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Everything posted by Gtanner

  1. I'll be there in February... and will surely take a ride. Now I'm just waiting to hear about the first base-jumper off one of the cars....that would be cool to see! -Gord
  2. same here... I feel violated....well not really. But seriously, what would a hacker gain by getting access to a snowboarding forum?
  3. Wow thanks for everyone's comments. So a few more comments; Looking for a soft-boot board that is very versatile, but can hold an edge. To be honest, if it's harder snow conditions or icy, the coilers are coming out, so this will be a more soft-snow oriented board that can handle carving on the softer or tracked-out grommers aswell. I've pretty much dropped the ATV from my search and am leaning towards the tanker (love the '08 Maori inspired graphics)...although the arbor does look interesting (but it's so pretty that I'd have trouble taking it off the wall to ride...god forbid I ever scuff the topsheet). Weight is ~205lbs, ex-racer and agressive carver. Freeride setup uses some re-inforced burton drivers, technine pro bindings and burton elevators for extra leverage/stiffness.... So I'm looking for a board that can still hold an edge and provide some pop when asked. I'm reluctant to go over 172cm due in order to keep some manuverability in trees/bumps. Thanks again for all the comments, any further thoughts are appreciated. -Gord
  4. I've got the '08 JTS and it rides like a dream. The Jake felt good when I was trying it out, but just happened to get a better deal on the JTS. Kona are good bikes, cyclo-cross bikes are unbelievably versitile which I enjoy. Have fun and be sure to buy a good lock! -Gord
  5. Hahaha thanks for clarifying Neil, I already have a 172 Coiler AM and love it. I guess I'm looking at something softboot-specific that isn't going to fold like a noodle when I throw it on edge but isn't a monster to get around in some trees. My wonderful wife offered to buy me a board for my birthday...so now I have the horrible stress ;) of figuring out something that will either replace something in my quiver or compliment said quiver. Current quiver (for those who care) 172 Coiler AM 184 Coiler PR II 158 Volkl tiger 163 Dynastar 3800 Thinking of getting rid of the dyanstar and replacing it with a fun freeride board that can handle speed, being thrown on edge and taken into the trees/pow for some fun (depends on the trip). So I know someone is going to chime in with the Schtubby...and I'm tempted...but looking for something that will compliment what I currently have and not necessarily replace my AM that still has a few seasons left. -Gord
  6. Ok time for another direct comparison question. I'm looking to upgrade to a slightly longer freeride board (currently on a 163 3800 dynastar). This is a great board, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't carve amazing well and gets a little squirly at speed...so I'm wondering about a Tanker 172 or a Prior ATV in the same range. Any thoughts? Looking for the best of all worlds (I know alot to ask)...soft-boot carving on groomers, trees, bumps, pow.... -Gord
  7. Exactly!!! It's not me I'm worried about, it's everyone else on the hill that could hit be from behind or completely blind-side me!
  8. I was down in Queenstown for our honeymoon last year (my wife and I are adrenaline junkies). I second Allee's comments about the rental car. Call up JUICE rentals, they are really cheap (like $20/day unlimited mileage) and they don't necessarily rent the newest cars, but they are clean, well maintained and reliable. Also get the chains...it'll be worth it. Before you hit up the mountains, be sure to get used to right-hand drive on the local roads...it'll save you some scares on the hair-pin turns. And be sure to check out the other stuff in and around Queenstown. I recommend the "Ledge" bungy off the gondola (awesome view), also jet-boating is legendary. If the road is open, a day-trip to Milford Sound is always beautiful (may have to fly this time of year though). Have a great time. -Gord
  9. Just a thought. Email Money Transfer. You only get charged the $1.50 or whatever to send the money. I've yet to get dingged with an extra charge. -Gord
  10. Just picked one of these babies up this past weekend and what a sweet ride. So your comment about drop bars and brakes, well you can get some top mounted brakes stock on soem cyclocross bikes..or pick some up on Ebay or Performance and then splice the brake lines.... Also, the JTS has holes for Pannier (sp?) installation as well as fender mounts, which is nice for a commuter. I never thought I'd like drop bars, but now that I have it, I can't get enough. I have been bitten by the road-bike bug!! Good luck and happy riding. -Gord
  11. Ya I really don't know enough to go ahead and build a bike or be forced dismantle it right when I get it (although that could be a fun learning curve). Once I get off night-shift, I'll head to the bike shop and see what they have/recommend. -Gord
  12. Kent, I'm not looking to cheap out at all. I just want something to ride around with friends on the weekend and hit the odd trail...and use to get around once in awhile instead of my car. To be honest, I don't know alot about carbon (benefits vs breakage) and I'm assuming you are reffering to Shimano 105 parts...so for me it's an affordable bike that has good value that won't break the bank and will last more than a week...not top of the line model. I guess I pictured a steel bike with shimano parts (ultegra seems to be an upgrade I can consider later) and some egg-beater pedals mounted on a good quality and versatile frame (seems to be CX) with drop handle-bars...hope that made sense... Thoughts/comments are always welcome. -Gord
  13. Any comments on these bikes? Bikesdirect has them on for cheap...I know I know support the LBS, but I need to complete a full evaluation of everything available. Honestly, I'm leaning toward a Kona JTS since a dealer is nearby. -Gord
  14. Could someone point the issues with Aluminum vs Steel...is it just that Steel is tougher and harder?? In my mind I'd think aluminum is lighter. thoughts??
  15. I happen to be of the huskier variety (210lbs), should I be worried about wheels and spoke spacing??
  16. I'm nervous about a build, more looking for a all-in-one bike. Thanks for the advice guys. Also peddals, road or mtb?? how much should I be budgeting for these extras (thinking around $200 for helmet and pedals)... Keep the thoughts coming, it's appreciated. -Gord
  17. Hi All, I'm looking at getting into some road biking...but also have some trails around our house that I'd like to hit once in awhile (not single track, gravel wooded trails). Does anyone have any experience with cyclocross bikes (or converted road bikes)? I'm hoping to spend <$1000 if at all possible, but was wondering if this would be a good choice for a beginner. Primary ride would be road with the odd trail (say 60-40). Thoughts? Recommended brands? -Gord
  18. Recco insert for avalanche safety? I like the boot carrying ability... Evil Sports Hardbooters...awesome!
  19. So my parents were up on Whistler on Sunday (Squamish locals). They called last night to tell me about all the awesome carvers on the hill and how much I would have enjoyed riding with you guys... uggh Well done guys, apparently you put on quite a show!!! man, I wish I had dropped the dough to catch a flight for the weekend...oh well, my cash had to be saved up for my trip next week to CUBA!!! -Gord
  20. and Coiler.... I believe Bruce was one of the first to put the titanal under a layer of glass...
  21. Gents for those of us who could not join you, did anyone take pictures of the chilly-WES?? -Gord
  22. Next time I'm in town, I'll have to drop by to check you guys out. -Gord
  23. Steepandcheap.com Malamutes for ~145$ wish they had my size. -Gord'
  24. I'm a chemical engineer working for one of the larger oil companies in Northern Alberta's Oil Sands.
  25. Trying...so...hard...not...to...buy...flight...from...westjet... Have fun, post pics.!! -Gord
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