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Poison, oh dear lord how I've disgraced their name. I hang my head in shame.

A tattoo on someone's body means they are what?

A tattoo signifies nothing to anyone. It is ink embedded in skin, nothing more, nothing less. Yes, a swastika tattoo or other obvious symbol would tell you something about a person but come on. I find it laughable that a generalization about a tattoo would even come up...weak, weak, weak.

I'm going to keep this thread going no matter how bad it gets damnit.

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sorry Erik, but tattoos signify a LOT to the general public. there'd be no purpose whatsoever to them if they didnt. hell...the origins of tattoos were nothing but public significance. very, very important in the cultures they came from. right?

and, in modern times when everyone and their mom has one or two or three or covered...there are plenty of things being said, or at least being attempted to say. a lot of people think theyre being a rebel when they get ink, but that is LONG gone...others are trying to "express" something about themselves...some just like the way they look.

I have ink and I sometimes think I want to get more, but sometimes I wish I had NONE, depending on the mood Im in.

anyway...everything has meaning and implication. isnt it kinda foolish to say that it doesnt?

I was gonna just PM this to you, but hell...this thread is the most rambling internet thread ever, so why bother? BTW...your proclamation of its' demise is probably the tenth or more in here, and they were all wrong:)

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sorry Erik, but tattoos signify a LOT to the general public. there'd be no purpose whatsoever to them if they didnt. hell...the origins of tattoos were nothing but public significance. very, very important in the cultures they came from. right?

and, in modern times when everyone and their mom has one or two or three or covered...there are plenty of things being said, or at least being attempted to say. a lot of people think theyre being a rebel when they get ink, but that is LONG gone...others are trying to "express" something about themselves...some just like the way they look.

I should have chosen my words better.

Nobody knows (with a few exceptions) why I got my ink, what it means etc. To assume something about me because of a choice I made in getting one would simply be judgemental. The "purpose" of mine are for me and me alone. I don't show them to anyone or care to say why I got them.

As for history and the general public, that's a whole different story. I was talking about on the personal level.

I'm thinking.....add 10 more pages to this thread and this little negative bump will be buried in more posts about airplanes, favorite teas, bird wingspans, water purifiers and whatever else could possibly come up.

Here's a little kickstart...


That should get things moving.

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I just think it's lame to make a general statement about people and apply that on a "personal" level. Just because you have a tatoo doesn't mean you are a "tramp" - it doesn't mean anything! What if you were tatooed in Auschwitz? Does that still make you a tramp?

I suppose it doesn't matter if I have ink or not, I will be judged either way. Certain people will always judge others without getting to know the true meaning behind their life. I wonder how they would feel if they were to be judged for something that they thought was just an expression of themselves.

Aren't we all judged for being carvers???

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prejudice (in the general sense, not race as its overused these days) is both dangerous and necessary.

no, having a tattoo does not make anyone anything. period. "all ___ are ___" is likely the most ridiculous statement one could ever make.

BUT...with certain things come certain perceptions. I believe that was the point being made, albeit quite bluntly and rudely.

also...stereotypes develop for a reason. :)

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“Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: / Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Ais is a sweet kid and I think tats are hardly something to blindly judge someone about.This is the coolest tat yet


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Nice guys generally want to marry women they think will be good mothers for their children. And we sure as sh!t don't want to see tramp-stamps on our daughters.

<sup>1</sup>source: Dr. Phil

So my wife who has a very nice lizard tattoo on her leg is a tramp? The woman I am married to is pure gold and I was never happier to introduce someone to my mom. This is someone who volunteers with several non-profits. She walked across the country to raise money for salmon and trout habitat recovery. (25,000 was raised).

I would never think to call any woman a tramp. That would indicate a certain presumption on my part that I am better than someone else. I am not and neither are you. Learn it in this lifetime or the next existence.

I may be your best friend for being totally honest with you. Sorry if that hurts.

