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Heard it in the lift line 2011/12


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Guy looks at my 4807 and/or hardboots and asks me about them. My riding buddy, softbooter, talks about the VSR on his Donek Incline. We ask him what is is riding.

His response: "Oh, just a Burton"

That became the quote of the week.

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i also always get a kick out of it when a skier says what were doing is cool..

I got a bit of a kick out of a couple of venerable skiers digging my intec heels/bails connection. I'd imagine they saw at least a few HBers in passing (this was MtBachelor), but I guess they never noticed stepins before.

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At a top secret skate spot, we were setting up cones and a grom with a dh board asked me what I was doing. I told him my friend and I are running a slalom course, but I'm not very good..to which he replied "so then why are you here?"

My usual response to this kind of thing is to stop, look at the person, and say, "My god...you're right..." and then I start packing up my stuff or taking my board off, etc. I think it must really confuse people.

A week ago I was making some pretty wide turns on a gentle blue and a skier *almost* hit me from behind. She stopped and I stopped (unscathed), and she said in kind of a frantic tone, "what are you doing?! You shouldn't make those turns." I replied, "I know, I was actually just about to quit snowboarding, now is probably the best time." I took off my board and started walking down the hill until she skied away. Maybe she thought nothing of it, but I thought it was funny :rolleyes:

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Last weekend at my local mountain, a teenage softbooter in front of me in the lift line takes a glance back and notices my setup.

Softbooter: "Hey is that thing hard to ride on these narrow trails?"

Me: "Its not to bad once you get the hang of it."

Softbooter: "I was in VT a couple of weeks ago and there were a whole bunch of guys riding those boards on the mountain"

Me: "Stratton?"

Softbooter: "Ya! It was the first time I've ever seen it, but those guys were tearing it up."

We ended up riding the lift up together and the kid was genuinely intrigued with hardbooting.

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All the instructors know they're getting owned in front of their students when I ride by so they usually don't say anything.

Really? You must not have a helmet cause your head won't fit in one. I bet if you listen real hard you will hear the instructors telling you to stop reaching for the snow.


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Also in all seriousness, if I was talking about carving with a snowboard class and you or another alpine carver went by I would not hesatate to use you as an example of what carving realy is, the tail following the tip of the board through the turn. So many softy snowboarders think they carve because they can feel the edge engage at the end of the turn. There are also a few that can really carve really well with a soft setup. :)


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I was making quick tight carves under one of the lifts when towards the end of trail I hit some unexpected ice and fell hard.

As I gather my self up, I look up and see a snowboard instructor (softboot) leave his student and come my way rather quickly. As I expect him to ask me if I was allright as I fell pretty hard, he instead says "wow, that was some serious carving!". Definitely put a smile on my face.

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So, on the chairlift, a guy kept going on about the 'modules'. I had no idea what the hell he was talking about and tuned him out. Later on, my buddy figured out that he meant 'moguls'.

Probably actually meant 'modules', as in the various park installations. That's what they call 'em over here.

So, guy saw my skwal last week. "What the **** type of ski is that?"

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As a instructor if I dont say any thing thats because theres nothing good to point out to my students
I'll occasionally get a smile or nod from an instructor as I go by but usually they are focussed on what their students are doing, random passers-by no matter how skilled or unskilled don't really have a bearing. I assume if they need to have their student observe an example of the skills they are trying to teach that they are capable of doing their own demo.
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I'll occasionally get a smile or nod from an instructor as I go by but usually they are focussed on what their students are doing, random passers-by no matter how skilled or unskilled don't really have a bearing. I assume if they need to have their student observe an example of the skills they are trying to teach that they are capable of doing their own demo.
the same, appreciative nods or a thumbs-up ... but most frequently, requests to partner-up with an ailing pupil on the t-bar. something to do with imitating a sack of potatoes.
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On the chair at Meadows last week, on a big powder day at the end of a huge storm cycle (8 feet of snow over 10 days). I'm riding a 4807 with hardboots. (I know, I know, but buying softies just hasn't been a priority.)

The guy next to me says: "I get that you're riding a race board, but what's up with those boots?"

Me: "Um, this is actually a powder board...for all the powder we're riding today?" Then I explained about the hard boots and how they were overkill on a big pow day. :)

But seriously, what exactly do people think a "race board" is for?

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In Taos the other day mostly good feedback. The history of the place may have something to do with it, but I think they'd never have banned snowboarders like us. Well they'd have to catch up with us first.

One "usual suspect" to report:

- "Wow, old school! How old is that board?"

Polite answer: "this is a 2012 Kessler, Titanal and Carbon fibre. No race has been won on a fibre-glass board like yours since about 2003."

If anyone can think up some better answers to these then I'd print them on my t-shirt so I could remember and use them.


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in the fridge on saturday night:

woman: "is that an .. alpine board?"

me: "yes! .. how do you know about alpine boards?"

woman: ".. used to work in a snowboard shop. never seen one in use though. looks cool"

then, later ..

brat: "your crap your not even doing jumps"

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