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Boobs? Who doesn't love boobs?


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I think the intent was for the pics to come from Steph or Andrea.

Need I remind Steph, Andrea and Cheri what they were close to doing at the ECES-08 to ensure we had good grooming. Lets just say that our groomers would have been :1luvu::1luvu::eek::1luvu::eek::p:p

Let's see'm girls. :lurk::1luvu::biggthump:D

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Hi All,

Just want to say thanks to everyone for being so supportive, and for the donations that have been sent in. Andrea and I really appreciate it! You guys and gals are awesome!

Now, lets talk about pictures. Geoff, as you so thankfully remembered the offer that Andrea, myself and Cheri made at ECES in order to coax the groomers. We would have been happy to oblige for such a great cause:D. Which brings me to this post. We are walking for a great cause (maybe even better than good grooming;)). What would everyone think of us auctioning off a picture????? Photo goes to the highest donator. Anyone that has already donated will be included. Just trying to think out loud here, instead of just throwing a photo up of myself for everyone's pleasure (or maybe :barf:)


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NOW this is what I'm talking about. Steph that is uh a great idea. I better subscribe to this thread asap and start doing more:lurk::lurk::lurk:

So I got automatically entered into this,sweet. Uh Alex,Shaggy and Dave better be ok with this.

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... What would everyone think of us auctioning off a picture????? Photo goes to the highest donator. Anyone that has already donated will be included. Just trying to think out loud here, instead of just throwing a photo up of myself for everyone's pleasure (or maybe :barf:)


This thread has taken a turn from great to greaterest.


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There is this great movie based on true story about these middle aged women in the UK (Great Britain or england as you will).

to raise money for the expense of a needed operation for one of the husbands they decide in this womens gardening club to do a risque calender showing thier boobs off. Great movie great story. to raise even more money we could do two calenders. One of the women for the guys and one of the guys for the women. As long as none of the pictures are posted on the boards here it can be as risque as we want.

has anyone seen the movie? we could do it.

what does every one think. Female death for breast cancer is a big deal as is male death rates from testicular and prostate cancer.

We as a dedicated community could do something really good for the rest of society and even many of our own who are struggling with these cancers.:ices_ange


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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2">image.php?u=5&dateline=1204143920</td> <td nowrap="nowrap"> Jack Michaud user_offline.gif <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("postmenu_201536", true); </script>


</td> <td width="100%"> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top"> Join Date: Nov 2003

Location: Portland.ME.USA

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<hr style="color: rgb(51, 153, 255);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> I call photographer duties.

<!-- / message --><!-- sig --> __________________

Ok Jack we are only a few hours apart. You can take the photos i get to do the computer enhancement and layout. i am expert at both Picasa and gimp. have done photos for internet sales of Jensen convertibles (498 total production) for my neighbor by taking pics of her late husbands red one and turning the pics into the green one. Yep, he owned two of them, even the top Jensen expert in the whole world could not tell. SO you take digital photos jack and i will massage them and get them into PDF for printing Calendars.



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Let me agree with Steph adn thank everyone for their support so far, both the emotional and financial is great. This community really is amazing. So Steph and I talked yesterday about how we could raise more money and go ahead with the boob shots you are all asking for... so we came up with the auction idea... so I went out with a friend last night and she agreed (along with 2 other girls that I know will be in for it) for the 4 of us to do a shot together... her husband was nice enought offfer to photograph:eplus2:

So my auction offer is going to be 4 sets of boobs and a coiler (or a donek or f2 if requested by the auction winner, basically i have to have it here to use it!) PLease remember the photos will tasteful, not just porn!

so copyright, my thought is that we request that the winner does not post the picture... here or anywhere on the internet....

Remember, we have to raise $2000 each in order to walk...

At this point, I am much closer to that point that Steph, so I am going to ask that the donations be made to her account and maybe we set a cutoff date for the "silent auction" and the person who has donated the most by that date will get the picture... How does that sound to everyone? Or Steph could offer up a picture for auction as well and the higest donater in each of our accounts will get that person's photo....

how does this sound?

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i forgot to hit my refresh button, so didn't see all the posts about the calendar idea... i think the movie was called calendar girls and it was a cute movie with a great idea...so, i'm in... i can offer my shot from the auction if the winner is cool with that...

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Ok, Steph and I talked and here is what the plan is for the auction

What you get: you will get a picture with at least 4 pairs of boobs (the girls were upset when i told them the pic would be tasteful, they wanted the porn shot.... we agreed that each girl could be as raunchy as she wanted to be... so it will be a very fun picture knowing these ladies!!!! Count on at least R rated!) There also may be more ladies willing to be in this picture...


1. All donations are to be made to Steph's campaign by clicking here

2. "bids" cannot be posted here on BOL and only actual donations count

3. We will update what the current highest donation is, but no names (please repsect this)

4. Anyone who has already donated to both of us will get credit for both donations, since they are going to the same charity!

5. You can make additional donations anytime and it will be added to your running total.

6. You must indicate on your donation messgae that this is for the "BOL Auction" or something along those lines so we can be sure we know who's who!

7. Donations to other charities, while applauded, do not count, we need to raise $2000 each in order to walk and so we need to raise money for our charity.

8. If you have donated to us already please let us know if you want to be included in this auction, either via email or a post on this thread.

9. we ask the winner not to post the picture on BOL or anywhere on the internet.

am I forgetting anything?

Oh, auction end date is August 15th, this gives us a few weeks to beg our other friends somne more if we haven't both hit the $2000 mark! The winner will receive the photo within 2 weeks of the end of the auction (sorry I will be away, so will send it out as soon as I get back!)

anything else? moderators, this look ok?


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andreac, any way to get a hold of the pic with the kitty. We foster kittens for friends of animals and Gretchen would love to send that pic out explaining why our kittens are so much more loving than all the others.

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andreac, any way to get a hold of the pic with the kitty. We foster kittens for friends of animals and Gretchen would love to send that pic out explaining why our kittens are so much more loving than all the others.

Hi SEJ, may take me a few, had a family emergency and away for a few weeks, but once I get back to my computer at home in about 2 weeks I can see where i have it and email it to you. send me an email through BOL around the end of July and I will be home and happy to help all the kitties i can!

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