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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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I rode chair one for the first time today! Dada and I made two runs. Dustin and Shelly joined me for one of them. I am so proud of myself and had so much fun. We went down catwok, mambo and homerun. I'm getting better but have a little bit of trouble going from heelside to toeside.

Thanks Dustin and Shelly for joining me on my second run. I hope your back feels better Dustin.


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on the big mountain. Kai rode lift one then down the catwalk, mambo and finally homerun. Vid quality sucks since it was shot on my phone. Filming took place on homerun back to the lifts.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzu6K_ZfGas&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzu6K_ZfGas&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


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Since the unsuccesful attempted mating of my phone and my zune last week, I no longer have anyones numbers, so if you guys could call my cell that would be great. On a side note, please make no mention of the virus around my honey until I get it worked out with Bola and Frank.


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Well I am planning on Sunday if the rest of you punks are going to show. I have a softie friend in town who will have fun playing on Chair 8...so I need others to ride with to avoid having to go over there :p

I suspect we will all be over there if the snow and wind keep up, tanker is coming out for the first time this year, but I still will be on plates.


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Since the unsuccesful attempted mating of my phone and my zune last week, I no longer have anyones numbers, so if you guys could call my cell that would be great. On a side note, please make no mention of the virus around my honey until I get it worked out with Bola and Frank.



I'll ask Dustin to forward my number since I don't have yours... Ts

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yo lci= pefect conditions every weeknd= passafyers! deal with it you gayda lovin freaks ! :barf:

heres the bet.

i'll take your top 6 guys on a trip to the ice coast. you guys pay air fai, and ill pick ya up at logan for some real time carvin. room and board and meals all set. you pay for lift tickets and midol sesions! lets do this, my house sleeps 27 comfortably! we'ell see how ya'll pan out on the ICE COAST!


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yo lci= pefect conditions every weeknd= passafyers! deal with it you gayda lovin freaks ! :barf:

heres the bet.

i'll take your top 6 guys on a trip to the ice coast. you guys pay air fai, and ill pick ya up at logan for some real time carvin. room and board and meals all set. you pay for lift tickets and midol sesions! lets do this, my house sleeps 27 comfortably! we'ell see how ya'll pan out on the ICE COAST!


What are you on and did you bring any for the rest of the class? :freak3:

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