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Willy added some character and comedy to a forum that definitely needed it at times. I love bomber but it would sometimes be a dry place without him. Most of the time, when I see his posts, I'm rolling on the ground laughing.

I hope all the problems get resolved


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Christ, he's not dead, it's a temporary ban, people. Due to accumulating circumstances both on the forum and off. You won't find a single whopper incident, it was just time for some sort of action.

I understand,the kid in me just needs to harass authority now and again. I think others are of the same or similar feeling. The moderators have a duty and the rest need to chide them as they fulfill their obligation.

we still love the moderators:p

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I'd like to weigh in on the issue that I believe some of the "moderators" here need to be monitored too. Recently some Threads by members expressing their points of view on certain "subjects" seemed to turn into personal crusades to decry these threads by these folks who are, in my opinion, supposed to remain removed from the emotional side of posts here in order to provide a fair and unbiased source of regulation on this site. These interjections, supposedly designed to be calming voices in the middle of the storm, were more like defense of their personal position or opinion of the subjects being discussed and ultimately ended up causing these threads to be closed or pulled. Last time I checked this site was an open forum for those interested in the sport of hardbooting and and all that goes with it and as such we are allowed to express ourselves on a variety of subjects about that sport as long as we stay within the guidelines set down by the owners of this forum. No one is above reproach here. We are all subject to the scrutiny of the members of this forum and should accept that as part of membership here. Moderators have opinions too, but they relinquish the right to become emotionally involved in these subjects upon acceptance of their position. When regulation becomes tainted by these individuals acting not in the best interests of the forum as a whole, but for a select group of people or things for whom they have a personal or emotional attachment, that regulation looses it's validity. I realize bashing moderators shouldn't be tolerated, but at the same time moderators shouldn't be allowed to bash members or their opinions.

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Christ, he's not dead, it's a temporary ban, people. Due to accumulating circumstances both on the forum and off. You won't find a single whopper incident, it was just time for some sort of action.

What are the boundaries, and do these include taking the "Lords name in vain"? "Christ"

Actually I could care less, I'm an reformed agnostic, I am now an atheist. Thank God you didn't say Mohammed. I guess a lot of things could be construed to be offensive, but this ain't the Church. Unless you make an "Imus" mistake should you be thrown off?

Is what we do off the forum now grounds for booting us off the forum? Let he who is without sin, enjoy his miserable life.

I think maybe we should take a poll on what constitutes grounds for banishment to "Imuslovakia". No offense to the Eastern Europeans who are wonderful climbers, riders, and all around good folks, it's just had a very catchy ring.

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I'd like to weigh in on the issue that I believe some of the "moderators" here need to be monitored too. Recently some Threads by members expressing their points of view on certain "subjects" seemed to turn into personal crusades to decry these threads by these folks who are, in my opinion, supposed to remain removed from the emotional side of posts here in order to provide a fair and unbiased source of regulation on this site. These interjections, supposedly designed to be calming voices in the middle of the storm, were more like defense of their personal position or opinion of the subjects being discussed and ultimately ended up causing these threads to be closed or pulled. Last time I checked this site was an open forum for those interested in the sport of hardbooting and and all that goes with it and as such we are allowed to express ourselves on a variety of subjects about that sport as long as we stay within the guidelines set down by the owners of this forum. No one is above reproach here. We are all subject to the scrutiny of the members of this forum and should accept that as part of membership here. Moderators have opinions too, but they relinquish the right to become emotionally involved in these subjects upon acceptance of their position. When regulation becomes tainted by these individuals acting not in the best interests of the forum as a whole, but for a select group of people or things for whom they have a personal or emotional attachment, that regulation looses it's validity. I realize bashing moderators shouldn't be tolerated, but at the same time moderators shouldn't be allowed to bash members or their opinions.

Well said. and Jack, that was my point in my "over-moderated"comment from a while back.

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When Jack starts swearing and people are saying the mods are bad, it makes me feel like the forum is on the verge of collapsing...

Seriously, some people need to lighten up. Even if it is a public forum, it is a privately owned forum, so the owner and the people he puts in charge decide how it is run and what are the rules. If someone attacks someone else on a private level, then the attacker needs to lighten up and/or the moderators take action. I don't always agree with their decisions, but it's not my forum, so I live with it.

Like I always say (and some people disagree), this is the internet, it's not necessarely real life, even if there are real people behind all this. So lighten up everyone...

So here are my 2 Canadian cents, so everyone can afford a grain of salt to take when reading and posting.

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since we're all ribbing and poking at the subject...

shouldn't this be in the off-topic forum? :lol: I mean, this has nothing to do with carving what so ever (maybe slightly since WW is a carver). Even the thread about summer carving (longboards and such) got moved to the off topic forum, and that has more to do with carving than this thread...

ok, just thought i'd be a little facetious here about moderation :boxing_sm

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I was invited to Moderate at Sportbikes.com/esportbike.com about 6-7 years ago....I wish I could say it's been fun but taking that responsibility took a lot of the fun out of the forum for me. Not to say that I would quit moderating I have to much time invested to run away from it and I feel responsible for what goes on there. Bashing mods it's too easy and is in truth a cheap shot since most won't fight back

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leave the mods alone.

stop complaining, stop spending 1/2 your day on BOL (pathetically), or start a new forum if you feel so passionate about it.

there's a saying that goes "don't bite the hand that feeds you" perhaps some have to learn the hard way. i would love to see how people would act in real life, somehow i doubt they'd be so critical

