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A Glass Of Beer Before I "Hit It"


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I noticed something and this only applies to snowboarding ( 22 years of it) and now my 1st season of hard boot carving practice, that when I stop for lunch and have a pint ( Double IPA ;) of course ) that I am better both at higher speeds and at my carving practice.

I am "loose" yet still very focused, and more relaxed after having 1 beer , repeat ONE beer , NOT 2.

Now after 2 beers I am no longer sharp and so I never drink more than 1 beer when I am at the mountain.

I have NOT noticed that with all other sports I partake in, in all other sports I can NOT even have one drink or its a waist of time, ONLY when riding a steep on a snowboard.

The only reason I honestly can think of for this phenomena is that I am a bit nervous & so I could be tight because I go kinda fast anyways, and so I am not relaxed to begin with and a beer takes the edge off and then I don't unconsciously fight the board and I am more in the flow and not against it, ( does that make any sense ??? )

What say You , Beer ? Coffee ? or strictly Oxygen & Water ?

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usually water and gatorade in my backpack that i ride with. every once in a while, if i feel like lettin' loose... a flask filled with whiskey :) i'll concur with it sort of loosening you up in a good way at first, then eventually in a bad (or also good depending on how you look at it) way if you keep pounding.

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You may find, just sitting down and relaxing for a bit has the same effect, but without the resulting drop in reaction times. It often helps just to take mind of something you are trying to do. You come back after, without the tension in your body, but more focus in your head.


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usually water and gatorade in my backpack that i ride with. every once in a while, if i feel like lettin' loose... a flask filled with whiskey :) i'll concur with it sort of loosening you up in a good way at first, then eventually in a bad (or also good depending on how you look at it) way if you keep pounding.


Ya I don't like the drunk feeling & 2 pints give me that feling, and because I am very active and kina athletic ( as apposed to being a real athlete which I am not ) I keep it to 1, ;)

RE "Paxl" lol, I wonder what that would feel like :freak3:

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There is definitely a"flow" factor & loosening up after a drink or two.

Mrs. b doesn't drink much but a hit off the flask or a mint in the cocoa dulls her fear factor & lets the muscles flow without the hesitation & over thinking.

I on the other hand have what I call the 2 to 6 beer zone; at 2 my turns loosen up & flow together, by 6 all the precision is gone and I tend to fall, time to go home.

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You may find, just sitting down and relaxing for a bit has the same effect, but without the resulting drop in reaction times. It often helps just to take mind of something you are trying to do. You come back after, without the tension in your body, but more focus in your head.



Your right Bob, when I get there early ( which I always try to do ) and I want to be the 1st to cut the groom I am to wired up and edgy and so I dont have that elemental experience that I should be having.

Here is another thing I have noticed that I LOVE to ride the lift almost as much as coming back down, to me the contrast of the slow ride up vs the fast one down, the fresh air with a wonderful view on the lift is SOOOoooooo spiritual and nice that I enjoy it almost as much.

I like riding the lift alone for that reason I can sit and "be still".

Being to edgy to ride fast reminds me of a line from an old Black Sabbath song "Your killing Yourself To Live" :)

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There is definitely a"flow" factor & loosening up after a drink or two.

Mrs. b doesn't drink much but a hit off the flask or a mint in the cocoa dulls her fear factor & lets the muscles flow without the hesitation & over thinking.

I on the other hand have what I call the 2 to 6 beer zone; at 2 my turns loosen up & flow together, by 6 all the precision is gone and I tend to fall, time to go home.


MY REPLY: Aahhh You took the bus or "caught a ride" up to the mountain on those 6'er days right ??? :eek:

You behind the wheel on the way back down the mountain > :sleep:lol.

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The breakfast of champion bums at all my favorite ski hills:lol:

Actually I love a nut brown ale or IPA but the good stuff's for apre.


MY REPLY: Now yr talking, See I just "knew" that the carver class was a "cut above" the usual Mickies malt liquor crowd, :)

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Pucci's Pub at Schwietzer has at least 5 IPAs and 3 brown ales on tap, as well 3 stouts(1 being Guiness of course), Stella & Blue Moon, Rouge and a few other nortwest micros. Kokanee gold for the canucks, 1 "domestic" (cur's light not a bud in sight) for the people that don't know any better,

and cheap peeburr pounders for us bums with extra pockets:lol:

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I'm gonna guess (somewhat educated guess) is that your experiencing an increase in dopamine. This happens as well with your concerta (or other stimulants, etc). Increase dopamine = increased feelings of well-being, increase in cognition. And while I only get stronger and quicker, for many people, too many beers and the effects of the alcohol (ie: intoxication) don't do much for reaction time, muscle control, cognition.

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things seem faster to me after a few beers, maybe you're just feeling the illusion of speed? Because it's odd that you'd perform a precision exercise better after a beer.


MY REPLY: I also notice a few other things about having a pint and hard booting.

When I ride in the morning on the good groom and no beer ( no beer before lunch ) my legs get tired and even crampy ( remember I am new to hard boots ) and I just am not "smooth" , I can tell I am fighting and muscling the long board and boots.

Give me a beer and I stop fighting the board & hill and I can ride the mid afternoon ruffed up crud better.

I am a pretty darn good motorcyclist, owning a M/Cyle shop for 9 years & riding M/C's much longer than I have been S/B'ing, and I dont fight the bike at all I have 100% concentration and I simply do NOT like to ride the twisties on a sport bike on anything but water.

I am much more comfy on a sport bike at 100+ than a carve board at 40+, I think its just what I am good at, at this time in my life and learning curve I don't have confidence on the board or perhaps in the board ( I don't know )

The difference is not drastic between beer and no beer, but I know & feel the difference and I am a truly introspective and objective person when it comes to athletics and being in the zone, You know what > I think I am trying to forcce myself into the zone and it's not working.

I think I am in a hurry because hitting the mountain is not like just jumping on a bike and riding when ever I want, I have to drive & pay and park and get a few hours of slope time and I feel I feel squeezed and compressed to get it all in before the crowds come and I have to leave before they close

I think I will cut the beer for a few days during my noon breaks and just give it more time to mellow and stop trying to charge so hard and not be to hype to learn and do it all in one day :o

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when my legs burn after 4hrs of ripping - 100g of vodka do the same thing for me)) and no, things become more relaxed and slower after that. 50g have no such effect, 100g is a second-breather. seems like we big city folks have too many problems inside to shed by self....

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funny I never drink on the hill. as in hardly ever.

one time at a closing the mtn party I had two beers, left and caught my toe edge on the cat track and did a horrible flapper.

Another time sitting in the bar at day end watching a playoff game end drinking beers with no intention of heading back up.

An old carve buddy that I didn't know was back in town watches the end of the game with me and then insists that we go for one run.

Don't know that it was pretty but I had a ball. This was at leasta 3 or 4 beers into the afternoon. quite fun and funny.

don't think I have drank on the hill in the last two to three years though.

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