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Everything posted by andreac

  1. It's called Bomber Carving Community... I tried to search on the Groups page for Bomber and came up with 500 results and really don't have that much free time to look through them all!!!! so since Angie and I are friends i went to her page and found it... but now you know!
  2. Although i don't post on BOL a lot i often lurk and... and i find i am doing that a lot less b/c when i do have a little free time i am now on fb! protested for a long time but my friend set up the account for me simply to make her life easier so she could tell all friends at once about things instead of emailing me separately... and now i am fully sucked in... it's a vortex! didn't know about the bomber group though, Angie, you didn't tell me about that one! I will join b/c i wanna be facebook cool (which i will be according to angie!)
  3. Sorry Joe, i thought you were saying that one shell fit say 25-27.5 (which is a miconception b/c the tongue and cuff will have this type of size range and it just for those pieces not the whole boot), so i was just clarifying! sorry I misunderstood your meaning my bad! and i certainly agree with your point to get the right size!!!!
  4. -1 to the first part, a boot only fits 1 liner size for thermo, or with a .5cm difference with a non thermo i.e. a 27 shell fits 27 and 27.5, but not a 28 or 29... +1 to find a good bootfitter, Where do you ride Kex, maybe if we know that some locals can help you with a good shop... if you measure in the 26 range then 28 is way too big, street shoes are deceiving in sizing, if you have a wider foot then you usually get a bigger size to accomodate that and therefore it is not a true measurement.... my ultimate suggestion, find a good bootfitter as JoeK says and have them measure your foot then you know.... and +1 to all who say a boot can be made bigger, but never smaller! good luck!
  5. my bad.... so whoever it is...fess up now that you are a superstar on Hunter's website and tell us what board you have!!!!
  6. Do not hit cats with hammers to test if they will blink... they will claw your eyes out, and besides that it isn't very nice!:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea
  7. looks like an F2 speedster RS from 2 years ago...
  8. agree with sinecure, that it is fin's sandbox and therefore his rules... just IMHO it's not undercutting the store since you are losing the benefit of buying from the store b/c you lose the warranty and service provided by the store...
  9. on the wife... i might say buy both too...
  10. I am going to disagree with the logic here TT, if i sell someone a board new it is under warranty and such from the manufacturer... if they never ride it and decide sell it to someone else the warranty is now void (because the manufacturer only warranties to the first buyer from the shop).. and then chances are the board is non-current...so it is doubtful to be competing with new boards... because i can't imagine someone buying a new board for full price and then turn around and sell it for less... and if they do well, that's just plain stupid!....just my 2cents though!
  11. This is the key, has anyone sent a letter back telling them that they would not only not lose readers, they would actually gain some because us carvers love to spend our money on anything about us?
  12. Hi Dave, just sent you an email with his email cc'd...
  13. I love the fowers! yes to Norm, then me in June, Todd Brown with his pucker up face in July... and ummmm...Jasey Jay a few times... won't reveal the rest... you'll have to buy one to see!
  14. Just read in the Globe and Mail that you a whole bunch of statisticians (sp?) got together and figured out you are more likely to get struck by lightning twice than to cast a make or break vote in the US election... I am pretty sure it was a 1 in 60 million chance to cast that vote that tips the scale in 1 state and that 1 state is what is needed for one or the other to win... or a 1 in 12 million to cast a vote that tips the scale in the1 state... go here to see the article, thought it was pretty interesting... Better chances of winning powerball than casting the winning vote! Not sure which i would prefer:rolleyes:
  15. Yeah!!!! and Dave you know those decoy desserts never work, I still want yours no matter what is in front of me!
  16. Hey Matt, sounds like your company should have gone with AlexJ's!
  17. did you mean Matthew Morison?
  18. I'm going with Paul Kobbe, as his s**t-eating grin is there from before he starts the day through the beers at the end!
  19. Go see the guys at Kenmark in Richmond HIll, they have Head SP there and are the best boot fitters in the GTA... maybe take along your other boots and they could possibly make them fit better and then you don't need a new pair????
  20. andreac


    Thanks for the props Phil... had another thought about local sponsors...so while I said take what they offer graciously, some might be new to the sponsor game, so be prepared to tell them how they can help if they aren't sure... more than saying, "i need a new board" put a dollar amount on there "for a new board" because they may have no idea how much a board costs. They may choose to give you part or all of it (this is the be grateful and gracious part) but it will help them help you if they know how much you are needing.... just something to keep in mind!
  21. andreac


    I only sponsor in Canada:AR15firin:eplus2: I will send you some stickers though and you have to promise to wear them with your retro day outfit!
  22. andreac


    First and foremost be professional. Have a good looking resume (or CV) and approach potential sponsors in a professional manner (be humble and grateful and confident in yourself). Go to lots of potential sponsors, don't expect to get everything from one person/company.... seek out 10 and you may get 3 and then seek out 10 more. Some may give you more than others, but don't turn down smaller sponsors they may be the ones who are likely to stick with you for a long time. Be gracious with whatever they offer to do for you... I have had people approach me and I tell them what I am willing to do for them and they tell me that isn't good enough... well then i don't want to do anything for them ever... take what they offer and be grateful and talk them up just as you would someone who gives you much more. Something like a piece of clothing might not seem big, but as you tear your pants (or race suit) on a gate and they give you new stuff you will be real happy you have a good relationship with them! think outside the box, go to your local sports stores and mountain where you train, but also go to your local bank, grocery store, local businesses and other such places. Definitely look into sports organizations, boosters etc. Be prepared to tell sponsors what you are going to do for them, where and how you will display their logo and other ways you can do things for them... do they have any events they need volunteers for? Again be creative. Listen to other's suggestions and visit some high level racers' websites, see who sponsors them to get some more ideas on who to go to... and like Steve P says, get your parents to help on the bandwagon and throw that word "Olympian" around.... even future olympian gets people excited. Once you get sponsors, keep them updated, shoot an email or a phone call their way to tell them how you are doing, how much you appreciate their continued support and what your plans are... when you give stuff to people it is nice to know they continually appreciate it! that's all i can think of now... but this should definitely get you started! Lastly, you need to get out there and promote yourself, don't think at this point that people are going to come running to you to sponsor you... get out in your community and tell them why they should want to sponsor you! that's all i can think of now... but this should definitely get you started! Good Luck!
  23. No one tried to get into my account... is it my avitar? or that i don't post enough? why not me????? hehehee
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