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Gear Hate

Jack M

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Gear hate is an interesting thing. I can understand where it comes from - you might think someone makes strange or poor choices in the gear they use, therefore they must have different interests or values than you, or they're ignorant, or worse, stupid. It is an easy leap to go from thinking someone is stupid to hating them, but hopefully most people grow out of that as they become upstanding adults. I'm guilty of thinking that owning a three-wheeled motorized vehicle is a stupid decision, but I stop short of hating these people and I'm not going to go infiltrate their internet forums just to mess with them. We have just dealt with another hardboot hater who has been posting under at least 3 different aliases. What the hell is wrong with these people? What complete losers.

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Many users of this forum are overtly hostile towards soft boot riders and their equipment and are proud of it. While I don't ride soft boots anymore I really don't like the elitist attitude. I won't tell them how to ride, they shouldn't tell me how to ride. If they're snowboarding and having fun, good on 'em. If they're on skiboards and having fun, good on 'em. If they're drunk in the lodge by 11AM, good on 'em.

What I don't understand/tolerate is why people would bother trolling. I have no desire to go to a ski/ballet/chess/gardening forum and tell them all that they should try hardboot snowboarding and that skiing/dancing/chess/gardening sucks. Why would they do the opposite? That's often what brings out the above mentioned attitude here, but not always.

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Many users of this forum are overtly hostile towards soft boot riders and their equipment and are proud of it.

There might be a couple on BOL that meet that description. Definitely not "many."

I, like many of us, am also a softboot rider. I do not feel that anyone here has ever been overty hostile to me because of it in any way whatsoever.

People should definitely give others lots of room to choose the equipment they want to ride. Happy is happy!

Thanks for your work Jack! :biggthump

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personally I truly hate using laces & straps; much less convenience, durability, support & response than aluminum plates & plastic shells. But, I don't hate on people that like more range of motion in their interface in soft snow, I just don't understand the preference for inferior equipment.

Nobody gets 5-10 yrs hard use out of soft gear:confused:

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personally I truly hate using laces & straps; much less convenience, durability, support & response than aluminum plates & plastic shells. But, I don't hate on people that like more range of motion in their interface in soft snow, I just don't understand the preference for inferior equipment.

Nobody gets 5-10 yrs hard use out of soft gear:confused:

I wouldn't exactly call soft boots inferior equipment. It just has a different application. There are certain terrain where softboots win.

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Many users of this forum are overtly hostile towards soft boot riders and their equipment and are proud of it.

Hardly "many". I agree with Buell, I think you are projecting a few negative experiences onto the rest of the group, and are stereotyping us as softboot haters. That's wrong.

Now, if someone comes here and incessantly nags that you can carve well on softies, that is just asking for trouble.

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I thought AR might actually try some plates with his Scarpa ATs but I guess troll nature shines through any gear choice.:freak3:

Minority here

Lace & Straps have their place, but it aint on my feet. Sliding rails & tweaking airs duck foot, softies win.

Powder, trees & bumps; my soft plastic shells with flexy molded liners are more comfort & control with no foot pain than any of the strap, Flow, Clicker, Switch, Device or Burton SI that I've used over the years.

I have the added bonus of switching between soft & stiff flexing boots without changing my bombproof stepin bindings, which are nice if you ever have to wallow out of deep flat snow.

But this horse aint even a carcass any more so back to your regularly scheduled programs...

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Many users of this forum are overtly hostile towards soft boot riders and their equipment and are proud of it.

No, not necessarily proud, but sometimes someone has to perform the difficult task of reiterating the obvious when the keen grasp of the obvious isn't in play. And hostile might be a bit too stong of a word. Just remember, these day your getting the kinder gentler Snowman!

Now, if someone comes here and incessantly nags that you can carve well on softies, that is just asking for trouble.

Exactly. If your going to softboot it up on this site, be prepared for the repercussions. Mabey Fin can develop some skin thickening potion for our thin skined brothers.

Think Snow!

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I got it now, pretty easy to spot.

dude loves being way to wordy.........

makes me think he's a fancy lad or something

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As a Tanker guy, I essentially ride a "spoon board"

I didn't hate Alaska's gear, I hated HIM.

He broke the sound barrier on his way to my ignore list.

I also amazed with the gear hate OFF SEASON from DOWN SOUTH???

And I thought I had no life!

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