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Pat Moore are you alright???

Jack M

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I just got this email from you!!

I'm sorry for this odd request because it might get to you too urgent but it's just the situation of things right now, we are presently stuck in London, we came down here on vacation and we were robbed, worst of it is that bags, cash and credit cards got stolen at GUN POINT. It was such a crazy experience for us and we need help with flying back home, the authorities are not being 100% supportive but the good thing is we still have our passports but don't have enough money to get on a plane back home, please we need you to loan us some money till we are back home to refund it back.



you, uh, might want to check on some things.

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That happened to me one time, except not at gun-point and the Caribbean instead of London. But the result was the same. They didn't leave me a bean...except worse for me, as they also stole my passport. All I had was a xerox copy of my passport. And some other things with my name on it. With Passport, he is in MUCH better shape than I was.

He needs to contact the US Embassy (If he is an American citizen). They have this program for citizens abroad in need. I can't remember what it is called.

In my case, they enabled a new passport STAT! and it had a cool "U.S. Foreign Services title on it to boot!!)...only took 3 days.

In Pat's case, the US Embassy has a service whereby money can be quickly sent from family or friends via U.S. Diplomatic pouch, thereby saving all the time and jazz of international wire transfers. They do not charge for this service, it is SUPER quick and is an excellent service for citizens in trouble.

Having passport is SO much easier!! Using that, he should be able to go to one of his credit company offices and they will be able to get him emergency cash from his card. Good luck. There is a good U.S. Embassy right in London. Hotels will USUALLy let your bill "hang" for a couple days if the situation is explained.

Odd...I never found that much street crime in London do to all the facial recognition cameras on almost every street corner.

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I had a friend whose email got hacked and I got exactly the same kind of message from her. She ended up spending a lot of quality time with the FBI getting it all straightened out - I guess they have agents who specialize in this.... Her hackers were in Nigeria.

+1 on that.

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That happened to me one time, except not at gun-point and the Caribbean instead of London. But the result was the same. They didn't leave me a bean...except worse for me, as they also stole my passport. All I had was a xerox copy of my passport. And some other things with my name on it. With Passport, he is in MUCH better shape than I was.

He needs to contact the US Embassy (If he is an American citizen). They have this program for citizens abroad in need. I can't remember what it is called.

In my case, they enabled a new passport STAT! and it had a cool "U.S. Foreign Services title on it to boot!!)...only took 3 days.

In Pat's case, the US Embassy has a service whereby money can be quickly sent from family or friends via U.S. Diplomatic pouch, thereby saving all the time and jazz of international wire transfers. They do not charge for this service, it is SUPER quick and is an excellent service for citizens in trouble.

Having passport is SO much easier!! Using that, he should be able to go to one of his credit company offices and they will be able to get him emergency cash from his card. Good luck. There is a good U.S. Embassy right in London. Hotels will USUALLy let your bill "hang" for a couple days if the situation is explained.

Odd...I never found that much street crime in London do to all the facial recognition cameras on almost every street corner.

You are such a dipsh!t. Do you know the "Topper" character on Dilbert? Because you really remind me of him sometimes. I just really do not get why you are here on BOL.

This is a scam that has been around.

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That happened to me one time, except not at gun-point and the Caribbean instead of London. But the result was the same. They didn't leave me a bean...except worse for me, as they also stole my passport. All I had was a xerox copy of my passport. And some other things with my name on it. With Passport, he is in MUCH better shape than I was.

He needs to contact the US Embassy (If he is an American citizen). They have this program for citizens abroad in need. I can't remember what it is called.

In my case, they enabled a new passport STAT! and it had a cool "U.S. Foreign Services title on it to boot!!)...only took 3 days.

In Pat's case, the US Embassy has a service whereby money can be quickly sent from family or friends via U.S. Diplomatic pouch, thereby saving all the time and jazz of international wire transfers. They do not charge for this service, it is SUPER quick and is an excellent service for citizens in trouble.

