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BOL board out of the loop. Bordy out...


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I don't remember going into hiding. I remember a lot of show-boating, chest-thumping, back-slapping, and circle-jerking which I actively avoided being associated with. There were also a number of people who felt that the only part of the edge that matters is between the nose and front foot, that breaking a board automatically meant you were a great rider, and that everyone else on the mountain was automatically inferior to the Almighty Hardbooter. I wonder if maybe this kind of BS is why so few real pros elect to participate?

You're imagining things.

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That's not true. Bordy ran 11 FIS races, you can see his total results here. Admittedly no podiums, best finish 12th, but that's still better than you or me.

FIS races aren't the same as World Cup races. If you look up someone like Jasey Jay, you'll see that World Cup events show up as such.

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I just got home from a trip and was reading over the thread about crappy burton snowboards that suck ass, with the Ignorant comments about snowboards and snowboarding as always on this site. I think I have had enough. Like almost every other pro who has tried to bring this web site any form of real input based on the current level of alpine snowboarding(thats the one in the real world not the made up one online).

As I stand with my jaw on the ground reading comments from riders with a year or less of riding or even better from skiers. Not only toward me but towards other long time members of the alpine community. I am as always amazed by the true ignorance from these riders-posters.

Since a long time pro like myself always has to "defend their statements". I am done trying to defend real world experance VS. internet snowboarding.

Since most of my pers in the sport consider me to be an expert in my field I think I am done wasting my time on a board where a few riders with a year or two on snow think they should be providing me with advise on how to "post on a snowboard forum". Negating any true world respect I have earned.

I may still interject on a post here or there. But not with the same excitement or depth.

Its a great place for all of the recreational riders to keep it going. I think after being called a airchair quaterback by a poster, I have decided that if someone with my level of experance can't comment on a web site about his own field, then I have no other comments to make.

I'll continue to only share my info with the industry only. I used to see my post on BOL as a way to help out the little guys and girls directly. Since its obvious some of you choose not to understand or respect what I have done indirectly over the past 20 years.

I will continue to promote alpine snowboarding to the Masses via a format that will be more condusive to promoting the growth of the sport with out input from uneducated riders jading the valuble information provided by myself and the curent staff of Alpine Pioneers I assembled for just this task.

I thank all the riders on the board who bring valuable info.

Perhaps its a good omen that the BOL board has grown to a point where the new posters, riders and contributors feel as though their alpine knowledge is vast enough to contribute positivley to the sport. As well as experanced enough to qualf and belittle expert opinions.

I however feel my time waisted here on BOL should be spent instead promoting the sport at the level I am involed instead of tring to "Bring the BOL board into the know"

In the past I had hoped to help continue to educate the BOL memebers via post and contributions. However I think it time to use my own website to promote growth and not a forum at a friends site.

I hope lots of BOL posters will enjoy the contributions that will be appearing on Hardbooter.com over the spring and summer. We will be using Video and text to share the message.

I think this will be the easiest way for me to share info with the alpine community, with out the headaches that go along with BOL post and posters.

Thanks to all the Long time BOL posters who have shared this experance with me on BOL since Fin first told me about his Internet chat room.

Thanks also to all the Posters who have respected my comitment to alpine snowboarding and my contributions here.

And a Big right on to all the riders from this board who have tried to defend my knowledge and skills to thoose out of the loop. Thanks for tring to keep me around.

However after struggling to keep it real on BOL since day one of BOL I think I am done trying.

Good luck to the few of you on the board, in the know..........:biggthump

Get over yourself. This is the internet. Your posts have been insightful, you want a cookie? And now you start this thread which reads like 'PEOPLE DON'T WORSHIP ME ENOUGH'. You're way to big time for BOL. laterz.

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Sometimes the problem with the posts made by the most qualified people is their inclusion of information that can come off as self-aggrandising.

