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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Ha! Not sure what that number means, you're the 6th subscriber. Thanks!
  2. Daveo, please keep it respectful.
  3. Who knew it costs money to run this forum? Yep! Now that we're not selling hard products here, we need the forum to be self-sustaining. Believe it or not the ads generate very little revenue themselves - they have been running for a few weeks, visible only when not logged in. So, we are now showing ads to logged-in members, and selling subscriptions to remove the ads and to be able to upload attachments. Click the blue Subscriptions tab at the very top of the forum to view/purchase the plans. If viewing on a smartphone, touch the menu button (3 horizontal bars), then Subscriptions. ALSO, we want to do something really cool here... all profits beyond the cost of maintaining this forum/website will be donated to USASA and the US Snowboard Racing Team. We believe youth racing is the future of this sport, so we want to help these guys out big time. This is your chance to support this crazy niche sport. Do yourself a favor and enter a USASA race, even just one, to check out what a great job these guys are doing, and to see the interest level in these young athletes - it's very encouraging! Even if you're not a contender, it's fun and exciting! Thank you!! Update: PLEASE DO NOT MANUALLY PAY AUTO-RENEWAL INVOICES - disregard as a reminder. See more further below.
  4. Yep, here we go! Please see the announcement at the top of the page. Thanks!!
  5. Glad you are getting your carve on with softies and a sweet sb-carve deck from Donek. However I wish you had come to us sooner, before reaching the stage of "I quit, here's why". I think I'm hearing a few fixable issues that could open the door for you on hardboots. 1, your boots sound like they are a "performance fit" (or maybe just too small) but this could be totally fixed by molding or even cutting the liners, and having the shells stretched by a good boot fitter. 2, I'm guessing you were riding hardboots with flat bindings (not tilted with cant or lift - more on that here) or just a flat front binding. I and many others also find this uncomfortable because the built-in forward lean of the boots cocks your lower body forward into a weird position. Adding toe lift to the front binding and heel lift to the back binding should make your hardboot stance much more comfortable, centered, and natural. 3, you might just need more mileage on easier terrain where you won't be riding in self-defense mode, so you can really feel what is going on and master the technique. Skidding and steering a snowboard in hardboots is awkward until you've really adapted to it, because you're fighting against the equipment. The good thing is, carving on easier terrain is still lots of fun. I think you should keep at it, you should try these remedies before throwing in the towel.
  6. I've never ridden the 171, so I am not knowing. But yes, there is something special about KST, I can feel it. The 168 feels like it has the turn size of a short board with the comfort of a long board. And it will agreeably carve longer or shorter while other boards want to carve within a narrower band of radii. As for the 162, I haven't ridden that either. On paper, the only difference is the length, and the radius range of the 162 is 7-12m and the 168's is 8-12. I'm not sure if there is more to it than that. I got 1st and 2nd in two USASA Slaloms this year on the 168, so it seems to work for SL for me at 190lbs. I'm having a 175 made with a 10-14m radius range... #yolo #midlifecrisis
  7. @dhamann and I rode the chair with a gentleman (mid-late 50s?) on a freeride board and softboots. He said "I love watching you guys ride, I want to try that someday!" I had seen him riding earlier and he's a few levels down from being ready. I said yeah it's super fun, but you don't have to buy anything at first, really the first step is to learn how to really carve on your existing gear. He responded "Oh I carve! I love carving." He was not doing anything remotely resembling carving. I tried to elaborate by explaining about being able to change edges before the board points downhill, and carving the downhill edge. Not sure he understood right then, but we took a run with him. Hopefully the lightbulb came on.
  8. Highly doubt it would be theft then, I can think of many examples of such activity in other industries like Auto.
  9. If he sells his existing stock that the Callens hired him to make, I don't believe that is theft. If he starts producing new replacement parts to sell, which are exact copies of Bomber parts, that is probably theft of Intellectual Property. I'm not sure if Fin owns the IP or the bank. Probably the bank.
  10. Wow I hadn’t heard that. imdb has him down as Steven Lincoln.
  11. I've submitted a new support ticket for the broken pictures.
  12. UPZ and Mountain Slope have similar configurations, apparently with no issues.
  13. Yeah... it's Google AdSense... the eye of Sauron...
  14. Right now you should only see them if you are not logged in. The screenshot above shows me just testing out the different locations. In the coming days, logged-in users will see some ads (not the one on the right sidebar, blecch), and there will be different levels of paid subscriptions available to reduce or eliminate the ads. The goal is for the site to become self-sustaining, and to support USASA and USSRT. At the moment I am paying for the hosting of the site, forum, and domain names.
  15. I fixed that post. http://forums.alpinesnowboarder.com/topic/45371-the-greatest-snowboarding-photo-ever/ @johnasmo, thanks I will check that out. The ticket I had previously opened on this has been closed, and I think their tech had thrown in the towel. There are almost 12gb of pics.
  16. Moved here http://forums.alpinesnowboarder.com/topic/40762-gilmour-bias/?page=4
  17. I got it. My point was that racing involves more carving than you seem to think. Sure it doesn't look like those vids from Sigi and PureCarve because racers don't make full "C" shaped carves, but like I said, I believe the best carvers make the best racers, like Sigi and Jasey. When I'm freecarving I'm doing the full C thing to control speed on steeps. If the slope and conditions allow, I'll mix it up with some race-style carving and let the board run. It's fun. I don't think you have to choose one style over the other. By the way I was really encouraged by the scene at this USASA race this January. Lots of kids participated, with a decent number on hardboots. @TVR's son (11?) was a treat to see - very enthusiastic, very engaged, asking his coach how to do better. I think this is our future. I see very few young freecarvers coming up behind us. Certainly none where I ride.
  18. Does USASA count as racing? I don't know what I'm doing, but I gave Nate True his only losses on the season. It was 4 races (2 runs each) in one day at Sunday River, on the Monday Mourning trail. So, a lot of runs. On my best runs, when I really felt in the zone, the gates almost disappeared, and I was just carving, and having a blast. Normally my racing consists of Wednesday night beer league with 75 skiers and 2 other snowboarders around ski gates. A race set for snowboarders, and used only by snowboarders held up much better, conditions-wise, so I felt it was very carve-able. Plenty of offset too. Let me tell you, my Kessler 180 is an unfriendly log until you get it up to race speed, then it is a Ferrari. Load the tail up on that thing and launch it and you are going for a ride. I believe the racer who wins is usually the one who carved the most and took the best line. I believe this is part of why Jasey Jay Anderson has had such a long and distinguished career - IMO he seems to carve more than others. Bob I think you should sign up and do some USASA racing and get back to us. Even just one day. You'll probably win your age group!
  19. Yeah, sorry. I have a knack for creating/discovering new IT "issues" that apparently nobody in the world has ever had before. This migration was an unusual and nonstandard event for Invision. Apparently they have never had a forum change URLs or ownership before. I had to pay for a developer to build a custom solution. It took several days to run, and as we can see not everything survived. It wasn't a simple matter of dumping and restoring a database, because the forum is cloud hosted. I imagine if there is a database, it's some new fangled NoSQL database like Cassandra or Mongo. Fin and I agreed it was important to stay with Invision so that the "new" forum would still feel like home, and that the transition would be mostly seamless and transparent. Thanks for bearing with us! I definitely recommend Bob's tip of looking back through your profile for old pics you've posted.
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