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Guest Randy S.

This is getting good.

Going to get: :lurk:

I have a beard and sportbike? I'm a pound or two over ideal (200 vs. 180) and I'm divorced. Oh, and I bought a 210 Donek when I turned 39. Where do I fit in this scenario. Oh, and when am I going to get a critique of my match.com profile from Aisling, Skatha and Michelle (sorry Ais, but I respect Michelle's opinion more since she's in the age range of women I'd date). My match name is sinecure, just do a name search. There's even a picture of the 210 on there.

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What about the attractive, over 35 woman who doesnt' have her head up her butt, is succesful, spontaneous, doesn't have kids or divorced, and is witty, but yet will stand up for herself in a respectful way? You know, they are out there although I am starting to think they are rare ;) Oh yea, and that don't talk about stupid things like diamonds.

Those are the best kind of women to have. They usually end up with first class guys, like me and Randy :D

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Are those the only 2 options? No wonder guys are freaks if they think that is all they have to look forward to.

What about the attractive, over 35 woman who doesnt' have her head up her butt, is succesful, spontaneous, doesn't have kids or divorced, and is witty, but yet will stand up for herself in a respectful way? You know, they are out there although I am starting to think they are rare ;) Oh yea, and that don't talk about stupid things like diamonds.

Yea, I think they are rare also. I thought I found one several years ago. She was wonderful, --- smart, witty, successful, tall, great looking, loved to golf and ski, great 14 yr old kid, superb companion and on and on. I started to notice how she treated service people like waiters or customer service personnel like crap. Then I started to notice how she treated her kid which was yelling and screaming (This was after about 6-8 months of knowing her). She still treated me great. Then after about 10 month -a year she treated me like everyone else. Like Sh*t. Wow what a difference. Then she started making her demands and yelling and screaming a flipping out to where I had to call 911 to get her out of my house. That night she wreaked her car cuz she left in such a piss** of mood. Blamed me for it of course. I did not give up quite yet - I know stupid me :1luvu: I picked her one night for dinner and what we both thought was going to be a great night. After dinner we were on our why to her house, both of us in a great mood , she told me to pull over so she could talk to me. I said "No, lets go to your house" which was only 2-3 mile away. She loses it .. starts to scream and throws anything she can get her hands on out the window. :flamethro:eplus2::nono: . She says Stop Stop Stop! I know I have a friggen crazy woman on my hands at 40-50 miles an hour. She opens the door and threatens to jump ( This is a true story with no embellishment), she drags her right foot on the ground while trying to stand up to jump . Finds she can't get out at 50 mph. I knew if I slowed down she could so I kept talking to her to calm her down. Finally she pulls her foot in cuz her shoe sole has been worn completely thru to her foot. Stupid lady!.. She closes the door, is quiet and I get her to her house, I say I forgot my phone in the car and jump in and leave. Never called her again. So.. with all that said .. ya just never know. I'm kinda gun shy now.

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Guest Randy S.

:lol: Wow C5! That's an awesome psycho chick story! I thought dating a witch (a real witch) was good, but that beats my story. I'm sure it was crazy at the time, but it makes for a hilarious story now. At least she didn't turn into a stalker. Sounds like one of those deals where you back into their driveway so you can make a quicker getaway.

This thread keeps getting juicier.

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:lol: Wow C5! That's an awesome psycho chick story! I thought dating a witch (a real witch) was good, but that beats my story. I'm sure it was crazy at the time, but it makes for a hilarious story now. At least she didn't turn into a stalker. Sounds like one of those deals where you back into their driveway so you can make a quicker getaway.

This thread keeps getting juicier.

Randy. That was only one small chapter in that relationship. I have more stories like that one that can make milk curdle. I can't believe I stayed around that woman -Psycho Bit** for as long as I did. Your right so many of many friends and I have laughs about it now. It is good fodder for when we are out for a glass of red.

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We should do a dating game at the SES or something, that might be fun..... Wait, as long as I don't have to be included.

