo much traffic on this site that we need all these sections.

I would only sectionalize (like that word?) as an area becomes crowded/unweildy.

It's kind of a pain I know because it takes an admin to breka down into more sections, but if you segment it too much, too quickly, people will spend half of their day clicking through forums and seeing 1-2 new threads instead of actually reading stuff.

Just more thoughts.

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(and I certainly don't count myself as anything else - yet), fracturing a forum in subcategories makes it very hard to find useful information.

Certainly, if you know exactly what you are looking for, scrolling only through the subcategory in question is going to save time, but for newbies just trying to soak up as much info as possible, this multiple forum search is a nightmare. I dabbled a bit in mountain biking this summer and found this site's forum very helpful - once I had spent countless hours trying to figure out if my specific questions were technique or gear related. Oh, and of course I got the occasional: try to get in touch with so-and-so, he's usually hanging around the (some other) subforum, but he might be able to tall you more. Frustrating...

Honestly, one of the things I really like about bomberonline is the fact that it's such a close-knit community. Why break that apart?

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Threads tend to meander.

Readers miss things because they don't check all the categories.

Discussions get misfiled.

I like things the way the way they are. I just ignore the threads that are irrelevant. Sometimes, I check out what I thought was an irrelevant thread and I find out that it's suddenly of interest.

Why fix what ain't broken?

Agree with this. Keep it as it is.

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guess I ought reply as this is destined to become an issue. I post over at Epicski, and the forums are broken down. I find it a pain when I am following something, then it is moved. I rarely go into the gear or instruction rooms, despite having something to add to many posts. On the other hand, it is true that posts can get lost easily. Ultimately, I think we should leave well enough alone...

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You don't want to end up like this site.

How about:

Carving Community

- the general stuff


- everything to do with resorts, including what people have been calling the "ride board".


- everything about racing I guess


- all that talk about sex and guns and cars and bikes


- buying and selling stuff

Photo Contest

- duh.

So that's really just adding three forums - "racing", "places" and "offtopic". But that's unlikely to thin out the "Carving Community" too much, so it might not satisfy the original aim. But it wouldn't cause too much harm either.

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