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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. get some Bishops!! http://www.bombertele.com/
  2. So you mean plans other than coming to the ECES, right?? :D March 3-9 The Sugarloaf Snowfields are not carveable. They leave it all-natural except for one swath up the frontside that they blow snow and groom on called White Nitro, and you wouldn't want to carve that either. And yes, the Snowfields are rarely open. Takes a lot of natural snow to fill it in. But when it's open, it's sick. But nevermind all that, the rest of Sugarloaf is simply the best carving mountain in the east, bar none. Lots of steep groomers, and they're wide by eastern standards. You can really improve your carving by riding there. There's also plenty of mellower cruisers. Sugarloaf comes into its primetime starting in early to mid February and it lasts through March. Although some years January can be stellar too, but I wouldn't bet the farm on that. Anyway, it is my absolute favorite. As with any place, the weather can screw you, but provided it doesn't, you will have a blast there. (the 2 trails on the right of the picture are actually quite wide and are great carving trails. the camera is at an angle to them.)
  3. Spoon, welcome to the site. If you ever have any interest in alpine (carving, hardboots, cruising) this is the place. The links below are a good start for that kind of info.
  4. Stump also did Burton's 1989 "Snow Rules", which if you watch it today is almost painful to watch, but back then it was epic. Nearly wore out my VCR playing it, and repeatedly rewinding the scene of Peter Bauer making perfect powder turns with a style as distinguished as Craig Kelly's.
  5. Sweet Plake avatar there. Greg Stump is my fellow Portland homie! But I gotta give it to the first and funniest ski movie I ever saw, Ski Time by Warren Miller. http://www.amazon.com/Ski-Time-Warren-Miller/dp/6302571960
  6. got some leftovers: Designed by the illustrious Ken Delrossi.
  7. That would be the running length of a 154cm race board.
  8. I hear you and it's a valid point, but I like to have 3 boards (short, medium, long). An $1800 board would limit me to 2 at best, if not just that one. The 175 Gladiator is too middle-of-the-road to serve double duty as my short and medium board. A Madd 170 could do that. (Hmmm, so maybe a Madd 170 and a Berserker 185 is the answer!) Don't get me wrong, I've fondled a couple Viri, and they're dream machines. I'm not taking anything away from the quality or the ride. 2-Large is a huge pill to swallow.
  9. LOL - Good review Bob. I'm sure I'd love it. However $1800 is simply beyond the realm of any reasonable justification for me and a lot if not most people here. I'm not poor, but this is a board for people with 4 bedroom slopeside condos. Or d.i.n.k.'s, or single professionals. I can see spending a grand on a custom. Almost twice that is just... wow. The pretenders with their ebay FP's as you so succinctly described them aren't even reading this thread, or if any are, not for buying advice.
  10. Jack M

    Watch Out!!!

    I used to have a CG captain's license for launchtender duty. You are right about the overtaking rule, but I don't see the CG boat overtaking. Looks like a clear case of the CG boat failing to yield to a boat on its starboard side.
  11. I wanted that board bad. I had to "settle" for the 7 because the 6 was sold out. The pink tail was way radder and the nose was more functional. I'd give him $75 for it now and ride it once just to see what I missed. heh - "one of the most geometrically complex..." - he's quoting my article: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/brief_history.cfm
  12. The Zylon color is cool, it's the natural color of the fiber, and it's got that fiber shimmer look to it. Love it or hate it I guess, but it looks tech. I like it. I know a certain someone who has a Gladiator, but I refuse to ride it because I can't afford to fall in love with it.
  13. I strongly dislike header wrap on any bike. blecch. And those SV wheels just don't jive. Need spokers. Track duty does not preclude classic looks: I'd say all you need is some stiffer springs, good rubber, and clipons. And lose the saddlebags of course. Oh and a K&N and jet kit to go with the new silencers. I'm assuming you're going for the CR look.
  14. Sure it does. With no leash law, you just let your dog out in the morning when you leave for work and then call it for dinner. Those were the good ol' days. Made for very mellow, well mannered, sociable dogs. A big yard with an invisible fence is good, but not quite enough. Our dog used to roam an area of many acres.
  15. Excuse me, it's just my opinion, as I said. It seems obvious to me that dogs need to walk, run, and roam waaay more than is typically convenient for their owners. Yes, more than twice a day.
  16. I loved the Golden Retriever I grew up with. However the kind of dog he was is all but extinct, thanks to leash laws. Yes. And if you live in a town with a leash law you can pretty much eliminate that possibility. Owning a dog in a leash law town is cruel and purely selfish if you ask me.
  17. Fin. But yes, you are insane, imo. May as well have a baby. At least a baby craps in a diaper. Forget last minute day or weekend trips. "Sorry, can't leave my dog." You have the rest of your life to be responsible for a dependent. Be young and free while you can.
  18. I think you got all this from that Simpsons episode. "who keeps the metric system down? we do!" :D
  19. Me so confused. I thought Bush was a bible-thumping prude....?
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