Well, and I thought the games we had this year were fun. If ever I needed more incentive to come, Michelle and Aisling on a game of SES Perfect Match. :biggthump

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Guest lonecarver

Wow "C" I had a similiar experience. I'm in the lot parking my vette and out of nowhere my gf jumps on the hood of my vette and tell me she wants to talk to me. (she wasn't with me when I was parking my car, I don't know where she came from) I call her bluff and start moving my car, she rolls over on her stomach on the hood of my car. I thought "crap," then I stopped, she slides off the hood skinning her knees. I get out of the car to see if she's seriously hurt, she gets up, started screaming "what an *******" I was for running her over with my car! At this time 4 women attacked me, backing me up to my car and starting puching, kicking and hitting me with whatever they had in their hands. I felt like I was being beaten by a bunch of thugs! Finally my gf screams at me "you wanna talk now!" I said yes, she tells the women that it was her fault. By this time the women are consoling my gf about 3 to 4 feet away from my car. I took this opportunity to make my get away. I had to move again, never saw her again. That was nothing compare to all the other crazy things she did. I too was stupid and stay in the relationship for about a year. I know why I did, the sex was great! Like you my friends and I laugh about it now.

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Guest Randy S.

Well, judging by C5 and lonecarver, it is clear that none of us should own a Corvette. Clearly it attracts psycho women. (Or was that a Chevette, lonecarver?).

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Where do you guys FIND these women? I know it's hard to see the real person until about 6 months, but those are some crazy stories. I also dated a psycho guy - won't get into it because it was truly scary and I still don't laugh about it. Is the moral of the story don't date someone with a Corvette???? :rolleyes:

Once again, I say: What about the attractive, over 35 woman who doesn't have her head up her butt, is succesful, spontaneous, doesn't have kids or divorced, and is witty, but yet will stand up for herself in a respectful way? You know, they are out there although I am starting to think they are rare ;) Oh yea, and that don't talk about stupid things like diamonds and is NOT a psycho. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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Well, and I thought the games we had this year were fun. If ever I needed more incentive to come, Michelle and Aisling on a game of SES Perfect Match. :biggthump

NO NO I said I DO NOT want to be included. I'm the organizer, and I'm good at keeping myself out of things like that....... So guys, bring some women folk to the SES that aren't taken, so that I can do my job!!

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Once again, I say: What about the attractive, over 35 woman who doesn't have her head up her butt, is succesful, spontaneous, doesn't have kids or divorced, and is witty, but yet will stand up for herself in a respectful way? You know, they are out there although I am starting to think they are rare ;) Oh yea, and that don't talk about stupid things like diamonds and is NOT a psycho. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

I know someone exactly like that - except she doesn't turn 35 for 2 weeks, and she does have a kid - the same one I have :1luvu:

She still has the diamond I bought her 10 years ago, but the last conversation we had about it was whether or not to sell it 'cause neither of us wear our wedding jewelry...

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Once again, I say: What about the attractive, over 35 woman who doesn't have her head up her butt, is succesful, spontaneous, doesn't have kids or divorced, and is witty, but yet will stand up for herself in a respectful way?

There are not very many of these women, most of them are married. I would say that this kind of woman represents about 10% of the available dating pool. Wackos are much easier to find.

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I was listening to a blues song yesterday that explained the whole thing. Apparently, a man got to have more than one woman, otherwise he can't be satisfied. A man ain't gonna be satisfied with only one woman darlin, no matter how hard he try. That's why this man be messin around, cheatin all day and all night. It's the way god intended it to be, woman, you see a man with one woman he just ain't gonna be satisfied.

You see a man got to have three women in his life.

His mama, his girlfriend, and his wife.

I'll say it again, you see a man always got three women in his life

His mama - (oh yeah) - his girlfriend - (uh'n go-a sayitagain) - and his wife.

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This is why it makes me CRAZY when a guy has a GREAT girl, and he dumps her for no apparent reason. No explanation, just leaves. Or cheats. Why why when the stats show the real world, would a guy do that???

guys? Insights?

Michelle, (nice name BTW, it is my daughter’s middle name) it is just not the guys, it is gals too that dump what appears to be perfectly great guys. It goes both ways. It comes back to what I mentioned earlier....BALANCE. If there is no balance in the relationship it teeter tooters to one side and the person gets dumped. Somewhere deep into the roots of the relationship one person thought she/he was not getting her/his full due. It is sometimes imagined and not real but perception of a problem is often more important that what is real. I would doubt any relationship that is well balanced would ever break up or be found with infidelities. Most of us men are cautious because so many females are gold diggers and so many females are cautious because so many men just want the sex. If we never commit we won’t get hurt. Sad but so often true.

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