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Heavy Snow warning in the PNW

C5 Golfer

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I am so tired of this June winter... We are expecting 1 foot of snow or more today in WA state. and this is Jun 9th! Wish the ski resorts would open again since Golf and Bike riding and Hiking sucks right now. This Global Warming stuff is a bunch of crap -- we almost had frost the other night. This 40° F weather is a little cold this time of year and needing snow tires and or chains to go over the pass in June. :barf::barf::barf:

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I wish I had your problems...

Our golf course is soaking wet. It's normally pretty wet, even on the dry days, so now it's like treking through a swamp.

Oh, what I wouldn't do to go snowboarding right now...:smashfrea

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The weather in Calgary sucks. It's rain, rain and more rain. And it's not supposed to stop until this weekend, when apparently the sun might come out. No camping again for the fourth week in a row - it will be a swamp. I had to cancel my mountain bike ride in Kananaskis last weekend because it was snowing!

It's cold too. It went down to 3degC last night, and I had to turn the damn heaters back on. Come on already, it's June!!

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We are flirting with the biggest flood since 1964 here. more snow in the mountains down to 4000 ft. and raining like the great flood here now. the rivers are just under flood stage and have been for six weeks. a serious warm snap now would float us for sure.:eek:

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I just heard on the radio this morning that vail is planning on opening again for another couple of days. Said they still have up to 3 feet on the upper mountain. Anyway, I forget the details, but it was something like 7 runs and a couple lifts, or maybe it was 7 lifts.. I don't know, I took a nap in between now and then so I forgot most of it.

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This is a full on winter storm. It is snowing hard and is sticking:eek: probably an inch on unfrozen ground.

This Global warming is really something :rolleyes:

I heard 2 inches in missoula already. Its supposed to snow at least two feet on the mountain today getting worse as the day goes on. I am at 3200 feet and the snowline was predicted above 4500 or so.:D

Welcome to montana:D

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90 degrees in New England and a foot in the cascades? I gotta call Ullr and ask him about this bullsh!t

please excuse Matt's behavior he gets a little cranky in the summer months :lol:

Matt you can still get some runs in at Tucks, still plenty of snow up there


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Rined like crazy in Van yesterday. Frazer River is really high.

However, today, with beter visibility just East of the city, I can see fresh snow in the hills. Radio reported snow line just above 1500ft. It's really cold, like 7C, I started heating in the house again.

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Bachelor wasn't supposed to get any snow - but check this out:


This is from a few minutes ago. This morning, there was a lot of brown in the immediate area of the turnstiles. I'd have to guess that the base depth away from the base area, where they plow it down to make sure the lodge stairs stay above the snow, is about 6 or 7 feet.

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IT has been snowing steady and hard since 7am this morning. It is now 4pm Even with the snow year we had it never snowed more than a couple hours down at this elevation.:biggthump

The summer folk and my tomatoes are pissed but it sure is fun to see:eplus2:

over 8 inches already above 4000 ft in some areas. Somebody call Al Gore and have him explain this cause I am confused:eplus2:

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I just heard on the radio this morning that vail is planning on opening again for another couple of days. Said they still have up to 3 feet on the upper mountain. Anyway, I forget the details, but it was something like 7 runs and a couple lifts, or maybe it was 7 lifts.. I don't know, I took a nap in between now and then so I forgot most of it.

You sure of this? I do know we're opening next week for bicycling, tho?

anwyays, back to the topic, you know, its been awfully cold up here when I work on the mountains (32 degrees to 40 degrees). Today.... ahh, FINALLY, summer has arrived. I was told it was 35 degrees up there, yesterday on my day off. Jeez. ENOUGH.

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IT has been snowing steady and hard since 7am this morning. It is now 4pm Even with the snow year we had it never snowed more than a couple hours down at this elevation.:biggthump

The summer folk and my tomatoes are pissed but it sure is fun to see:eplus2:

over 8 inches already above 4000 ft in some areas. Somebody call Al Gore and have him explain this cause I am confused:eplus2:

Like Desi would say --" Al G - you got some esplaning to do!"


i feel like eating more meat, running my lawn mower, burning wood, letting my car idle, just to warm this planet up where it was last year..

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Bastards !

Cooking at the Country Club, Sweating my ass off in 131 degree kitchen and Jonsing for snow.........

Guess I just have to sit and watch you guys enjoy it...

But I'm out on the jetski, so its all good. Will be railing on the wake board soon too.... My shoulder is at full strength again (a year later), and I definately need to go out and try throwing some air under my feet again... Hopefully flips will hurt a lot less on the water when you land upside down. LOL

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My bad, Aspen, not vail. What can I say, I'm only from Michigan and don't get out west to go boardin much.

I'm probably gonna be tubing (down a river with a beer in my hand, not behind a boat) the weekend after this one. And then again for sure the weekend after that.

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