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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Allee, one thing I did right when we bought the house was purchase a <i>submersible</i> sump pump. A regular stand-up non-submersible pump would have had its motor under water by the time the power came back on.
  2. Hopefully someone here can benefit from my mistake... As you may have noticed, the east coast got a wicked nor'easter last week. Here in Maine it was the worst storm since the '95 ice storm they said. I lost power for about 24 hours and ended up with about 2 FEET of water in my basement. My homeowner's insurance did NOT cover this. Why? Because I did not have flood insurance, nor did I have the "sump pump endorsement" on my policy. The bastards pointed out that I was offered this several times in writing on my policy renewal offer each year. However I never read those things because I thought I had all the coverage I needed. And I know I was never told about this in person or over the phone, because I certainly would have taken it - our house depends on our sump pump big time. I told my folks about this because they have the same insurance company, and lo and behold they did not have the endorsement either. I imagine there are other people who have not realized this either. So.... if you have a sump pump that your home depends on, make sure you have flood insurance and/or a sump pump endorsement on your insurance policy!!
  3. Tradition. Same reason Ducati makes and races V-twins. This bike's "wings" appear a bit higher than the previous S. I read a couple years ago that they were considering inverting the engine to gain clearance, maybe they finally did that. Also, have you seen the K bikes in person? They're a mile long. Weird design with the lay-forward I-4.
  4. Flowlab vs. Carveboard vs. Mountainboard vs. Land Surfer Tierney Rides Tierney Update
  5. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/newsresults/mcn/2007/April/apr16-22/apr1707bmwsportboxer/
  6. Do they ride flat? I would imagine this would eliminate any cant/lift adjustment, unless they used shims.
  7. I'll be spending this weekend de-swamping my basement, after we lost power in that big New England northeaster and my basement flooded with about 2 FEET of water. Sugarloaf got 55". Oh the humanity.... http://www.sugarloaf.com/daily.html
  8. disturbing video jealousy is a deadly sin folks.
  9. among other things... anti-depressants.
  10. har har... I ride my softboot board at about 33/24, and I use more of a heel/toe technique.
  11. I loved that board. 45 degrees and below and asym makes sense.
  12. Jack M

    Quick Question

    Christ, he's not dead, it's a temporary ban, people. Due to accumulating circumstances both on the forum and off. You won't find a single whopper incident, it was just time for some sort of action.
  13. if you don't already have them, these are the cure-all: http://www.bomberonline.com/store/accessories/liners.cfm
  14. Always fun to hear about the hook getting set. I have that board too, it's a winner. Check out the tech articles here for some tips if you want. Good luck!
  15. You're right, that is the only problem with the T-board, and it is a big one. No flex. They need to put those cool trucks on a longer deck so you can stand <i>between</i> the wheels rather than on top of them. I haven't checked lately, maybe they have.
  16. T-board version 1: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/tierney_article.cfm version 2: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/tierney_new_carver.cfm other boards: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/street_carvers.cfm
  17. Hi snocarver, you wrote "One conspiracy theory asserts that Burton colluded with Rossignol (who never figured out how to make an asymetrical snowboard because they are French)" I kindly remind you that asymetrical concept was patented by a French company (Lacroix who build a lot of high end racing and carving asymetrical boards). Other french companies (Hot snowboards, freesurf) were able to manufacture such boards to. Serge Vitelli (a little french guy) gave his name to the Vitelli turn (so called Euro turn in the US) So please, don't speak so bad about us ! Berttri, a french carver.
  18. Jeff, if you can, go custom with a narrower waist on that 187 for your boot size. Stock is 19.5cm. I'd be very surprised if a 18cm template didn't already exist. ps - unfortunately Sinecure speaks the truth.
  19. Interesting, I didn't know all that. I never considered the Boxster a chick car. To me a woman looks out of place in any Porsche. (I suppose Christy Brinkley wouldn't since she drove that Ferrari so well) Now, the VW Jetta, that's a chick car. (new model not as much) Ugh, what nonsense. Air cooling is a joke best played on Harley riders. Only Ducati pulls it off right. I never liked the sound of those older 911's - like they were tearing themselves apart above 3k. (all imo, of course!)
  20. Porsche Cayman S... saw one in person the other day. Sex on wheels... the perfection of the 911.
  21. In my experience with my Metal 177, the tail makes the biggest impact while not carving, where it really does make the board easier to ride. Mine serves double duty as my all-mtn board. While carving, it releases a little easier, and is more forgiving on uneven terrain (slush, chop, piles, etc). Does it make me pine for a rounded tail on my other carving boards? No. Comparing the Metal 187 to that Coiler isn't really apples to apples. The Coiler is also going to have a much shorter nose, which is a different issue altogether. The running length of the Metal Priors is the same as the corresponding WCRs. The Metals are just 2cm longer overall. The benefit of the shape is significant, the penalty of the extra weight is not. This doesn't apply to you Jeff, but I've taught my father how to carve, my wife how to snowboard (in hardboots from day one), and helped my sister make the transition to hardboots. For all of them, a round tail made a world of difference. My dad started on an FP, my sister on an Alp, and my wife on a Stat. Switching them all to E-decks opened the door to the next level. ps - no dare needed.
  22. I was given a rusty blue $600 '82 Subaru GL wagon junior year ('91). I totaled it.
  23. absolutely. Dude, you do not want to find yourself in my wife's path when I wear my seersucker sportcoat... you might get trampled. :D
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