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How Many Hardbooters do you usually see on the mountain?


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Sunday River has the occassional showing of 2-3 people, but that place is huge and I have no clue where to go to find the carvers.

Can't wait for ECES!!!!!!

lift 10 at whitecap, lift 1 at barker and lift 6 north peak.

Some people like to rip over at Jordan but the only time I go there is if conditions blow elsewhere and it's my last resort. OR there has been a dump. the some sick lines under lift 14 and 15 if there is enough fluff

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Absolutely!! Inexpensive FRS radios, 25-75$ gets you a small hand held with lots of channels and a couple watts of power. I often bring a few extras and pass them out!! Works great when folks remember to key mic THEN speak. Speak into the radio (and not try to do it through the jacket :smashfrea )

I am afraid your example of truckers is a little too close to accurate:barf:

Done right they can really be a life saver. Or at least help folks stay in touch.

Some of the guys are not quite as concerned about getting on the hill early in the am. If I know they are coming. I can give them on snow grooming reports so their first run is a WINNER!!

This definitely sounds intriguing - so is there a general yammering channel where you could shout out "hey, any alpine riders out there today?"

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It is definately still very much very early season conditions so beware. The boys at the tune shop are definately earning their beer today. Althought we got dumped on there are still plenty of sharks ready to ruin you day. Be careful and observant!!!!!

I can vouch for the sharks. My ridden-twice 4807 now has a lovely 3-inch core shot. I should have stayed with the herd.

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I see 1or2 occassionaly, always on alpines. Saw three together last year (a veritable plethera).But it was a powder day and they wouldn't leave the groomers. Ive never met another hardbooter on an allmountain carver, I really don't understand why, it's the best of both worlds.:smashfrea

Hey,if you're ever coming over to the Silver Valley give me shout. I am teaching (always in hardboots) at Lookout, which has surprisingly good groomers.Shorter than Silver on some runs but overall better grooming and more consistent slopes.Also,we don't close(Silver's gondola is suseptible to wind) for every little wind gust.I am not opposed to riding at Silver with a couple of days notice however,since I do miss the couple of steep groomers like Steep and Deep and Collateral.I've been having fun on the 182 Coiler at Lookout so you can ride a fairly long board there although I get more turns in with something shorter.Hope to see ya sometime.

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don,t mean to threadjack, but yea steve I might get over to lookout this year.I usually ride shorter than that to maximize turns per run

my pass is at schwietzer, lots of good cruisers for trenchin'. let me know if you make it up here any time soon i'll show you my favorite spots to lay it over:biggthump

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I ran into 3 carvers at Sunday River on Saturday. I think they were all off Spruce on Risky Business. I think I saw one or two more that I didn't actually talk to too...but since the whole mountain isn't open yet, its easier to spot people.

The conditions were really good for early December, I thought :)

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don,t mean to threadjack, but yea steve I might get over to lookout this year.I usually ride shorter than that to maximize turns per run

my pass is at schwietzer, lots of good cruisers for trenchin'. let me know if you make it up here any time soon i'll show you my favorite spots to lay it over:biggthump

Cool,then we can say they there were multiple hardbooters(maybe Mark Harris too) at Schweitzer that day!(So,not really a threadjack:)

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I was at WhiteTail PA on Saturday and 3 other hardbooters showed up. Zoe and Mark (both on this board) and Mike whom I learned a lot from. He is a Korean here to get a business degree. He says that there are typically 2 to 3 HUNDRED hardbooters at any given resort in the East(FAR) on any day. That was an eye-opener for me as naively I thought that Hardbooting had its genesis either in Europe or in the US. To give credence to his claims he was a very good carver and is sponsored in his native country. He also says people pay up to $3000 for decks over there. Makes me wonder about the lines of equipment that are being made over there that we know nothing about.

Anyway I thought 4 hardbooters at WhiteTail, which is a fairly small resort was pretty good.

I was also at WhiteTail during the rain on Sunday and I was the only hardbooter there.

