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Massive apology to...well...everyone.


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Hey D-sub, welcome back to the BOL family. I'm sorry to hear about your potential medical issues. Sending +++++ vibes your way; hope to hear that you're back on the snow soon.

And Corey, way to have a copy of the famous hard/booty pic on your hard drive!

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To whom it may concern,

One day I made pancakes. I turned my back on them for a short time.

D-sub switched out my butter for margarine. I ate it and will never be the same. For that I never forgave him.

And then "the photo" comes along. D-sub has bestowed a great gift unto us. We all owe him. Except for the straight females on BOL - you probably don't care.

D, thank you.


Erik J

OK, seriously, welcome back.

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I think we've been into it a few times, a while back already. I'm not much of a regular around here anymore, but I applaud your post and it's honesty...and your effort to reach out, especially to many people who (I"m assuming) you may never meet.

Not to sound like Rocky, LOL, but it's true, people can change, and people can do a lot to change their circumstances. It's not easy, it requires dedicated effort, opening your mind, and sometimes lifestyle changes, but it is possible (though many cannot do it, or even realize they can). Do what you have to do to "get right," both physically and emotionally.

Life is very short, you don't know what will happen tomorrow.

Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jack Michaud wrote , " what?! you could have sold that for significant money. it was a work of art. the whole picture - the girl of course, but also the pose, the light, the gun in the background, it was awesome. If you could recover it somehow, I'd help you sell it."

Yea, I especially liked the light :biggthump

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Jack Michaud wrote , " what?! you could have sold that for significant money. it was a work of art. the whole picture - the girl of course, but also the pose, the light, the gun in the background, it was awesome. If you could recover it somehow, I'd help you sell it."

Yea, I especially liked the light :biggthump

I must have missed Jack's post. the light, eh?

I couldn't have sold it...wasn't my intellectual property...but yeah...I deleted it. Was going through pics and stuff and just said "hell that's no use anymore..."

sorry, Jack. The original wasn't that high res anyway.

Too the rest of ya...thanks, and I still kinda need some "PME" sent my way.

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