Having passport is SO much easier!! Using that, he should be able to go to one of his credit company offices and they will be able to get him emergency cash from his card. Good luck. There is a good U.S. Embassy right in London. Hotels will USUALLy let your bill "hang" for a couple days if the situation is explained.

Odd...I never found that much street crime in London do to all the facial recognition cameras on almost every street corner.


Sort of like taking out a

with an axe.

How is the weather in your fantasy world?

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it might not be Pat's problem. Any compromise PC(or facebook account) have Pat's email address and Jack's email address can cause this kind of Phishing email. It's very easy to forge the from field in email. Take a look @ the email header to see where the IP address originate from. cross reference it with ip geolocation to see if the range belong to Pat's area ISP.

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Dear Sean Martin,

I am in a terrible predicament. Mother Nature has me held at "gunpoint" so to speak by not allowing it to snow here in June. I am at my wits end and need help desperately. The only way to fix this is for you to forward me a new Donek with plate system and three open-ended airline tickets to Chile. This is a serious matter, please help. Please send requested supplies to my Nigerian address.


Erik J

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Thanks for the concern guys. Here's a summary of what happened:

A ski friend went through a nightmare last month and the same thing just happened to me yesterday. I don't know if there is a link but both of us have Yahoo accounts.

A hacker (I later figured out he's based in Nigeria) changed my password and directed all incoming email to himself. He sent out a message to all 661 of my contacts telling them that I was stranded in London and had been robbed at gunpoint. There was a plea to send money but no address.

I was overwhelmed with calls from friends alerting me to the scam but it still took four yours on the phone with tech support to reset my password. Every time it reset, the hacker changed it. It was then that we figured out all mail was being forwarded to him. To make matters worse, he deleted every contact and Yahoo doesn't back them up!

Fortunately they were on my iPhone and I was able to export them to a Gmail account. At 3:30 in the morning I was able to send out a warning to all my contacts.

It took me a while to figure out how he hoped to make any money. As my friends responded to him (thinking it was me) he would then give them instructions on where to send money. Fortunately we got the password reset before anyone actually sent him any money (at least I haven't heard of anyone actually doing it) but a few did correspond with him.

This is scary stuff. Please make sure your own passwords are strong - combinations of upper and lower case and numbers go a long way to protecting yourself. Be sure your firewalls are not disabled.

A few years ago I wrote an article proposing a solution to the problem of spammers and scammers. I've updated it a bit. It's clearly draconian but effective. If you have a few minutes feel free to peruse it.

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You are such a dipsh!t. Do you know the "Topper" character on Dilbert? Because you really remind me of him sometimes. I just really do not get why you are here on BOL.

This is a scam that has been around.

The difference, you incredible MORON, is that that ACTUALLY happened to me. I was robbed in Cozumel, stole pretty much EVERYTHING I had, including the receipts to my American Express traveler's checks, my passport, driver's license, everything. Had just enough pesos to buy some peanut butter and agua. An ex-U.S. Liason official lent me enough bus and ferry fare to get to the US Consulate in Merida and gave me a first-name contact at the Consulate. It was at the Consulate that I found out about the Foreign Service program for Americans abroad who are in need and their super-quick Diplomatic pouch money service. It saved me a LOT of grief, as I had no cards, no cash and no ID.

Let me ask you a question, Buell...do you have to practice being such an abrasive a**, or does it just come extraordinarily natural?...I'm inclined to think the latter. You are really quite abusive. As to Dilbert, you sort of remind me of that boss...except not quite as smart as him, even.

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The difference, you incredible MORON, is that that ACTUALLY happened to me. I was robbed in Cozumel, stole pretty much EVERYTHING I had, including the receipts to my American Express traveler's checks, my passport, driver's license, everything. Had just enough pesos to buy some peanut butter and agua. An ex-U.S. Liason official lent me enough bus and ferry fare to get to the US Consulate in Merida and gave me a first-name contact at the Consulate. It was at the Consulate that I found out about the Foreign Service program for Americans Abroad who are in need, and their super-quick Diplomatic pouch money service. It saved me a LOT of grief, as I had no cards, no cash and no ID.

