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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Michelle, you forgot the part about being Fin's diligent lackey, yes-man, and mouth-corner-wiper.
  2. What I would like to see is an adapter plate that allows you to mount any softboot binding to the TD2 lower assembly. This would buy you cant, lift, and dampening. Or maybe a dedicated lower assembly for soft bindings to achieve the same thing but with less weight - that is, the soft binding would mount right to the cant disk. On another note, how bout one of them new skull-sized golf drivers?
  3. Not necessarily. A good place to start is with toe lift on the front foot, heel lift on the back foot, and no canting whatsoever. Try riding like this for a few runs. If you feel like your legs are fighting the boots either inward or outward, cant your bindings and/or boots to compensate. toe lift on both feet (or heel lift on both feet) is <i>extremely</i> rare, and frankly I can't fathom it being beneficial to anyone other than those with major league skeletal issues. In fact, I've never heard of anyone riding like this on purpose.
  4. Jack M

    Fenway Pic

    Actually 8th inning on Friday, when Okijima and Papelbon blew a 7-2 lead. I believe I was taking a whiz during the stretch.
  5. Jack M

    Fenway Pic

    Thanks. I used Canon Photostitch software. Yeah, Fenway is magic.
  6. Jack M

    Fenway Pic

    I was at the sox game on Friday for the implosion. :rolleyes: The good news was that Dicey-K and JD Blew both had great nights, so there is hope. Perhaps JD will pull a Bellhorn in the post-season.
  7. Donek Freeride - Wide. Catek Freeride bindings. Boots - Salomon Malamutes are said to be supportive, but I think most boots out there are already minimized for length.
  8. Jack M


    what are custom edges?
  9. Yes. It is. One thing I would really try to watch out for is the dreaded "front hand swing". That's when shortly after starting a heelside carve, your front hand swings across the nose of the board and ends up somewhere over your front foot toe. For regulars, this is your hand swinging from left to right. This is one of two bad things. 1, it can be a subconscious effort on your part to wrench the board around with rotary momentum. Or 2, it can be the result of unbalanced rotary momentum in your body (board turns left, upper body doesn't, upper body has to "catch up"). Concentrate on turning as one unit with your board. Don't fight the equipment. Let it do what it is built to do. Furthermore, isolate one skill at a time and work on just that for a number of runs or even a whole day. And do it on a slope easy enough that you don't have to be too concerned about speed control. You can't learn in self-defense mode.
  10. you are right. Not only is it "not out of the question", it is a key factor in the equation. It's all about leverage.
  11. great stuff terehov, I plan on a huge post in this very important thread. That 7-levels thing terekhov referenced is elitism of the very highest order.
  12. When I was between careers in 2000, I worked at a high end hi-fi and custom home theater installation company. The word back then was that FCC had mandated all carriers to go completely digital by 2006. Ayuh. Gleb... don't do it man. The only way I see this remotely feasible is if you have -zero- student loans. Start small and work up. When I was in college I bought a great 2-channel system for reasonable cash. (discrete 5-channel was brand new) I got a pair of open-box Boston Acoustics HD7's and a used Nakamichi stereo receiver. It sounded almost as good as the system I've worked up to today (sub-bass range notwithstanding). I hooked it up to my discman and a hi-fi 4-head VCR and I thought I was rockin'. I had no debt when I graduated. I have friends who are still hobbled by college-era debt, 10 years later. I guess my advice to you is to be frugal. Buy used, buy display models, etc, and pay with cash. You'll be happy.
  13. Wasn't the tail of that Funky actually flat? As in, no upturn? It's just got that pintail shape? I always thought that was a weird board. Didn't Funky turn into what we now know as F2?
  14. Justin.... In the latest Consumer Reports, they did a study.... buying a new Honda Civic and keeping it for 15 years, or selling and buying new every 5 years. They determined you come out $30k ahead keeping the one car for 15 years. (including potential investment earnings with the extra cash) They found about the same with other kinds of cars too, not just the Civic. BJ..... I'd replace it with an Outback and a roofbox. It's amazing how much stuff you can lug in a station wagon with a roofbox. Buying an suv is approaching insanity these days.
  15. So do Volkls. Fight the lawsuit - buy one from Fin!
  16. You can be denied health insurance coverage if you injure yourself in a recreational pursuit. Check this out: http://www.triumph675.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=13314 thanks GeoffV for the heads up.
  17. http://labs.google.com/goog411/#utm_source=en-us-gmwc=et=gmwc this blows my mind. directory assistence has always carried a premium charge! No more!
  18. I have size 11's, and on my softies I ride 33/24 and love it. I tried 45 once as an experiment and hated it.
  19. 1, Phil's opinions are to be respected here. 2, hard to go wrong with Donek.
  20. This board is obsolete. It is about 15 years old or more. You can do a lot better. Anyone who recommends this board now only does so because they owned one once and feel nostalgic about it.
  21. Well, all I know is that I have a Burton T-shirt that says "since 1977". I believe I read a JBC interview once where he said the first "production" board that was available in stores and not just from the back of his truck was the blue '80-'81 one on the left here:
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