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Funny enough, in South Africa we also say it. Accent is slightly different, though, somewhat in between "Hey" and "Eh".


yup , taht would make me YVR.

(For those not in the know, YYZ and YVR are the codes of Toronto and Vancouver airports.)

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I accepted the Canadian citizenship, just this morning!

Congratulations Boris!!

(I'll be looking for your insider tips when they reinstate the draft down here. :rolleyes: )

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Congratulations Boris!

I'm lucky enough to be a "United Statesian" and a Canuck!

Actually, for the longest time my Canadian identification card was my ID while traveling!

It was a picture of me when I was no older than 2, but I strangely have hair that has only recently been allowed to grow out as far.

I now have an American Passport.

The United Statesian term comes from my grandfather, who claims that "Canadians, Mexicans, and all those citizens of South American countries are Americans" :lurk:

He also swears that at their cottage, the advertising on the upstate New York channel is significantly worse than the Canadian channel they get.

You know, when the US tanks, I'll be turning to Canada and their Albertan oil sands. And some of my favorite lines from Canada. When I say "Wow, that's a lot of sales tax!," I get the reply "Canada, Eh?" or.."Everyone is so well prepared here," as on Boxing Day, I take a walk in San Diego appropriate clothing. My grandfather's only reply was to push me into a snow bank.

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As with many things he says, he just says it to stir up trouble. It's also his bizarre form of humor, such as the fact that he tries to get me to play hangman, despite the fact that I know he uses the word "phlegm" every time, all the meanwhile being aware that I'm aware that he's aware that I'm awa..

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Congratulations, dude. Funny, I was talking with a good friend of mine last night about the citizenship stuffs. Pretty interesting stuffs. 400 to 800 bucks just to apply for US citizenship these days. Jesus, I could buy Madd board with that kind of money!

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400 to 800 bucks just to apply for US citizenship these days.

If I piled up all the costs leading to become a Canuck, like Permanent Residentship application fees, landing fees, redoing various documents, drivers licences, Citizenship application, and probably the most expensive one - my wife's degree nostrification, we would be waaay over $10K. That doesn't even include the transfer of ourselves, pets and our stuff from another continent.

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If I piled up all the costs leading to become a Canuck, like Permanent Residentship application fees, landing fees, redoing various documents, drivers licences, Citizenship application, and probably the most expensive one - my wife's degree nostrification, we would be waaay over $10K. That doesn't even include the transfer of ourselves, pets and our stuff from another continent.

Ok, with that kind of money, I could use it for a pure-bred road racing motorcycle including equipments. :)

but anyhow, despite the 10K, I still offer you my congratulations. My dad's originally from South Africa but he somehow managed to get hisself immigrated to US by playing with the system, legally. This was way back in the 70s.

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Awesome choice eh!

But what is up with that squinty eyed magistrate.

I know you have some liberal laws up there in the Western part of Canada particularly but that is ridiculous.

Well, west coast has its extremes, J.P. at my roommate's hearing was hot.

I think that judge is a Member of the Order of Canada.

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Just found out this morning that people on visa waiver (ie my New Zealand passport) will have to register online three days before they want to travel to the US - starting from next year. No register, no entry.

Looks like I'll have to get my act together and get that citizenship application in quick smart, if I want to be able to take last minute trips to Montana in the winter. What a PITA.

Boris, how long did your application take to process? I know my Mexican co-worker at my last job was through in five months.

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When we applied, they told us it would take up to 16 months. However, it went quicker, just under a year.

Be carrefull with US laws and changes. A lot can depend on the mood of the border officer, too. Few years ago I landed myself into trouble trying to go to Seattle on South African passport combined with Mapple Leaf card (supposedly ok combo at that time)...

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I accepted the Canadian citizenship, just this morning!

Congratulation, Bro!!:biggthump

Being Canucks the border PC will automatically spit you off the system:p you don't fit the profile anymore:rolleyes: ...Only passport to cross and your credit card...:)

What a summer activities you have...1st buy a house, 2nd get yr citizen.., 3rd fixing your old place, 4th move to the new place..., 5th reno the basement, 6th ...what else you have in your agenda:confused: And I still doing my garage:freak3: ...

Submit ours last Jan'08, hope don't have to wait for 16 months...:(

C ya later,


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Don't forget:

6) Apply for Canuck passport

7) Go to Blackcomb Glacier to ski/board with my dad visiting from Europe (are you in?)

8) Make dad work on the reno of the basement

9) Rent out the basement

10) Go to Europe with the kid

See you tomorrow night... Off to sleep now.

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