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Natasha Richardson has passed away.


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This is terrible news, my heart goes out to her family and friends.


Guys and gals on BOL, this accident occurred on the beginner slopes at Mt. Tremblant. I am not sure if she had a helmet on but I would suspect not. Just lets you know that head injuries no matter how small at the time can lead to tragic results.

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This was almost certainly a low-speed "beginner" fall on hardpack during a lesson at Tremblant, just the kind of accident where a helmet could have prevented tragedy.

Very, very sad.

Wear a helmet, and make sure your kids and students do, too!!


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My english teacher mentioned this to me today.

He told me about a personal experience with a best friend in highschool bombing down a hill on a skateboard. No helmet, head smacked on pavement. The guy was out for a few minutes, but came to relatively normal, but several hours later his ears began to bleed, he went into a coma and eventually died.

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It doesn't alter the sadness of this event in any way ... and all our sentiments goes to family and friends. What we've been hearing in our local news regarding the helmet is that she was offered one or strongly suggested to wear one, but she declined. When the accident happened, and the patrol arrived, she later decided to go to her hotel room, instead of the hospital. But like KingCrimson mentionned, it was later that she had other symptoms. An hemoragy between the skull and the brain is pretty hard to detect by anyone, patrollers or not. Only hospital equipment can diagnostic that far I presume.

Anyway, it's a sad event. I hope it will convince some to wear head protection.


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This is all over the news now. Locally there are petitions to make helmets mandatory for skiing and snowboarding.

Ironically, I think I read that you are more likely to die from a head-injury in a car crash on the way to the hill than on the hill. Yet no one is campaigning to mandate helmets in cars...

For the record, I'm a die-hard helmet user.

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You can recognize a hill full of beginners by just counting the helmets. The less helmets, the more beginners :freak3:

I hear rumours about mandatory helmets for everyone in certain places in Europe. I believe most Germans wear helmets anyway because somebody in their parliament killed someone in an accident, since then the sale has skyrocketed.

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Sorry she's dead, but what an idiot. Wear a damn helmet.

Sorry Jim NOT an idiot! This injury was one that might only happen once in a million falls. She like MANY others didn't see the necessity for that level of protection for that level of risk. To call her an idiot is to not at all fair...You could, by the same logic, be called an idiot for engaging in the sport that you indulge in. Not discouraging helmet use since I wear one and recommend that everyone who rides/skis should, but an idiot...No...Tragic...Very tragic...

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Sorry Jim NOT an idiot! This injury was one that might only happen once in a million falls. She like MANY others didn't see the necessity for that level of protection for that level of risk. To call her an idiot is to not at all fair...You could, by the same logic, be called an idiot for engaging in the sport that you indulge in. Not discouraging helmet use since I wear one and recommend that everyone who rides/skis should, but an idiot...No...Tragic...Very tragic...

Eh, when i first learned to drive a car, i started in the parking lot. Guess what the first thing i did was?

I put my seat belt on...

In any case, tragic event. Given the choice though, much better dead than severely mentally handicapped (just my own personal preference should such a thing ever happen to me).

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Sorry Jim NOT an idiot! This injury was one that might only happen once in a million falls. She like MANY others didn't see the necessity for that level of protection for that level of risk. To call her an idiot is to not at all fair...You could, by the same logic, be called an idiot for engaging in the sport that you indulge in. Not discouraging helmet use since I wear one and recommend that everyone who rides/skis should, but an idiot...No...Tragic...Very tragic...

Sorry, definitely a VAIN idiot! "I'm an actor and I don't want to mess up my hair!. They make me look stupid. I don't need one, I won't be going that fast." Well, now see what you look like. She thought only of herself, and now a husband and 2 kids are trying to get on with their lives. So stupid and so preventable. And for all those that preach "I do what I want, and no one's gonna make me wear a helmet", good for you, more hill for me. That's called Darwinism at work. :smashfrea


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Sorry, definitely a VAIN idiot! "I'm an actor and I don't want to mess up my hair!. They make me look stupid. I don't need one, I won't be going that fast." Well, now see what you look like. She thought only of herself, and now a husband and 2 kids are trying to get on with their lives. So stupid and so preventable. And for all those that preach "I do what I want, and no one's gonna make me wear a helmet", good for you, more hill for me. That's called Darwinism at work. :smashfrea


I've said things like this before. It may sound ugly to some people, but I truly believe it. To the few friends I have who still don't wear a helmet (and everybody else), please wear a helmet. Don't think you're immune from Murphy or Darwin.

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Sorry Jim NOT an idiot! This injury was one that might only happen once in a million falls. She like MANY others didn't see the necessity for that level of protection for that level of risk. To call her an idiot is to not at all fair...You could, by the same logic, be called an idiot for engaging in the sport that you indulge in. Not discouraging helmet use since I wear one and recommend that everyone who rides/skis should, but an idiot...No...Tragic...Very tragic...

I agree - as snowboarders, we all know that it's pretty silly to ride without a helmet (I certainly ride with one every day), but

1) As a beginner it may not be obvious that you need a helmet while going 3 mph on basically a flat trail, especially since the majority of people you would have seen on the beginner slopes around you have no helmet, either, and

2) the injury she got was just a terrible fluke from what seems like a pretty minor fall. It seems like she could have tripped and fallen in her living room and received the same impact: it's just bad luck, imo.

