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Best foods to take with you on the slopes?


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Looking for ideas on what foods will still be edible during the day.

I mean that you can still actually eat when they are below freezing!(snickers bars turn rock hard!)

2 foods I found so far, grasshopper/thin mint cookies, Semi Soft cheeses, more specifically the little ones that come in the Silver dollar size wax coatings.

Tried bananas but they get smushed.

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I bring beef jerky, banana chips, and power gels for the caffiene and elctrolyte replacement. On days when it's really cold, I also usually bring a small bullet thermos of chai mix tea in my pack. It keeps me from having to go inside to warm up, and allows me to ride during the lunch break.

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honey mustard mini pretzels:D poptarts are really good frozen, too. but I usually dont eat on the mountain, i usually have a sandwich made with whatever was dinner the night before with thousand island dressing over it. A big jug of Arizona iced tea bought from the convenience store (for $2:biggthump ) along the way usually lasts me the whole trip. if not, I'll buy a monster or rock star while im there.

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Fig newtons pack well in a baggie in a pocket, they have good complex carbs, and are healthier than most other cookies.

I avoid a big lunch. I don't like the way I feel on the slopes afterward. :barf:

I stick with mostly liquids -- water, a latte, hot cocoa. Or maybe a small bowl of soup or chili.

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I always stop for lunch, gives my legs and feet a break and it's nice to sit in the warm for a while. I don't wear a pack as I can off too much, I'd just squish everything to hell.

Lunch is a usually a big-a$$ sandwich - half a baguette filled with spinach, tomato, cheese, ham or chicken, mustard and mayo. Oatmeal or fig cookies, bananas, cheese 'n pep, Gatorade, and the inevitable thermos of coffee. I laughed the day the ex and I shared a table with two kids of about 10, who were eating their fries. We unwrapped the sandwiches and got stuck in, and the kids eyes went all wide, and one of them whispered to the other "Dude, I wish we had sandwiches like that!"

If I'm away from home for the weekend, I usually try to find a 7-11. Depending on the store, they often have a great line in prepacked fruit bowls, spinach dip, and tasty egg salad or tuna salad sandwiches as well. I particularly recommend the 7-11 in Fernie, good stuff.

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How about the cheapest way to eat a a ski resort? Winter Park sells hard boiled eggs for $1.50 each .... free ketchup and saltines and you have a complete meal. Also, most resort give away free hot water or offer a microwave.

I saw a documentary a few years back that profiled a few ski bums trying to survive in Whistler. One of them had a legit job cleaning carpets. Another (a snowboarder) was a cage dancer. The third had no job at all. They showed how he nourished himself - on table scraps. He stood around the chalet dining area looking for unfinished meals. He had some well-thought-out strategies for bagging the best meals. One of them was to scope out families with young kids because the kids never finished their meals. He appeared to be well fed.

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