Many members question information when it doesn't come with a CV. When the CV is given, it can come with a little information or a lot.

This is usually because it can be very hard for people who consider themselves as "guru's" to not tell you about it and if questioned, can come back with a very WTF sort of response... Accusing the questioner of failing to "recognize".

All you can do is put it out there, I have found. I have had Bordy, Jack, William Blake, ect all call me out. I won't spaz about it, but rather now just post what I think without worrying about my cred (or lack, thereof).

The downside of Bordy going to his own site to post is that he'll still get doubted and questioned sometimes. The upside is that he can ban them.

We're all just electrons here, bitches. If you try to get people to think more of you than that when you're nothing but a biking picture with what may or may not be a dog, you're setting yourself up for dissappointment.

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I don't remember going into hiding. I remember a lot of show-boating, chest-thumping, back-slapping, and circle-jerking which I actively avoided being associated with. There were also a number of people who felt that the only part of the edge that matters is between the nose and front foot, that breaking a board automatically meant you were a great rider, and that everyone else on the mountain was automatically inferior to the Almighty Hardbooter. I wonder if maybe this kind of BS is why so few real pros elect to participate?

Take a closer look at the results sheet. He's never run a World Cup race, so it should go without saying that he's nowhere near noteworthy at the world level (nor at the national level, nor at the regional level - but maybe at the amateur level?). That is not, however, a knock on his snowboarding ability. It is a knock on his unjustified aura of superiority and the creative representation of reality which he constantly and consistently used to belittle other posters and alienate newcomers to both the sport and the message board.

I'm curious about why everyone keeps going on about how he had the cajones to "commit his life" to racing. Again, take a closer look at the results sheet. He only competed in three complete seasons, and that's with a seven year break in between the first and second go-round and a rather generous definition of a "complete season." In reality, he has only one season where he competed in an entire series (04-05 NorAm Cup).

Yeah guys, that's some serious dedication right there. :sleep:

there's other things people can do you know, coaching for example.

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FIS races aren't the same as World Cup races. If you look up someone like Jasey Jay, you'll see that World Cup events show up as such.
Interesting. What's the difference? I note in 98-99 that Jasey-Jay was racing some events categorized as FIS and others as World Cup, he and Bordy were at 4 or 5 FIS races together.
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I did a little tally on this thread just to see where we are

Props or Support for Bordy


Troll Posts ( I define this as someone just looking to push buttons or generally negative.


Attempt at Humor or Levity


Noise ( as in just spewing, not negative, not constructive )


Toughen Up


Which proves nothing other than I have too much time on my hands and we ( the majority of this community ) support Bordy and wish he was here. If you don't feel you are part of the "we", now you know what it feels to be like to be a voting democrat in Idaho. Ie: A lot like pissing in the wind.

To those that think that Bordy's race results affect how much he can contribute to the forum: put down the pipe. Or have another hit.

You're wrong.



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I did a little tally on this thread just to see where we are

Props or Support for Bordy


Troll Posts ( I define this as someone just looking to push buttons or generally negative.


Attempt at Humor or Levity


Noise ( as in just spewing, not negative, not constructive )


Toughen Up


Which proves nothing other than I have too much time on my hands and we ( the majority of this community ) support Bordy and wish he was here. If you don't feel you are part of the "we", now you know what it feels to be like to be a voting democrat in Idaho. Ie: A lot like pissing in the wind.

To those that think that Bordy's race results affect how much he can contribute to the forum: put down the pipe. Or have another hit.

You're wrong.



Did you count this post? If so, which category would it go in, noise or humor?

I'm happy to say that I'm responsible for a couple humor posts.