FWIW, I ride with a helmet all the time, but I did not wear a helmet on my first day of lessons. I think it would be fair to call myself on day 1 ignorant, but not an idiot: I did not make a conscious choice not to wear a helmet - I didn't even know it was regular equipment. If you can put yourselves back in the mindset of your first day, I think you might find it more understandable that she did not wear a helmet - as a non-skier/non-snowboarder, you are not bombarded with "ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET" the way we are, you probably hadn't bought a helmet yet because you didn't know it was "required gear" or weren't sure you were going to get into the sport for sure and they didn't rent helmets at the ski school, snow (to a non skier) sounded like fluffy soft stuff, you didn't have a bunch of skier friends that had gotten concussions, etc., etc.. I mean, on my first day I think I showed up with wind pants on top of jeans, cotton socks, and like a windbreaker on top of a sweatshirt. I had no idea what I was doing; I was a beginner. How would a person like that own a ski helmet?!

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In a post in another thread I stated my belief that ski school instructors (especially) and ski patrol should required to wear helmets. I would say that ski schools should be required to mandate/issue helmets just like rafting companies are required to have their customers in PFDs so that they learn why they're important.

I still do not think industry wide helmet should be enacted on adults, be it ski/boarding or motor cycles. This country is supposed to be about freedom of choice. I hope people, with the right kind of education about this subject, make the right choice without having to be forced to by yet another law.

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Before this past Monday, I couldn't have told you who she was or what she'd done. Having since read about her many roles, the gutsy way she approached them, and the dues she paid along the way, it's clear she was a very strong, brave, and skilled woman. She was also, no doubt, a loving and beloved wife and mother.

And yes, she was very beautiful. (I vaguely remember her completely ravishing character in Parent Trap, II.) But to attribute to shallow vanity her decision not to wear a helmet is just wrong, unfounded, and cruel. As several other posters have made clear, who knows what thought processes led to that (probably) fatal choice?

It's been 11 years since the deaths of Michael (?) Kennedy and Sonny Bono brought the helmet issue to national prominence. Let's hope the fallout from this tragedy furthers safety awareness and impacts resort policies in a positive way. (No I'm not in favor of a blanket, mandatory helmet policy, but I, for one, haven't walked onto a slope without a lid for almost 20 years.) It seems to me that requiring helmets, and making them cheaply available, for all beginning and intermediate lessons should be a minimum standard at any resort.

Ride safe, and encourage others to do so!

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In a post in another thread I stated my belief that ski school instructors (especially) and ski patrol should required to wear helmets. I would say that ski schools should be required to mandate/issue helmets just like rafting companies are required to have their customers in PFDs so that they learn why they're important.

I still do not think industry wide helmet should be enacted on adults, be it ski/boarding or motor cycles. This country is supposed to be about freedom of choice. I hope people, with the right kind of education about this subject, make the right choice without having to be forced to by yet another law.

That ties in with something I was saying somewhere else the other day about the alpine responsibility code. The fact that it is not emphasized by most instructors on day one, diminishes it's importance to many people. The ski industry of course, doesn't want to frighten people with a bunch of safety stuff, but many preventable accidents occur as a consequence.

Promoting helmets does alert people to the risk, but I think the industry is nervous about sales. The real risk is small, though given the option many more people would want a chance to lower it further.


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One more thing I keep forgetting to say...

Take it from someone who has brain damage, you don't want it.

Disclaimer: although my experience started with a tumor, the following surgery and radiation and chemo treatments have resulted brain damage very much like any other impact related traumatic brain injury would be.

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Sorry, definitely a VAIN idiot! "I'm an actor and I don't want to mess up my hair!. They make me look stupid. I don't need one, I won't be going that fast." Well, now see what you look like. She thought only of herself, and now a husband and 2 kids are trying to get on with their lives. So stupid and so preventable. And for all those that preach "I do what I want, and no one's gonna make me wear a helmet", good for you, more hill for me. That's called Darwinism at work. :smashfrea


That's not very nice. You don't know what her thoughts were.

Ignorant? Uninformed? - perhaps, but not stupid.

I regularly preach the value of helmets and make my kids wear them, but I don't believe in mandatory helmets for anyone.

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A bit of thread creep is going on....so I simply wanted to point out that "wearing a helmet" is a false sense of security. To that point, I'm against any mandatory use of anything which address victimless crimes.

Why? Because people are generally stupid by nature. I can't tell you how many bad fitting helmets I've seen on little kids. Surprised there are not more broken necks. Do we need an additional law which states helmets just actually fit?

Yes, a good friend was a glide tester for the US Women's Ski team and hit a shack at Beaver Creek going around 80mph....Boeri Profi, died instantly. RIP.

Really sucks to hear about another death, but let's not pile on more laws in this country which don't address the issue.

RIP Natasha.

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A bit of thread creep is going on....so I simply wanted to point out that "wearing a helmet" is a false sense of security.
That's like saying that seatbelts give a driver a false sense of security. I feel more "secure" when I wear the helmet but that doesn't cause me to take more chances any more than seatbelts do. I don't even think about the helmet when I ride. But I was sure glad it was there when I bashed my head on the ice at Slide Mt a few years ago.

Bad fitting helmets on kids? The answer is education. Same problem exists with seatbelts and airbags and the work-arounds are now common knowledge and practiced.

I don't think a helmet law is needed.

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