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Metal Mania

Bobby Buggs

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You can use Bruce's names in all the Chuck Norris jokes and they still make sense..

Since this has become an i love Bruce thread....

If you have five dollars and Bruce V has five dollars, Bruce V has more money than you.

There is no 'ctrl' button on Bruce V's computer. Bruce V is always in control.

Apple pays Bruce V 99 cents every time he listens to a song.

Bruce V can sneeze with his eyes open.

Bruce V can eat just one Lay's potato chip.

Bruce V is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you.

Bruce V destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.

Bruce V can kill two stones with one bird.

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OHH MAN! I've wanted to take a spin in one for a long time.

Glad to see everyone having some here fun for a change:lol:

Yeah, the car is fun its a 91 with only 69k Kms on it and I have had it for nearly 4 years. Its my hobby ( therapy) as I do all the work on it including basic track set up as I get to exercise it a few times a year at Mosport. Being 17 yrs old it does have a few dated designs but is very pleasing to the eye as IMO its a timeless design. Bought it when I still had a real job as I knew it was time to get all the toys before becoming a full time board builder. Super reliable as you can just beat the crap out of it all day and it still purrs when you come to a stop. My ace in the hole is my brother works for Honda so all parts are acquired at super happy hour prices. Still some crazy prices for stuff though. Want to supercharge, 10 grand+ US:eek: I'm happy with it as is , maybe just some headers to get another 20 HP and that'll be plenty.

Bob. cmon up and we'll go for a spin, you better be short though as 6' and up you have to recline the seats somewhat. I'm only 5'-10" and with a helmet on, I'm bouncing against the headliner.

Heres the summer set up


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ive got an 05 cummins 5.9l common rail engine sitting in my shop. lets drop it in, i think you'll like the numbers on her. the power ratings are around 435hp and 845'lbs of torque, thanks to www.bankspower.com. it would be the first sled pulling acura ever!

btw t32, has officially changed our name to t32 metal militia!:eplus2:

chubbie, chubbie, chubbie, chubbie!


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Having the pleasure of watching them many weekends, Neil and his Kessler race crew get my vote for creating the coolest lift chair carving scene. :biggthump


A K- sometime you're at Roundtop, track us down and we'll make some turns together!

Obama appointed Bruce V to his cabinet, despite "silly citizenship requirements..." :)

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I have to make complaint about Bruce, sorry. :eek:

He has board called NSR which understood as NewSchoolRace but after being week on conditions from knee deep powder to hard surface i think correct name should be NewSuperRide.

This incorrect naming will confuse people order other boards even this board is killer to almost any surface you could find.

I rode all styles known (by me) from Bomber style via EC carves with Patrice to famous Flegmatic-carves and this board really kicks best out of slopes and rider everywhere :1luvu:

Some pics here about lousy conditions where i was forced to do my testing cycle:


I've been now with this board from local bunny hills to decent deep slopes and i must admit biggest surprise is how well this board turns but still keeps speed on bunnies and behaves so nicely also in slow speed :). For steeper surfaces and higher speeds i had no doubt anyway :ices_ange This board rocks:1luvu::1luvu:

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That board collection on Page 4 is insane. If I were single that is what my basement would look like. Nice well rounded quiver. Now let me get back to my meager existence, 2 POGOs and a BV is prepping for press this afternoon on my custom, cannot wait.

I dont know Chuck Norris jokes, The Big Mac one was my favorite so far, but I see Bruce as more like Clint Eastwood, who I think is more bad A$$ in his younger years than chuck ever was. The Outlaw Josey Wales is the best.

"Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?"

Bruce rides nice and smooth, relaxed, sorta like Josey on a horse.

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man. someone say something to bring the manliness quotient of this forum back up quick. ;)

Sorry I can't help there, I'm still catching my breath after hurting myself laughing!!!

Plus, I'm in complete agreement with the accolades for Dr. Varsava.

And to totally date myself: Little old lady says to Burton and company, "Where's the Bruce????"

Sorry, couldn't resist an inane attempt at humour....

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