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I'm definitely missing it. Its been a week and a half since I last carved turns and it will be another week and a half to two and a half weeks before I get to go again. Such a bummer. The good news is that traffic and posts on BOL and other sites have slowed down so I have a little more time to get work done during the day.

After July 4 though, its going to get tough to find places locally to carve turns. And since I can't afford a trip to Chile, I'm going to have to get creative.

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Well my last time on the snow was in April, so technically I've been in hell every since....LOL

My boyfriend and I are planning to go to Chile in 2008, which doesn't help me right now :( So until then all I can do is hold my board tight and dream of riding into the sunset, well snow together.

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It's only been a weekand a half for me as well. I'll probably hike up to the summit of Bachelor once or twice before too much melts off. In the meantime, longboarding and T-boarding (I suck, but its still fun)... and cycling mainly to get in better shape for next season.

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I just bought a Gravity C39 to get my fix cured through the summer...I have the whole build up waiting in RI for me (I'm in San Diego at the moment stareing at Mexico though the haze). Indy 159 (Stage 8's) 60mm 94a Spitfires oh I can feel the carve already. The nice thing is it's short enough to ride in the park but long enough to do hills and cruise through town with, though my wife is gonna say "ANOTHER SKATEBOARD???" sigh she just doesn't understand the meaning of quiver

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it's only 12 more days until the earth starts tilting in the right direction.......

Now there's a positive outlook! That just made my day.

Last night I was dreaming that I had finally learned a full-out EC turn. Was really disappointed to wake up and discover it wasn't real.

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it's only 12 more days until the earth starts tilting in the right direction.......

Actually, the earth maintains a fixed axis 23 degrees off the vertical-it's the position relative the sun that changes

The earth does precess around it's vertical(north-south) axis, but that process takes 10,000s of years

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arcs, but I have distracted myself by planning a couple of river trips - only one worked out. My group caught the second peak on the Middle Fork Salmon for four fast-flowing days and I had my first out of boat experience on that river after 50 some trips on a huge hit in Velvet Falls. :freak3:

Allright, enough about rivers, but with the snow we have feeding the white goodness into the melted goodness, this is now and going to be a great year for boating too.

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