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Guest dragon fly jones
BON JOVI ! Poison wrote that song ! C'mon Erik :smashfrea This thread will never die :argue: Was it something I said or something I did

Did my words not come out right

Though I tried not to hurt you

Though I tried

But I guess that’s why they say


Every rose has it’s thorn

Just like every night has it’s dawn

Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song

Every rose has it’s thorn

Yeah it does :sleep:

If your gonna quote music get it right. Tattoo=Tramp?

How about idiot=stupid comment=scorn=contempt=riducule= Growing up? Priceless.

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I consider myself a fairly nice guy. I have no problem introducing a female whos company I enjoy to my mom. Regardless of her "tramp stamp" or any other thing my mom may or may not approve of. It is me after all who has to live with that person not my mom. You are going to die very young due to the stress of trying to live up to other peoples expectations.

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Michelle, skipuppy, D-Sub, Willywhit, Erik... hope i didn't miss anyone...

Flounder this isn't 1952. Have you noticed that tattoos are not some taboo thing that only 'weird' or 'bad' people have? they have become quite common, just like piercings.

it's not a 'tramp-stamp' because someone made up that word and put it in a made up urban dictionary. it's a back tattoo that has significant meaning to me as i designed it myself. my mom saw it and told me she wished i had done it in color.

i'll also have you know that i didn't start the thread as some poor hapless soul who couldn't find a decent man or had 'failed relationships'. i started it as just a fun thing to chat about while bored and having gone through (at the time) recent bad experience. i've had plenty of nice relationships and have been asked for my hand in marriage more than once so that pretty much tosses your lil "tattoo=no marriage for poor slutty girl theory." the fact i am not married is due to my own choice in deciding that the person asking me was not the right person for me.

you don't know me and you made an ASSumption about me based on something i decided to put on my own body.

your wife must be a saint.

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a couple people have already said what I was going to respond to your post better than I could have but I am going to add that if you're so worried about what is socially acceptable and presentable whats gonna happen when your kids don't fit into what you want them to be?

I am pretty honest with what I think and have my moments of being terribly insensitive but to give puritanical 40s era marriage advice to someone in the way that you did above makes you seem like you need to be unteathered from your church going mother's teat.

It's probably accurate to say that most women don't want a man who is a momma's boy who is more worried about what their parents or their friends think of her than how you feel about her.

I just made assumptions that I probably should of not have but you kinda have rubbed me the wrong way.

If this post offends you it's not that I meant to, I'm just telling you the way it is, like you do.

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however, i was out of bounds, so Aisling, I apologize.

returning to lurk mode.

thank you, apology appreciated, accepted and now let's move on... it snowed last night and i am not on my board... whY!?!?!?!

oh yeah... family and stuff. lol

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The woman entered the room, and with a knowing smile teasing her full lips, she sank into the comfort of the plush chair in the corner. The handsome stranger turned, having sensed her approach. Locking his steely gray eyes on hers, he moved slowly toward her, his experienced gaze measuring her, hypnotizing her with his soft murmurs of assurance. He sank to his knees before her and without a word, smoothly released her from her constraining attire.

With a sigh of surrender, she allowed his foreign hands to unleash her bare flesh. He expertly guided his hands through this tender, often hidden territory, his movements deliberate, confident in his ability to satisfy her every need. Her senses swam.

She was overcome with an aching desire that had gone unfulfilled for so long. And, just as it seemed that ecstasy was within her grasp, he paused, and for one heart-stopping moment, she thought, "It's too big! - it will never fit!"

Then, with a sudden rush, it slid into place as if it had been made only for her! As pleasure and contentment washed over her, she met his steady gaze, tears of gratitude shining in her eyes. And he knew it wouldn't be long before she returned.

Oh, yes, this woman would want more. She would want to do it again and again and again. He knew, deep down inside,

that she would return to buy more shoes the next year, and the next, and the next.

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