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Slow Eddie

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  • Location
    Brrrlington, VT
  • Home Mountain/Resort?
    Smuggs, for now
  • Occupation?
    Physical Therapist
  • Current Boards in your Quiver
    20XX Prior 4x4 #20201, 174
    20XX Prior FLC #19369, 177
    2004 Donek Free Carve I, 185
    2002 Burton Race Stock FP, 184
  • Current Boots Used?
    Raichle 700; T-flex, BTS, Fin-Tec
  • Current bindings and set-up?
    TD2/3 Step-In
    Front: 6 deg lift, 0 deg cant
    Rear: 3 deg lift, .5 deg lateral cant
  • Snowboarding since
  • Hardbooting since

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  1. If you’re still looking for standard TD3 toe and heel pieces, I’ve got a set.
  2. If you're still looking, there's a FP 5.7 180s on the 'bay right now... FYI, the seller is not me, nor known to me (that I know of, anyway). Good hunting...
  3. Maybe try stepping into the binding, then lifting the boot off without pulling the release cable? If all goes well, the rings stay locked onto the posts, the heel stays on the binding, and the rest of the boot comes away.
  4. I'm in the same boat, Lee. Once I was out of grad school in the mid 2000s, when I was blessed with midweek days off and the mountain pretty much to myself, and started working a regular 9-5 schedule, I went back to skiing and found my bliss in the woods instead of on the endless wave. Getting back into the swing of things and turning over the quiver in anticipation of splitting time between one plank and two next season. A lot of new names in the forums, but a few old ones, too. It's nice to be back.
  5. That's fair. If there's any left after the buyer gets what they need, I'd be interested if you're still looking to unload them.
  6. I'll make you an offer on the three hole discs if you're willing to part them out separate from the board...
  7. I didn't even think about leaving the DIN toes on full-time. Interesting. You wouldn't know how the the toe box width compares to, say, Head boots, would you? That might be another deal-breaker for me, if there isn't enough width up front. Thanks! Eddie
  8. Lee (or any UPZ-skiers out there), how do you like the UPZ's for skiing? I'm currently trying to figure out a pair of boots that'll work for both skiing and riding, and it looks like UPZ's or a pair of AT boots, but I'd love to keep the Intec option open if possible.
  9. Cateks, I know, and sorry to the seller if the wrong tree is being barked up... http://cgi.ebay.com/Alpine-Snowboard-Prior-4x4-169_W0QQitemZ230231552525QQihZ013QQcategoryZ21250QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  10. I also own and ride Winds. At the time, they were the second tier boot, below the Fire and above the Earth (good God, what were they smoking the day they named those?). I think they would have compared favorably with the Stratos (not Pro's) and Suzukas, if all three were popped out of their respective molds in the same model year. That being said, Winds have been out of production for a while, so unless you're eyeing an NOS pair, they're probably a bit softer from use, UV, and that ill-fated translucent plastic. Hope this helps. Eddie
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