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1. "Goodbye message board posts"--100 % self serving, in my opinion...given the fact the writer reads the replies and most likely will be back with a fanfare upon "his triumphant return"

2. Everyone here need some form of a reality check. Why do we post here? Is it because, in some way, we need the companionship of this message board, such that it is? Here in Helltown, there's a bunch of snow enthusiasts, at least for a week in March when we all go hang out in Colorado and New Mexico, but there's very few people here that have a level of enthusiasm on the level of mine. So, even though I do have friends, I don't have friends that dream of becoming a ski bum once the kids are out of the house, and that's why I came back, despite the fact I'm on skis now.

3. Participation is a good thing, on any level. I got over myself a long time ago with my road riding. Sure, it's fun to turn your nose up at the noobs riding Schwinns with sneakers, but there's always going to be someone with the latest and best stuff you can't afford out there, too, and if you're basing your validation on the equipment you have, then you'll be let down, hard, everytime. I saw a bunch of new minted riders on Burton Cruzers learning not to face-plant at Taos the one weekend I got a chance to go anywhere this last season. They all were smiling. Sure, many will never try again, or maybe even not have a chance to try again. Many will progress and think Burton is the bees-knees for the rest of their lives. Many will progress and think Burton's not "core" enough, because Jake sells clothing to skiiers. Many will progress and think Burton's alpine offerings are crap. In any case, Burton gear was their entry, on that weekend, to the world of snowboarding, and, as such, Burton does get at least a nod for that. As a suggestion, I offer finding that first day on a snowboard in your memory bank and remembering the person posting had a first day, too. We're all on the same side here...let's act like it.

4. Not everyone is destined for the World Cup and that's okay. To me, this board is like the bar at apres. Some people are funny, some people are full of it. The key is to walk away from the people who are not entertaining you. I'm not world class at my recreation, either biking, skiing, or riding. Because I'm not world class, my goals are different and my equipment is different. And that's okay. There was a post about people's professions-most listed something other than racer. Many listed something that pays crap. Props to you guys for finding the means to do this activity of sliding down hills. If it's on a Burton, great!

5. Your post, your opinion and your message board presence is a gift you give to the rest of us here. Somedays, we appreciate your gift. Some days, we're a-holes. The trick is to let the a-hole moments slide. If you can't, maybe you need to find another message board, but, remember, those people are going to have a-hole moments, too. I posted on a Yahoo group site for the cycling club I was a member of before I broke my ankle and that I recently rejoined. I queried about a 2 day ride in October. I couldn't have put any more references in the post about it being the MS150 ride in October. I still had a dweeb mention what an idiot I was for thinking I could still get on a team for the MS150 ride leaving in 2 weeks. I replied that he surely could not have possibly read my post before he saw fit to flame me and I left the message board. I posted here about how I was quitting riding because of my two back-to-back injuries. I had a few people question my commitment-and I responded very nastily. But then I had my Zen moments and I'm back. The entertainment to flame ratio here is much better than a lot of other places. But, even then, remember your opinion is a gift and we might not receive it well for whatever reason, you'll never know.

End of soapbox....

BTW, I'm getting out the longboard again this summer, too. Not many middle aged women in my neighborhood longboarding, either. I'm a proud owner of a Sector 9, too! And, it may still have Burton sticker on it, too, I can't remember if I pulled it off yet, or not.....:smashfrea

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I'm leaving for the summer to go skateboard racing. If anyone wants to flame me, defame me, re-flame me , re-defame me...or just plain irritate me to no end...please visit the following forums:




I will return next winter to once again attempt to get under people's skin, piss off skeez, grab gear deals before you do, and generally be a pain y'all's butts. Have a nice summer!! :biggthump

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Excellent post!:biggthump

BTW, my first board, 13 years ago, was a beat to s**t Burton Safari that I rode with Sorels - for $25 I had a whole new sport! That was one of the best winters of my life. :1luvu:

And probably the best way to start off!

I bought myself a pair of Atomic skis last year for this year. They were, according to the textbook, too short and soft, but they were easy to decamber and, the first day I hired an instructor, and he was impressed I was carving instead of skidding right off the bat with them.....

