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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. you've become aware of the downward spiral of society. It's the price of being better/smarter than average. Good times, eh? fwiw, my friends and I could not get enough Op/Quicksilver/Maui/Sexwax/etc. swag when we were teens in the late 80's.
  2. Jack M


    lol..... that's just friggin disturbing.
  3. Jack M


    I think I'm in love...
  4. Jack M


    try some Jessie Cook.
  5. Jack M


    It's Peter Weller. He looks kinda like James Woods. If you want a real mind-blow, see him in Naked Lunch. At your own risk.
  6. Donek Freeride - Wide or Sasquatch http://www.donek.com/01_products/freeride.htm
  7. Yup. 9m on a 187 is insane. IN sane. RA's ride well *in spite of* their sidecut. So imagine the potential. The irony here is that too much sidecut depth is bad for skidded turns (Kent, jump in here any time). But don't worry, RA is in very good company.... practically everyone. Only Donek and Steepwater seem to have a g.d. clue. (priorsnowboards.com is down right now, so I don't know there) Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking Burton quality. I used to be the world's biggest Burton Boy. I just think their designs are all off.
  8. Bob, that's a very precise explanation of why Burton sucks. Even their top top top shelf boards are built for idiots.
  9. It could be a cool restaurant with a kick-ass deck, so long as you aren't scared of heights. But it's true, the building is fugly to anyone who hasn't been skiing there all their life.
  10. New owners are dismantling Sugarloaf's Gondola Midstation September 1. http://www.sugarloaf.com/media.html?id=1313&nobar=1 What I would give to hear that clink-clunk one more time.
  11. Even weaker: no sidecut longer than 8.95m. My freeride board would be 168cm, 11.2m sidecut.
  12. Ugh - I saw that Norton and thought man, what squid ruined that bike? Then I saw that it was Keanu's. Vincent - I'm glad that RC51 powered thing never made it. The Black Shadow's engine was the trademark of the original. I read about a British company making replica Vincent parts, and that they're about to offer a complete bike kit. I once had delusions of restoring my father's '66 Bultaco Metralla. Would have looked like this: Wish I had, would have been fun. 250cc two-stroke. Oh well.
  13. Jack M

    in memorandum

    the correct term is "in memoriam". or was that intentional? indeed, it will be nice when we can all put this whole nightmare behind us.
  14. I can't tell from that pic. However too much heel lift is a recipe for front quad burn-out if you ask me.
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/Museum-Quality-ALLSOPPs-ARCTIC-ALE-1852-SEALED-FULL_W0QQitemZ260145824374QQihZ016QQcategoryZ1351QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  16. Why? For a woman, scoring at an expression session is like shooting fish in a barrel.... as you can see, literally!!!!
  17. Then why are you posting here? I'll never understand people who go out of their way to post in threads about X, only to say "X is lame, who cares about X". Roger Maris is still the man, if you ask me.
  18. everyone who voted for #2 is wrong. :D Grumpy face, no sense of the terrain/steepness/snow quality, bad light, bad color, no contrast, boo.
  19. "Merkin Vinyards"??? oh man. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/merkin
  20. That's pretty much the thing to do. Fortunately with most p&s's, the "Depth Of Field" is so deep that they are pretty forgiving in this regard. If shots are still out of focus, you can further increase your DOF by using smaller apertures. Put your camera in Av mode, and try successively smaller apertures, like f/4, f/5.6, f/8, but don't go past f/11. As long as the camera can meter the shutter speed at 1/100 or faster, you should be ok. You can help the camera select a fast shutter by increasing ISO too. Most p&s cameras start to look like sh!te by ISO400, but the noise is less noticeable in bright scenes. Don't mistake motion blur for out-of-focus though. If you're getting motion blur, you need a faster shutter speed, and you may have to open the aperture back up to f/2.8. Motion blur is directional, OOF is unidirectional.
  21. indeed. Cyclists get stripped of their titles if they are found to be doping. Why not in Baseball?
  22. It will if you prefocus. That is, press the shutter button half-way down and hold it there until you're ready to take the pic. When you then press the shutter button the rest of the way down, the picture is taken much, much quicker. I took this with a lowly 4mp p&s (Canon S45): The DSLR, of course, is way better, and it'll do 5 shots a second. Makes for a nice sequence.
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