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Jeffrey Day

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Everything posted by Jeffrey Day

  1. but it would appear that Bretton Woods, NH is part of this whole deal. Could be interesting...
  2. Who cares! At least there is a wine glass in the photo for all the cultured ladies out there! :)
  3. Hey Fin, Tell us why you have a farmers tan in the middle of February???
  4. DAMN this has been a great tour to watch!!
  5. I know there are quite a few bicycylists out there and I'm sure some of you guys and gals follow the Tour! Anyone want to share their pre tour predictions? With Lance Armstrong and Jan Ullrich both retired from the tour and Floyd Landis banned this year, seems anything might be possible. I don't have any predictions, but I have my favorites that I like to cheer on! Of course I cheer for George Hincapie, Yaroslav Popovych and Team Discovery first. Then David Zabriskie of the USA, Alexandre Vinokourov of Kazakstan, Thomas Voeckler of France, Axel Merckx of Belgium, Cadel Evans of Australia have all had great stage wins or tour performances in the recent past! Michael Rasmussen of Denmark ranks hight for me too because he is a mountain biker turned roadie who also seems to do well. Those are some of my favorite riders to watch. How about you guys and gals?
  6. One of my favorite saying when I see people with matching gear is: " Hey, did you get a free bowl of soup with those boards!?!" And if it matters, I do have key fobs for boots, size 24mp! AND I'm a light-weight rider at 149 pounds nude...so what, about 160 with gear on. I don't think that I'd want to soften up the board at all, but I do like the idea of getting the board narrowed to 18cm.
  7. Hey Buell, What are you saying, that I'm getting ahead of myself by wanting to get a 187? You're probably right...I am just a wee little man whose a hack of a carver! :)
  8. Ahh, there's a good point! I wouldn't have thought about that. Not much into racing, although I've thought about racing next year, but probably not BX.
  9. ...on an alpine board? I've been carving for about 6 years now and I consider myself, reluctantly, an aggressive, dare I say, expert level carver. I am about to get myself a new, much longer board for me. I am looking at a Prior Metal 187 or a Coiler Pure Race GS 181. To me, a rounded tail doesn't make sense because you'd lose a bit of effective edge, right? As an example, the Prior Metal 187 has an effective edge of 161cm where as the Coiler Pure Race GS 181 has an effective edge of 163cm. Why would I want a longer board with a shorter effective edge? Help the un-informed!
  10. The snow that BW got was amazing!!!! It seemed as light as it gets! It provided great coverage and a nice carvable surface! Fun was had by ALL! Awesome! I can't wait until this week-end! More snow coming on Wednesday into Thursday!! Sucks that they will be closing on the 15th!!!
  11. ...We'll have the World Exclusive EC-Carve full circle carve dialed in by then! :)
  12. ...what Jack said! You gotta have the token fakie rider!! :) You guys almost look like you are dressed like us!! Awesome pic guys! Good fun! :)
  13. Hey dshack, I just bumped up a thread about a pair of Head Stratos boots that I've had for sale all season. Take a look to see if you're willing to take a chance.
  14. You're just a wealth of knowledge!!! Thanks for passing along this knowledge to us mear mortels!
  15. ...I'm short dammit!!! :) And I don't have a Napoleon complex either! I'm 5'4" (I think that's about 164cm)and shrinking! And My longest board is a 167. Although I'd love to have a 18something for next season!
  16. ...I know this a stupid question, but if you rivet the cuffs in place, will they still pivot forward and backward?
  17. Hey Mike, I haven't seen these boots yet, and I can't read what it says on the side of the boot in the picture...but I was assuming that the Track 700 would be the replacement for the Suzukas and the Custom 1000 would replace the Indys. But that is just my uneducated 2 cent worth.
  18. I don't think that I'll be around Saturday. But I may be up on Sunday. Are you around on Sunday or are you riding Friday & Saturday?
  19. Are you going to be carrying these boots next season? Hopefully I'll be able to check them out at next years SES:)!!
  20. Anybody have any good ideas on how to keep the upper cuff cant adjusters from moving in their range of adjustments on their own? After every day that I ride and take my liners out, I have to re-adjust the cuffs. It's the biggest complaint the I have about the SB/Lamans series of boots! I tried a search but didn't have any luck. So if anyone comes across a thread on this subject, please post a link! Thanks!
  21. Hey Shaggy, I sent you an e-mail!
  22. Hey Mod, I have a Prior 4WD 159 if you'd like to ride it at some point in the near future! I'll be up at Bretton Woods this up coming week-end and somewhere in NH/ME next week-end. If I remember correctly, you'll be riding at Mt Abram in ME soon, right? I belong to a ski club in Glen, NH and Mt Abram is only 1 hour away! Drop me aline if you are interested! Jeff
  23. Yeah, I've been there a few times this year! It's a small mountain, so there isn't alot of carving terrain. But I dig the atmoshere there. It's a laid back, friendly, family mountain. As far as carving trails go, there are 3 steeper runs off of the summit double. They are Fearless Leader (my fav), Boris Badenov and Dudley Do Right. The trails off of the west side ( Skyline ) are really, really flat but I still had fun on them! Egomaineh is under the Skyline chair and has at least a bit of a pitch. Mahoosuc Meadow & Skylin Drive are the really flat runs. Hope this helps! Have fun! When are you going to be up there?
  24. I was torn between K-town and Stowe...so I voted for Stowe as I've never been there on any kind of snowboard! I'm sure where ever the ECES will be held will be a great time!
  25. I agree, awesome photos! So Vahur, when would be a good time for a carver from the USA to visit Oppdal next season? I've already used up most of my vacation time and money for this year! but I'd like to start saving up time and money for next season! Thanks, Jeff
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