And, wave, I'm on the silverfish site, too...haven't been there in a while....are you "wavechaser" there, as well?

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And, wave, I'm on the silverfish site, too...haven't been there in a while....are you "wavechaser" there, as well?

Yes - ...and on ISSA I'm Rick Floyd, and on NCDSA you just use whatever name you want each time you post. Happy skating! :cool:

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I'm leaving for the summer to go skateboard racing. If anyone wants to flame me, defame me, re-flame me , re-defame me...or simply de-flower me!

Rick... I'm not sure what you mean by that but count me OUT!

This should cue me up for a re-quote!

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Your inflation-adjusted two cents is right on, and most appreciated.

My Sector-9 is coming out for the summer, as is my HUGE, antique Payaso SurfSkate. (I'll probably have to carbon-reinforce the latter to handle "old man" bulk).

Regardless, it's gonna be fun, healthful, and get me in good shape for an 08/09 winter when I'll hopefully buy a "real" snowboard to augment the "Yugo's" I've driven for 20+ years.

I'm sure the new stick will be better in every way, but the days probably won't be any funner, nor the memories any fonder. And if I have to postpone my new toy in favor of the the bigger board my son now needs, the laughs will be no less hearty!

Thanks again for your great post!!

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To me, this board is like the bar at apres. Some people are funny, some people are full of it. The key is to walk away from the people who are not entertaining you. I'm not world class at my recreation, either biking, skiing, or riding. Because I'm not world class, my goals are different and my equipment is different.

FN -A. ! YES.

We all just go out and ride............ thats what any "group" is all about.

Even a complete noob can give sound advice from their own experiences just as well as some Pro "know-a-lot".

There has been a bunch of "TROLL" name calling and a few people tossing around fingerpointings and calling for lynchings, but to be completely honest.......... at the end of the day, I have more fun just getting out with other boarders and laying down the turns and not worrying about "perfect form" and all the "Who is better than who" mumbojumbo. We all have our own unique styles and skill set. Self-tought, Pro-tought, Racer, or park rat with no skill at all who just hits rails and jibs around in the parkinglots of WALMART........ we all are on the forum for the same thing...


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To me, this board is like the bar at apres. Some people are funny, some people are full of it. The key is to walk away from the people who are not entertaining you. I'm not world class at my recreation, either biking, skiing, or riding. Because I'm not world class, my goals are different and my equipment is different.

FN -A. ! YES.

We all just go out and ride............ thats what any "group" is all about.

Even a complete noob can give sound advice from their own experiences just as well as some Pro "know-a-lot".

There has been a bunch of "TROLL" name calling and a few people tossing around fingerpointings and calling for lynchings, but to be completely honest.......... at the end of the day, I have more fun just getting out with other boarders and laying down the turns and not worrying about "perfect form" and all the "Who is better than who" mumbojumbo. We all have our own unique styles and skill set. Self-tought, Pro-tought, Racer, or park rat with no skill at all who just hits rails and jibs around in the parkinglots of WALMART........ we all are on the forum for the same thing...


I ride with carvers, 2 plankers , monoskiers....as long as you can keep up and aren't annoying to hang out with, nothing else really matters.

personality goes a long way.:biggthump

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So when you're tempted to laugh at my lame skiing skills because I started at age 43, just remember I'm one charming motha-***in' pig!

Now, off to teach my 50 year old hubby golf! Cheers...

Go Pens! Our revenge for having a worthless dollar-another Cup victory!

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I'm leaving for the summer to go skateboard racing. If anyone wants to flame me, defame me, re-flame me , re-defame me...or just plain irritate me to no end...please visit the following forums:




I will return next winter to once again attempt to get under people's skin, piss off skeez, grab gear deals before you do, and generally be a pain y'all's butts. Have a nice summer!! :biggthump

I'll check you out and want to get into the longboard scene, BUT I'll be on my mistral comp with Hood River sails this summer.

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