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I'd like to weigh in on the issue that I believe some of the "moderators" here need to be monitored too. Recently some Threads by members expressing their points of view on certain "subjects" seemed to turn into personal crusades to decry these threads by these folks who are, in my opinion, supposed to remain removed from the emotional side of posts here in order to provide a fair and unbiased source of regulation on this site. These interjections, supposedly designed to be calming voices in the middle of the storm, were more like defense of their personal position or opinion of the subjects being discussed and ultimately ended up causing these threads to be closed or pulled. Last time I checked this site was an open forum for those interested in the sport of hardbooting and and all that goes with it and as such we are allowed to express ourselves on a variety of subjects about that sport as long as we stay within the guidelines set down by the owners of this forum. No one is above reproach here. We are all subject to the scrutiny of the members of this forum and should accept that as part of membership here. Moderators have opinions too, but they relinquish the right to become emotionally involved in these subjects upon acceptance of their position. When regulation becomes tainted by these individuals acting not in the best interests of the forum as a whole, but for a select group of people or things for whom they have a personal or emotional attachment, that regulation looses it's validity. I realize bashing moderators shouldn't be tolerated, but at the same time moderators shouldn't be allowed to bash members or their opinions.

Well said:biggthump

Jack this would suffice to answer your email much better than I was able to.

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I'd like to weigh in on the issue that I believe some of the "moderators" here need to be monitored too. Recently some Threads by members expressing their points of view on certain "subjects" seemed to turn into personal crusades to decry these threads by these folks who are, in my opinion, supposed to remain removed from the emotional side of posts here in order to provide a fair and unbiased source of regulation on this site. These interjections, supposedly designed to be calming voices in the middle of the storm, were more like defense of their personal position or opinion of the subjects being discussed and ultimately ended up causing these threads to be closed or pulled. Last time I checked this site was an open forum for those interested in the sport of hardbooting and and all that goes with it and as such we are allowed to express ourselves on a variety of subjects about that sport as long as we stay within the guidelines set down by the owners of this forum. No one is above reproach here. We are all subject to the scrutiny of the members of this forum and should accept that as part of membership here. Moderators have opinions too, but they relinquish the right to become emotionally involved in these subjects upon acceptance of their position. When regulation becomes tainted by these individuals acting not in the best interests of the forum as a whole, but for a select group of people or things for whom they have a personal or emotional attachment, that regulation looses it's validity. I realize bashing moderators shouldn't be tolerated, but at the same time moderators shouldn't be allowed to bash members or their opinions.

Thank you for your dogma. However, could you please post ANY specific examples of this egregious behavior of the mods?

Last I checked this was NOT a public forum. You registered and by doing so agreed to certain rules. One of which was to be moderated. You have no first amendment rights here.


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Thank you for your dogma. However, could you please post ANY specific examples of this egregious behavior of the mods?

Last I checked this was NOT a public forum. You registered and by doing so agreed to certain rules. One of which was to be moderated. You have no first amendment rights here.


<TABLE class=tborder id=post119259 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=4 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px"><TABLE cellSpacing=4 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD noWrap>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx user_offline.gif<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_119259", true); </SCRIPT>


</TD><TD width="100%"></TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Join Date: Dec 2003

Location: lynn ma

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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->Quote:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Justin A.

My .02 as an avid outdoorsman with years of experience


aren't you a trust fund kid still in school? you dont have "years of experience" wiping your nose yet!


nuff said

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<TABLE class=tborder id=post119259 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=4 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px"><TABLE cellSpacing=4 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD noWrap>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx user_offline.gif<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_119259", true); </SCRIPT>


</TD><TD width="100%"></TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Join Date: Dec 2003

Location: lynn ma

Posts: 407

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->Quote:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Justin A.

My .02 as an avid outdoorsman with years of experience


aren't you a trust fund kid still in school? you dont have "years of experience" wiping your nose yet!


nuff said

I don't believe that trailertrash was a mod at that point. He has only recently been made a mod.

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admittedly the first post I ever read from the guy and it was the week he became a moderator.

you know what they say about first impressions.......

I have read pages of his posts since this thread came up and found most of them to be quite reasonable but then if you are the guy that gets targeted with this kind of stuff you might not notice. I think its been beaten to death but lets live and let live around here. diversity makes it interesting and fun to be here. The moderators are human just like the rest of us lets get back to the usual inane banter and ease up on the Draconian measures:biggthump

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I'm not going to site the two "specific" examples I'm refering to because I feel as though my message was received and understood without naming anyone specific, something I did on purpose to avoid causing any further uproar. I'm sure plenty of people (Tex1230 & Dr D for example) here know exactly what I was refering to. I also don't remember siting, quoting, or using the first amendment anywhere in my post. I also don't remember naming you or calling you out, so maybe you should relax.....

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Yo Ar.

I am not an American.... and I is writing a term paper. What is da first amendment?

(I listened to Ice T, I think I have some ideas) :-)

Hell, isn't WW a kiter???

That is reason enough to ban him :-)

I am sure the what I understand to be not so good season this year hasn't helped tempers.... as Rodney King once said...can't we all just get along (or something to that effect).

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angel, you are a legend :-) ok, this is really reaching back but I do vaguely recall some guys on late night Saturday TV that would say 'bout now

'my name ez Hanz, and my name ez Franz, and we are here to pump



Regarding youtube, as you may be aware, it is ok for Muslim videos to be pulled, it is ok for Chinese video to be pulled, but apparently google/youtube feel that it is unreasonable to affect the non existant right of freedom of speech in Thailand by pulling a highly offensive video of the King, so therefore, Youtube is yourtube right now, not mytube ergo I cannot watch it, 'it been banned like essay. Fo' shizzle Angizzle.'

Man, I could totally pass for an American in da low down gheeee-tto of 90210.

ok, I out, i ain't gots no more Americans slang stuff left. Who wanna hear my impression of Borat or the katoey in little Britain...that, I can do.

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