Let me ask you a question, Buell...do you have to practice being such an abrasive a**, or does it just come extraordinarily natural?...I'm inclined to think the latter. You are really quite abusive. As to Dilbert, you sort of remind me of that boss...except not quite as smart as him, even.

Classic! :lol::lol::lol:

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Classic! :lol::lol::lol:

Lots of class, buell....calling someone a dips*** for earnestly giving some helpful advice to a fellow person who MAY have been in jeapardy? I wouldn't, of course, send money, but if I had specific info that MIGHT be of help to someone who MAY be in need, it certainly doesn't hurt me to provide it. But I really don't think, based upon your actions here, that you really know ANYTHING about that, do you?

You remind me of one of those kids that is always sitting in the back row of class, shooting spitballs at other students. Your second quote above is merely evidence of that lack of depth. Is abrasivenes just part of your nature? You never even answered the question.

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Is abrasivenes just part of your nature? You never even answered the question.

No, not typically. It is very rare I go after anyone here on BOL (with one other exception). I much prefer stoke and good information about hardbooting.

It must have something to do with you and your abundant BS. I might be among the more vocal, but I know that I am not alone.

Your first post on BOL was a poor introduction for yourself. You are a ripping "flat boarder" who announces that he will never try hardboots. Wow. A softbooter who rips at straightlining, just what we need around here. Did you even take the time to learn what BOL was before you joined?

Days after joining BOL, you jumped head first into the huge softboot forum flame war of the season. In fact you were one of the top posters. How, after a couple of days on BOL did you feel you had the insight to define what BOL is against riders who have been here since the beginning?

You gave horrible technique advice to a hardbooter asking questions about an issue with his hardbooting. Even though you have never even hardbooted.

One of the bigger screw ups, you slammed hardbooters as wannabes on TGR. No one who belongs on BOL would have ever said that for any reason!

When ever you post on a topic I am familiar it is clear you know a lot less than you want us to think. I have to assume this carries over to most of the other numerous topics that you post about. Example 1, Example 2. There are other examples. Others have expressed the same opinion.

Your political advocacy on BOL, a hardbooting website.

One of my favorite Rover threads. You were going to redesign hardboot bindings without having a shred of experience using them?

The simple fact is that you don't belong here.

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buell, I am not sure if the amount of time you spend on me is amusing or entertaining or alarming or downright scary....it is odd. It is like having a lurker in the bushes.

Oh, and I just perused your set of examples. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to actually have examples that back-up your sundry claims?

For example, what did I tell Valsam that was so wrong? This presumption that you have that one can only EC in hardboots is both false and egalitarian, and yet it obviously provides the groundwork of your opinion. And the other example about Peak 7601? I said in the very first paragraph that the steepness might be derived from the photography and that something wasn't right about it. This comes from my OWN experience in the mountains. Do you even READ what others post before you comment on them? Because there are at least 3 examples above that in which you OBVIOUSLY did not.

But I think what is most important, is that you seem to have an inability to let things rest...as if that's part of your psyche. Basically what you are doing is cyber-bullying. I cannot really describe it another way.

Between you and Bobdea and Tex, you have basically whipped Photodad2000 so much that he really does not want to utter a peep. Is that good conduct? Is that decorum? I think not. What it truly is is nothing more than schoolyard bullying in an online forum.

You try to conjure this personna that you are this benovalent, well-informed presence....well, I think your true personna comes out readily in your interaction with either me or Photodad. That of a spiteful little boy.

You've shown that shallow spitefulness time and time again, in this regard.

That's the last I'll say on this subject on this thread...but I'm sure you'll go on and on...or even start a completely new thread like you did last time.

Really....it's getting old.

In answer to your question that you ask on almost every single post: "Why am I here?" Because I like to carve. Need there be another reason?

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