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Stolen gear...


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So I went out to the garage for the first time after returning from our 25th wedding anniversary trip.

Well what do you know... someone was here and they took some stuff with them... a really odd and heartbreaking selection.

My beloved UPZ RC10 Boots-


A Bomber isolation plate(It will have only one spiky stomp pad)-


A BS Liberation snowboard-

https://goo.gl/photos/XNoizf3PmTk9wPcB6'  (top)

https://goo.gl/photos/RdGV3gzQNUoyBDxv9 (bottom)

And a DaKine bag that looks like-


I just got done with the police.  All this stuff was near the point of entry so most likely they just grabbed and ran...

I'm slightly depressed.  Please keep your eyes out. Thanks.

I've already contacted the local pawn shops and checked Craigslist and eBay. nada.


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Indiana a hotbed of Alpine snowboard theft. I really hate that feeling of helplessness you must be experiencing. Sending pics.of missing gear for local ski hills  to post might help. Any neighbors with video cameras ? Hope your wife is at least as sympathetic as the BOL community.

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I'm a bit freaked right now.  It's really crazy as the thief(s) targeted my alpine stuff.  The left my son's skis alone.  The left our bikes alone.  They didn't take my tools.  It's fucking crazy.

My new Coiler just happened to be in the house.  It's not like they can pawn it or sell it.  The folks at Paoli and Perfect already know.  I mean really.  A modified Bomber plate? An older racing board that is really unique.  A one of a kind prototype REV.  And my @#$%! boots that were perfect.  Slippers!  DAmmit.

Sorry if I'm bringing anyone down... I just needed to vent.

I have a pair of backup boots and the intuition plug liners feel alright in them.  They didn't take my sidewinders and I have my new Coiler.  Shit they took my repair kit... FUCK!

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Well, because that gear IS so unique, that considerably narrows down the Perps involved. Any thoughts on 'wanna-be' carvers nearby? Talk to the local ski-area managements, and Patrollers/Instructors/Lifties, and bring Photos!!  If they're anything like within 200 miles of you, it's a Small target area, and many hills have cameras with 'live feed'. Getting the news out, locally, will likely generate a solid lead.  Good Luck!

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11 minutes ago, Eric Brammer aka PSR said:

Well, because that gear IS so unique, that considerably narrows down the Perps involved. Any thoughts on 'wanna-be' carvers nearby? Talk to the local ski-area managements, and Patrollers/Instructors/Lifties, and bring Photos!!  If they're anything like within 200 miles of you, it's a Small target area, and many hills have cameras with 'live feed'. Getting the news out, locally, will likely generate a solid lead.  Good Luck!

While I'm no PSR I'm really well known in the area and I've already talked to my local ski hill folks.  That said everything around me is closed, probably for the season. (There's only two bumps, Paoli Peaks and Perfect North, within 200 miles of my house.)  I'll talk to my Perfect folks tomorrow.



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1 hour ago, lowrider said:

Any neighbors with video cameras ? Hope your wife is at least as sympathetic as the BOL community.

No cameras... We're half surrounded by college kids...

Wife is upset... no one want's to be burgled, first time for us. :barf:

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33 minutes ago, Zone said:

Sorry lonbordin, that's really upsetting.

Who on earth steal only alpine gear? ? It's not like we are huge community.

This is the topic of discussion at my home... lots of crazy theories... no evidence.  Just upset folk.

Right now I'm just really happy they didn't take my TD3 SW for whatever reason.  I'll have a full setup to visit Spirit at the end of next week.  Just trying to stay positive... it's not working though...

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7 minutes ago, piusthedrcarve said:

Wow.. Sorry to hear that.

I don't know if you are already on it or not but try post your photos of the stolen gears on Alpine Snowboard Trader in Facebook too.  Since FB now has a marketplace, the thief may try to sell it there.  At least, more eyes will look out for them.


Uggh... FB... ok I'll join and post...

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4 minutes ago, Zone said:

In reality nobody stole anything from you. The snowboarding Gods are saying: lonboardin, son, you need to simplify, only need one Coiler, a pair of TD3SW and a new pair of yellow .950. Go carve in simplicity. Peace out.

I'm not sure we live in the same reality... but I get your drift.  I think I'll drink myself to sleep now... :sleep:

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22 minutes ago, Zone said:

Yes, apologies sent.

Jack, please delete my post. Thanks.

No worries... It is just things after all.

Thanks for all the support everyome!

Edited by lonbordin
Back to the salt mines for hundreds of hours to buy all the stuff again ?
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