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How Do You Lose A Snowboard -or- This Getting Old Is Not For Sissies

Dave Winters

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Can't find this board. When I went to get my boards and stuff together recently, it just wasn't there. Then I looked everywhere. Now, I do have a lot of s*#@, but there's a limited amount of places a 185cm snowboard deck could be...

I was trying to sell it at the end of last season, but it didn't sell and I thought I'd try again at the beginning of this season.

If you bought this board from me and I forgot (!?) let me know.

Nothing has ever been stolen from our house.... but if you have seen this board let me know.curlymaple.jpg



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Reminds me of the time I thought I lost all my fishing rods (or had them stolen). I went out and bought four brand new ones. A week later, I found my old ones, propped up, behind a door. Take my advice on this - forget about the board, go about your daily tasks and you will find it.

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Thanks, guys..

Its a Donek Freecarve1 185, custom topsheet from Original snowboard art.

I did check bank accounts and paypal, nothing there..

URSLE: Do you remember my selling this thing?

I'm considering claiming it on my Homeowner's Ins if it doesn't show up... Paid 700+ for it and only had 20 days at the most on it:confused::(

Thanks again.

BTW- I am turning Double Nickel Nov 8. Party in Steamboat!

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FWIW:lurk: My dad had a similiar mysterious disappearance from his house. A very expensive classic martin guitar. He didn't notice for months but narrowed it down to the housekeepers sudden resignation several months before he noticed it missing. Noone else had access. highpriced items in storage areas are an easy score for someone who has access and knowledge of single item value. steal one big ticket item and maybe nobody notices until its to late to figure out who the perp is.

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Thor's got it, he's just trying to burn you for half a C note. anybody that knows him will tell you he's that kind of guy.

In reality, that sucks buddy. Had a Gibson L6S disappear the same way. VERY collectable guitar. Just couldn't find it. Went through the closets a hundred times, it was just gone.

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I had the same thing happen to me with my old suspension set up on my MINI.

I could have sworn the kids across the street took it out of my garage to put on their Hondas.

Turned out the parts were stashed away under a bunch of crap in the way corner of my garage.:rolleyes:

You never know where things turn up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I knew it was around...

Evidently my wife, after an over-zealous watering session, flooded the basement a little and moved some stuff into our spare bedroom and forgot (!) about it. It was tucked in right between a bookcase and a dresser, with only the tip showing. She was putting some books away and just happened to see it.

Can you say WHEW??

Oh well.

Look for it in Classifieds.

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I knew it was around...

Evidently my wife, after an over-zealous watering session, flooded the basement a little and moved some stuff into our spare bedroom and forgot (!) about it. It was tucked in right between a bookcase and a dresser, with only the tip showing. She was putting some books away and just happened to see it.

Can you say WHEW??

Oh well.

Look for it in Classifieds.

I liked it better when you thought you were losing your mind. :eek::eplus2:

Glad you found it.

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...I've been missing 6-7 sheets of grip tape of varying colors for 2 months now. I have torn my house apart and cannot find where I put all of my grip tape for my skateboards. I'm ready to call in a PI and have him find it for me.

As a side-note, I've also decided to give up drinking malt liquor in the 40 oz. bottle and go back to the 22 oz. size.


PS I'm glad you found your board. That must have been a terrible feeling to have in your mind.

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