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2006 alpine snowboarding calendar

Guest stoked

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this has potential to be a wild thread hahah.

ok, will this carver babe come forward or send us another pic you can hide your face in goggles or some other way. let's see a pic of you strapped in? dsub it is a bizarre story, hilarious and entertaining.

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Sorry to distract you guys from "Ms. Renntiger" but here's are some family friendly carve pics shot by my good friend Gerry George out of Fernie, BC. If you want to use them, I'll ask Gerry to send you high res versions.

Like hell thats not family friendly, Ms Renntiger makes me wanna get busy starting one, well at least the first step. :biggthump

D-sub, you rock!

so yeah how about a girls of BOL calender?

good thing there are only 12 months becuase thats about how many girls post on here.

I would say to do a boys of BOL as well but I feel for some reason it would not be a hot item, Jack in a thong just does not appeal to most of us here (at least I hope)

the calender thing is cool though even without the T&A, in particular one that had all sorts of snowboard history on the dates and up coming events would be way cool.

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So you shipped her a board, it got lost in transit, she accused you of defrauding her, and then she sends you a pic of her in a thong with an alpine board?

This sounds like a penthouse letter. If we were playing bullsh!t, I'm calling "bullsh!t" on you!!!!! :biggthump:biggthump

you got the order of operations wrong. "meet," "talk," pic, then board and ensuing shipping fiasco including some nasty phone conversations (she was just frustrated and doesnt know me from the next shmuck), then (relief) insurance payment. I actually think she invited me for a beer after that (she's taken tho) as she was in portland for a race or something, but I had left bend already

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Yeah man, I want to know too. Why did she send you the risque picture?

Maybe she wanted to find the Man behind the name D-Sub. For what we really know, you might even be a woman. The internet has a nasty way of hiding people's identities.

I was never sure why she sent it, actually...just an exhibitionist I guess. I mean...hell, I was admittedly flirting at first, then I found out she had a man (she said "yeah, my boyfriend took that pic and wanted me to send it to you...")

people confuse me sometimes.

but yeah, Im actually a 65 year old woman. didnt you see my carving vid?

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That is why I never let my ex keep the pictures. Imagine trying to run for world ruler and having that brought up??

yeah...its really pretty tame though. she is _quite_ fit, no doubt but hell...

heh...I have one of my ex from a long time ago...theres an old Kemper Fantom in the shot...I should scan it

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wow I just checked if anybody replied and am on page 2 gonna print this out to read at home since I'm in dire need for a coffee and this internet cafe doesn't serve coffee

anyway what I can say already is that MAY is taken and the calendar (or the first calendar anyway) will be a ladies calendar after all female riding should be promoted and more uh inspiring pics are welcome

gonna do my best to create one or more good calendars who knows if I get a printing sponsor I might even be able to send them to you otherwise it will likely be for download only

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She got (or had) a boyfriend? :eek: Shouldn't fall for that old ploy -- she was just testing the size of your cahunas.

How can we get more ladies into the sport? Cross-over skiers seem like the best bet, but a major problem seems to be getting boots that will fit just so they can give it a try. Sorry, didn't mean to highjack the calendar discussion. :nono:

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Guest Ninjette

a few months ago, I emailed Fin and suggested that maybe Bomber do a calendar. I believe his reply was they were rather expensive to print and with everything they had going on the timing was not good. I had not thought of the download only option? As far as the photo of the chick, I think its a great photo- mind you I am not into women (sexual preference is like belly buttons- you either prefer "innies" or "outies" and I DEFINITELY prefer outies!) ----- just need to give credit where credit is due. Got my own set of naked in the snow photos----- sadly there is no snowboard involved- but there's beer :biggthump

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While I think the photo of Ms Renntiger is great :biggthump , some action shots are definitely needed!

Here's one of me (as seen in my avatar: http://webpages.charter.net/williatd/heelside.jpg

I might have a hi-res somewhere, but feel free to use that one. I really need to have more shots taken this year! That pic is two seasons old, and is the most recent!

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To me, a good surf video has lots of beautiful girls in bikinis. It should be the same for snowboarding videos...and calendars. I've seen some great motorcycle calendars with a beautiful girl in each picture...lack of "action" pics didn't offend me at all.

I think D-sub has the right idea. I just wish I could see more of her....uh...boots. :biggthump

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when I scrolled past that, I ran my mouse into the stapler and knocked over my coffee, nearly sliced my hand open on a utility knife setting on the counter. If I can't snowboard opening day I am holding you resp. D. and I am still looking for those little wingnut binding things for you.

Skipup, speaking of world domination, you definitely have one of the best online pix in the profile section. Even prompted me to put up a pic with my daughter in the hot tub.

So lets hear the rest of the story D. I will try to find the pix I have of a gal who posed with for me with the Nitro Retro when I thought I wanted to be a studio photographer.


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the calender thing is cool though even without the T&A, in particular one that had all sorts of snowboard history on the dates and up coming events would be way cool.

well damn you bobdea for that way cool idea sounds like some more work to do in case I should actually do that :o :biggthump

well won't be able to use 'the' picture unless you can get a photo release from her :)

does everyone have high res versions of the other so far suggested pics? if yes please send them to info@stoked.at because there's no use in thinking about including them in case a high res version is not available so it would be helpful for me to know which pics could actually be used for the calendar so everyone posting a pic here please also send a high res version to me so I know what's usable thanks

@ Ninjette please email your pictures anyway :ices_ange thanks

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ah stop it I have to keep a professional perspective here

currently active users display reveals that Barry and carvedog have been gazing at the picture for the last 10 minutes

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i will have to mess with you in my next video!

like carvedog, my browser is frequently open for hours at a time to whatever site i'm on. i'm online all day for my job. today they just had a ping pong tourney and some clowns started playing beer pong (yes, at work) so i wanted to check it out. working for corporate america can be a blast! lol

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