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Everything posted by Gtanner

  1. Other than changing your stance slightly (i.e. moving back on the board) one way to deal with the pain (and not have a black toe-nail) is to wrap some athletic tape around the toe itself. I found that this helped take the pressure off the toe-nail. -Gord
  2. Shipping US-CAn and CAN-US, always use USPS/Canada Post. UPS sucks. ALso on the subject of UPS sucking, they tend to leave packages on our doorstep. Last year we had ~$4000 worth of Pampered Chef stuff left on our doorstep, if anyone driving by knew what that was....well we'd have been in trouble. THey also left my wife's computer on her doorstep (in Ontario at the time)...Ya a big box with "DELL" on the side...maybe broadcasting to thieves?? THis past fall, they left a wedding present from my grandparents on the doorstep...we were away on our honeymoon. The packing slip said "SIGNATURE REQUIRED", but the driver wrote "DR" as in driver released and decided it was ok to leave it on our doorstep. The package was an afghan that my grandmother had been working on for over a year. Needless to say, it went missing. UPS has been very very poor with their customer service and attempted to blame us for not being home to recieve the package... They have yet to refund my family for the insurance/shipping...and we're now in a bit of a battle with the company. Anyway, moral of the story, Don't ship UPS for anything...they cheat you on brokerage fees and have poor business ethics. -Gord
  3. OldVolvos, I'm also a setter and we run a 5-1 aswell...go figure. Luckily our opposite has nice hands and is also a lefty, so that made for a smooth switch. Like I said, I've done this before a trip in the past and know what I should be doing. I'm also considering re-baking my liner (thank god it's my left food - riding regular) on Sunday/Monday. Then the liner will be fitted with some swelling so that may take off soem of the pressure. On the bright side, I blocked the hitter...it was awesome. :D -Gord
  4. Hey Bumpy, I'm leaving on the 24th, maybe next time. RICE has been happening for many hours now. I'm at the point where I'm cycling the ice on and off. Physio will probably be ultrasound and some massage (uggh)..then more ice. Hot/cold flushing this weekend (60 sec in cold, 60 sec in hot...brutal). Unfortunately I've done this before and my wife also has crapy ankles, so we've gotten good at treating them. Six-pack...sounds great! -Gord
  5. Well here is another injury thread. I was playing volleyball lastnight and as I was blocking a hitter, he came under the net and I landed on his foot/ankle. Luckily I was wearing my ankle guards at the time, but I still managed to roll it quite well...Luckily a physio guy is on my team and he got me started with some excercises and I have a physio appt tonight. The ankle has been elevated and iced since it happened last night and a the golf-ball size swelling has come down a bit....but here's the kicker. I fly to Whistler on Saturday for a week of riding with my family...Grrrrr I'm trying to get the swelling down and then will attempt to cram my foot into my UPZ boots (I know of all the boots to have...) and ride for a few days. Does anyone have any miracle excercises/drugs/thoughts?? I'm grasping at straws here. -Gord
  6. Cool a board with Flare... very hooky ride I suspect!
  7. What's the redish stuff on shred's leg?? Mystery Sauce?? Another secret about MCCS perhaps. :)
  8. CHeck in with Dave at YYZcanuck.com , he should have some spare parts and I believe he's coming to SES.
  9. OOOOO Man I'm thinking more and more about getting one of these bad-boys. My 158 volkl is great, but sometimes I find myself wanting something snappier and more lively.... drooling...... -Gord
  10. Yes I have the 163. I also agree with "refried" that the board is great in on-piste powder, trees and bumps, I would like some more length in deep open-bowl stuff (I don't get heli-riding too often :) ). -Gord
  11. +1 for the 3800 I'm ~210lbs and love this board on/off piste. I'm now waiting on some Burton Elevators and then it's really gonna rail!! -Gord
  12. A buddy of mine dropped off his board for a wax and tune (did it ever need it). It's a cheapo LLB board, but it has a Kildy Flex system installed (made by 24/7). Seemed like overkill to have a conshox-esque install on such a cheap board. My buddy got it cheap at a second-hand sports shop, so he doesn't know. Anyone else seen these or know anything about them? I'm just curious. -Gord
  13. Gtanner

    shin bang!!

    I'v got a set of Booster straps with minimal use. PM if interested. -Gord
  14. Sidewall = repair I've done this once before with a board, the sidewall has popped out and was repaired with some clear epoxy. Check in with Prior on this one to get their opinion (complete with pics) When it happened to me, Bruce @ coiler took care of it (wasn't his board) and it was fine after that. -Gord
  15. I'm gonna miss you by a day! I love Harmony Chair on Whistler. Check out harmony ridge and scope out a line into one of the chutes. Use a spotter and drop into some freshies (usually air-entry). The snow there is epic!. Bail on Symphony chair, too much traversing and not what I would call AMAZING... plus traverse and run-outs are a b*tch on a snowboard. I also echo the "first tracks" sentiments, it's a ton of fun and you get the first runs of the day (usually 2-3 prior to people making it to the top)... Awesome carving run - Saddle on Whistler (gets busy). Leg Burner - Peak to Creek.... Leave some pow for me! -Gord
  16. I don't know of the company offhand, but there are snowboard-specific leg pads that articulate at the knee and go up the upper thigh... I'll do some digging and will ask around and post if I get the name of the brand. This was a few years ago, so I'm not 100% sure that they are still around. We used to use regular ski-shin guards and made some thigh guard with plastic garbage cans, some padding and a strap...worked well. We even attached them to the shin guard using some rivets and a small leather strap. Good home-made solution. -Gord
  17. Anyone, anyone??? Bueller? Thanks, Gord
  18. Anything by Steven Segal....shudder:barf:
  19. Thanks for the responses guys, I wasn't 100% sure and wanted to check with you folks prior to my doing it for more than a run or two. I'l loosen the springs, thanks. -Gord
  20. Looks good. Try to stop hugging your imaginary friend with your right hand/arm. If you keep you arms in, you will keep your weight over your center of gravity and force you to use your knees to drive in and through the turn. I understand the short verticle hills, enought to get your fix, but you do need a trip once in awhile. -Gord
  21. Hi Folks, I just got off the mountain today and it was cold but snowing all day. My Coiler AM kicked ass cutting through the chopped up crud. I found that when I had both boots in "walk" mode, I had more flexibility and more maneuverability. I was just wondering if anyone else riding UPZ boots are riding in "walk" mode? If so, I'm curious if anyone has figured out a way to protect the clip (I worry about snapping it off with my RSV superlights). Comments? -Gord
  22. I've got a set of 26-26.5 UPZ liners that are like the HEAD liners where the foot area molds with your body heat. PM if interested. -Gord
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