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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. DLR rules. SH rules too. VH just rules period. I had heard Michael Anthony bowed out of the tour as a gesture of loyalty to Sammy... no? And is Michael Anthony related to Anthony Michael Hall?
  2. www.keurig.com can you say <i><b>instant</i></b> gratification? and no clean up.
  3. Day after Thanksgiving, 2004, I went on an impromptu day trip to Waterville Valley with some friends. All my "current" gear was left up at Sugarloaf. Luckily I had my '96 Factory Prime 167 and an old pair of boots at home. The FP had at least 100 days on it, I had used it for instructing, and the top sheet was actually buckling in front of the front binding. I had no idea how the stuff was going to ride. Much to my surprise, I had a great time on it. If the price was right, I wouldn't turn my nose up at NOS for freecarving.
  4. Jack M


    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22PXiB6bYOE&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22PXiB6bYOE&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  5. So nice to hear about someone starting out the right way and having a great experience. Sounds like your equipment was dialed. Have fun!
  6. an expert level carver will be able to carve just about any board within reason well and look good doing it. But they will have more fun on the better gear. Get the best stuff you can afford.
  7. Huh? I'm in the wrong website then! Phil, Welcome to the forum, sorry it got off on the wrong foot. Lots of people are PMSing because they're jonsing to ride. I can see how D-sub took the "find a new sport" comment offensive. I can also see how it could have been meant as a joke. Can we all try to put the safety back on the hair-triggers? Bordy, don't leave, we need ya bud.
  8. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=7931#stepin
  9. 1. Not a public forum. 2. Everything written here can and has been used against Bomber in a court of law.
  10. Jack M


    Colts, ha! Couldn't get it done, THIS notwithstanding!
  11. The owner of the thread in question requested that it be locked. Bordy, a question.... why not publish your thoughts on the subject as an editorial on your own website? Or do you not want to bring hardbooter.com down to that level? Think about it in these terms and you'll understand why we have to step in sometimes.
  12. I know some people who will go x-c skiing after a day of downhill skiing to get more of a workout in. I say, if you are able to do anything other than sack out on the couch after a day of skiing/riding... you weren't charging hard enough!! :D :p
  13. Herr Shred is posting again!!
  14. Prior Metal WCR 177 with TD2s, medium (purple) e-rings. How should I vote?
  15. What the WTF? Do we need an Asym-only forum or something?? :D
  16. We could ask rhetorical questions all day long... like, "why aren't you manufacturing bindings then?", but I won't. ;) I personally do not understand why racers continue to use bindings that have a significant chance of catastrophic failure on any given run. I can't believe you're willing to bet your day, your season, or your career on this. Why not a strong binding with engineered flex, such as the TD2 with the extra suspension system along with a Hangl plate? Binding bail wire or other structural load-bearing parts are the last places from which you want to get your flex.
  17. http://www.bomberonline.com/store/accessories/hpd_liner.cfm
  18. Freecarve boards are definitely more advanced than all-mountain boards. The square tail can catch and throw people off - I've witnessed this several times. I think a 9-11m radius is good for a beginner. Allows you to do fun carves at lower speeds on less steep trails. Can't learn anything in self-defense mode on steeps.
  19. Jack M


    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2d_BYTNG54&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2d_BYTNG54&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  20. Went from Burton Flex 3-strappers to plates. Easy. Catek really needs to offer the FR2 in 3-strap trim. It is the gateway. You forgot two options - never softbooted - easy/difficult.
  21. Maybe. Of course you'll be able to progress to the point where you *can* ride and carve the board quite well, but you still may not like it. Narrow boards are an acquired taste, and many experts simply don't like them. I think that would be a great idea. Some, not as much as with softies. As your skill level increases, you will be tilting that board up very high. This is the amount of overhang I allow myself with TD2 step-ins and no risers: That's an 18.5cm wide board by the way, and I have size M28.5 boots.
  22. Yes. Like 7 degrees or maybe a little more, which is significant. And aside from your binding angles, the narrow board will feel like a balance beam as you try to ride it. Lots of people get a false bad impression of Alpine because they tried to start on the wrong equipment. Don't repeat history.
  23. your feet are waaaayyy to big for an FC 1. Very narrow board. You need an FC 2 minimum, preferably an Axxess (Axis), 4WD, or other wide carving board.
  24. Gaaa! I didn't see this until too late! Oh well, couldn't have gone anyway. Yeah, I don't ride SR normally. However last year me and the Mrs. played hooky there one day. Dropped the kids off at daycare and continued on to SR. Picked them up on the way home. It was great for this. Sugarloaf is too far for a day trip, and for a mere 40 extra minutes of driving each way, I'll take SR over Shawnee. Especially with a skier. We stuck to White Cap and Barker, avoided all the traverses and had a great time. White heat was awesome for carving. The place was empty and we got plenty of runs in. We'll definitely be doing this again.
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