Rich S.

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Please exercise extreme caution if riding 'Tail on the weekends (especially Blue) - turning wide (and the ensuing collision) is half the reason I sat out last year - don't want that to happen to anyone else. Also, Limelight, if choppy, may be challenging (just fyi)

hope to see you out there

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at Waterville, I ran into 2. One guy had like 20 years experience and was nasty!

That was probably John Barker from Hill,NH He was assist director when I was Ski Wee supervisor at King Ridge then he went to Ragged and I went to Sunapee. 2 years later when I switched to hard boots I joined him at Ragged.

We taught there for many years toghether. John rips!!!! He stays sort of in the fall line but nice arcs and is laid over almost as far as the Chistmas Ribbon Candy turns extremme carvers. I think he usually rides a GS board.

If you want to fallow him on a fun run be prepared for Downhill Ski racing velocities.


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In 11 years of hardbooting I don't think I've ever seen more than a couple other than me on a given day. late 90's at Killington mostly and small CT hills like Mohawk/Southington/Powder Ridge, 2001 i had a pass at Sugarbush, 2002 at Smuggs, and last year at Snoqualmie. I think I remember seeing a couple at Mt Ste Anne in Quebec when I was in high school back in like 97, and there were a couple at Jay Peak. Probably Quebecois.

Usually I'd see one guy out of every 3 days and usually from the lift looking down. I don't think I've ever talked to another hardbooter in person since I took a lesson from one in 1993 at some small mountain, probably Brodie or Butternut or something. I don't remember. It was my second day on a snowboard ever.

I still look at boots in the lodge, but I'm always the only one, and people think I'm a skier because they're not looking at the footprint, they just see buckles and assume.

It was a lonely existence... before BOL.

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There is enough hardbooters in the Seattle area to have our own mini session. It's just a matter of getting us all together.....

Which is typically "No Small Matter".

Jon, if you do try to get something going. Let us know here on a seperate thread in the PNW Rider Board and I will be happy to help spread the word.

In my "Dream World" , I would like to see an Expression Session happen on a Mon, Tues. If it was in the Seattle area I would do my best to get there with a truck load of goof balls from the Portland area?


It would also take us one step closer to a "Pacific Northwest Expression Session" Perhaps more an Idea than a place. You know, an event that rotates through ski areas in the PNW? Just a thought.

NO, I do not currently wish to organise this. Someone younger and more patient will need to assume that role.


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Bryan,of a rotating mini session,especially the 'dream' of having it on a couple of weekdays rather than weekends when I most likely will be teaching and am less likely to get time off, not to mention smaller crowds and cheaper lodging and lift possibilities.Following is my pitch to have a session where I now work.

If having one where I work at little old fashioned Lookout Pass Resort is of any interest to anyone out there let me know.It could happen here as they are easy to work with (much easier than Silver Mtn)and receptive to new ideas and new customers. Participants would want to bring shorter boards in the 175 and smaller range to maximize use of the terrain though I do use a 182 AM alot.We have some great blue terrain and some new and steeper stuff will open up when the new lift is ready around Christmas.So far I really like working here with great people who are happy to be here and that's why this pitch to do a mini session at this location.Some of the bomber faithful are understandably spoiled by bigger mountains so that's why a session here might be better suited to those who are on a budget and don't mind smaller mountains.All things considered,this could be THE lowest priced multi-day session in the country.

For newbies this is a great place to learn carving as far as terrain and grooming are concerned as well as now having two resident hardbooters in the school including me(aasi level 3,former examiner,bla bla bla) and Kathy('kinpa' on bomber)

It seems funny for a resort,but we are closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays,so a Thursday/Friday or Sunday/Monday session would be the ticket.Lodging nearby can be had for as little as 25.00(!) a night for a room at The Lookout Motel in Mullan.

So there it is.If this sounds interesting checkout skilookout.com for more info on the resort. Thanks! Steve

ps,if there is interest we can start a new thread.Sorry about the threadjack.

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