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Which Carving Boards Hold The Best Edge?


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I've been somewhat out of things for awhile. I've been riding a Skwal and mainly skiing GS.

I watched the Swoard Team guys and their OPUS series on youtube and was totally impressed. From what I understand, alot of people bag on the Swoard boards.

I need something that really holds an edge and I need ideas on a board to buy.


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I would have anything metal rather then the Swoard...

Stuff I liked recently:

For nice close to locked-in feeling Prior WCR metal and decent pop - Prior WCR metal;

For super smooth, variable radius turn, less locked feel - Virus Vampire;

Super edge hold but "loose" feeling and variable shape turn - Kessler;

Non metal board that holds it's own with the titanals - Tinkler.

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Depends on what you mean by "the best". If money is no object then you want to look at the World Cup podium where you will see boards like Kessler and SG, and those will run you about $1500. Also at that price level is Virus if you like sexy unobtanium materials. Then there's Prior at about a grand, and Donek and Coiler at about $700. Also at $700 are Volkl and Nidecker which have a good reputation and are available in the Bomber store. If you're cheaper than that, buy used.

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Before people can give you a valid suggestion, you should let us know your riding level, and your riding goals.

And I echo what Tex said, edge hold has more to do with proper technique. You can't handicap poor technique with a sweet board. If your technique is poor you probably won't be able to feel the differance between boards anyway. But with proper technique you will be able to do things on a "top shelf" board you wouldn't be able to do on a lesser board.

And everyone is going to have their own opinion here. Not all are going to be the same.

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Which Carving Boards Hold The Best Edge?

I don’t think it is possible to get an objective answer to this question, too many variables. I would say that many of the new alpine boards are excellent; you just need do decide what it is you are trying to do and be honest with yourself with regards to your riding ability.

I've been somewhat out of things for a while. I've been riding an Skwal and mainly skiing GS.

The Skwal and skiing information that you provided would lead me to believe you would prefer a narrower alpine board that would be ridden with a more static upper body technique and stance angles that are at the higher or steeper end of the spectrum. If yes, search this type of board out.

I watched the Swoard Team guys and their OPUS series on youtube and was totally impressed.

The fact that you liked the Swoard movie(s) and that you ride a Rossi Undertaker might lead the reader to recommend a wider alpine board that is designed with the upper body rotation method involved; generally the stance angles are on the flatter end of the alpine scale. If yes, search this type of board out.

From what I understand, a lot of people bag on the Swoard boards.

Yes, in the past this was true; mostly this is over and done with. Don’t let the noise of a vocal few possibly steer you in the wrong purchasing direction, keep an open mind and find out what works best for you; regardless of the brand name on the top sheet.

I need something that really holds an edge and I need ideas on a board to buy.

Hope the above comments help you with this search, ideally demo several boards if you are able to.



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Ya, based on that pic I think you are doing better than OK, even though your not on a EC specific board.

It really comes down to preference.

I just recently realized I love the narrow boards.

That just how I roll.

Is that a Lacroix Skwal or something else?

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If I could have done that on my Skwal, I never would have sold it.

Hey Dan, I should give your Skwal another go this winter to see if I can lay it all the way. It's a bit too turny at 8m scr... 2 years ago I was able to put the hip down, but not the armpit. Didn't ride it last year...

Speaking of Skwals, they do hold the edge exceptionally well!

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Great picture! that board looks like a handful to deal with in a dicey situation! I've never been on one of those things, but based on you're riding i think you'll make any board you ride look good, I think you should consider length of board, side cut, and stiffness. then pick a board. Give the coiler a go in my opinion, and if you like the width of a swoard, then get a pure race. they have some width on them, and I feel that coilers have some pretty awesome edge hold, as long as you get something in you' weight range, you can probably get a stiffer board, I don' think you have a problem pressuring you're edge!! now I know other people will tell you get a different board and I'm all for other boards, you're pretty much gonna be happy with whatever you get, and after you spend some dough buying and selling different boards, you'll probably get a quiver of rides you really like! So don't be afraid of buying some used boards on this site. In my opinion, stay awat from nidecker, and volkl. They are just not gonna do what you want in my opinion. coiler, prior, donek, they are all great and wont break the bank, If you'ver got dough, then buy 2 different boards, you can be sure that they will sell if you don't like them. hope that helps, sorry for the novel:)

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I think this is my first visit to BOL in about 6 months, lots of catch up to do..

Best edge hold???

1) Just like BlueB , I agree go metal, smooths everything out, just like a car suspension if your tire aint on the pavement you got no grip.

2) Edges i) very sharp

ii) zero base bevel, 2* edge bevel, a little hooky but nice bite

3) Favorite of what I own and have demoed, Prior 179 Fatjack , wider waist, metal construct, came out of the mold with a flex just right for a 200 plus pounder, 11.9 scr, great hold and very forgiving to screw ups, my easiest board to throw a Dave* style euro down, a side benefit is decent float in moderate fresh ( would be better with a taller nose) and it can rip trees quite well. BlueB has ridden but he needs to throw an extra 40 lbs on himself for optimal results. A close second is my 2009 179 Prior WCR metal prototype, ungodly edge hold, just not very forgiving ( it is uber stiff, Chris basically gave it to me for "free" as being unsellable with that flex pattern), maybe if I bulk up a bit more

See photo by Beagle of the Fatjack doing its thing

untitled 5 - Copy.bmp

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A close second is my 2009 179 Prior WCR metal prototype, ungodly edge hold, just not very forgiving ( it is uber stiff, Chris basically gave it to me for "free" as being unsellable with that flex pattern), maybe if I bulk up a bit more

Hey if you need someone to soften it up a bit for you. I specialize in adjusting the flex pattern on stiff boards. :eplus2:

I promise you will get it back in great shape.

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Thanks, for the input

So I'm guessing you've seen the Swoard youtube videos of Patrice Fivat and Jaques Rilliet?

"Another day..... Just believe....."

One of my fave videos and songs. Actualy seeing them do this on video, (in europe prisitne primo conditions) is expected, However also having seen Pryssmtek @ Windham 2 seasons ago do EC on a Swoard on ICE was utter awesomness.

It is a wider board than a Skwal and they dont reccommend riding it with angles higher than 55 degrees @ max. With my big feet, I hope that doesn't present any issues.

I am greatly looking forward to doing a demo of a SWOARD as it is one of my top pics for my 2010 addition to my quiver. a grand is tough to just drop on something that may not be a perfect fit, and I have heard the noses are prone to folding on them in crud and to agressive with loading it up, but everyone rides differently, so here is to hoping!

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