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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Not at all. If I hang around a "no loitering" sign in a public area, not doing anything, am I doing anything wrong? Yes. Then when a cop comes by and tells me to move along, can I say "no, I'm not doing anything"? No. He was heckling, and being hysterical. Looks to me like he just wanted his talking points aired. I'd say he did a better job of that than if he had played by the rules. I wonder how many people now are trying to find out if Kerry really did win the election thanks to this utube vid. Again, let me say the use of the taser was imo unnecessary and was bad PR for the man. lol, what is that, a threat? Nowadays I play by the rules, mostly. Especially when my legal record is involved.
  2. Unfortunately no. Then anybody could resist for anything. Think about it. If the cops are wrong then you take it to the judge. Or if you're both lucky and polite, your arresting officer might agree to hear you out. Believe me, I had my share of draconian experiences with Durham NH's finest. I'm no cop-lover. I think the use of the taser in this case was unnecessary. But as my ex-cop coworker says, if you're a cop and you say come over here I need to speak with you, and your suspect turns their back or doesn't comply, the taser may be used. At that point it's on the cop to make the call. However the fact that our hapless perp is such a complete moron and/or ass makes it hilarious.
  3. the way the sentence subjects keep volleying back and forth, I can't tell who wants to do what with the leg.
  4. You know, I don't think anyone here has seen or knows enough of the context surrounding the event to know beyond a doubt whether the constitution was trampled here. The 1st amendment does not give you the right to yell "fire" in a crowded theater. Not that he was exactly doing that, but does anybody know if there were specific rules posted and known by the guy that prohibited badgering, heckling, antagonizing rhetorical questions? I'll bet there were. If there were, then they were right to stop his questioning. Then when he resisted the cops, he screwed himself. You simply do not resist the police. If you do not resist and they still brutalize you, then you own the m-f'ers and they will lose their badge and worse. If you do resist, then, well, you're a dumbass. I've seen another video that shows him outside the theater after being tasered and hauled out. The guy is either a complete idiot who knows zilch about the law and the way police work, or was 100% grandstanding. He's saying things like "oh my god, they're going to kill me!" and "take these handcuffs off me". He also asked "why am I being arrested?" and the cop responds "inciting a riot". This is ridiculous, but the cop probably lacked the presence of mind to say "attempting to incite a riot", which would have been accurate. Is that justifiable cause for arrest? I don't know, but again, if the guy broke posted rules, then he deserved arresting. Did they need to taser him? Probably not. He was clearly outnumbered and I didn't see him threatening the police. A friend of mine was a cop who was trained on the taser, which includes being tasered yourself. He said it's an absolutely miserable experience, Gleb. So that's lame of the cops here, but I really don't think a Kent State or Tienanmen Square situation is imminent.
  5. The concept is like a serrated blade. I'll bet it works. I just wouldn't want to be the one to tune it!
  6. http://www.motogp.com/en/motogp/motogp_news.htm?menu=news&news_id=21105
  7. Jack M

    It's a boy!

    congrats!! ok, NOW you really need to change your location!
  8. Oh this guy: I dunno, that white color scheme does nothing for me. Give me the original red/silver Serie Oro.
  9. Yes, he rode his KLR there, but it has knobbies. the driver is a track instructor. TT's got big ones. You wouldn't catch me on that thing.
  10. You're welcome. Now buy some prints so I can buy your Lowepro backpack. ;) Actually I had an absolute blast. That was my first time with total access to the inside of the track. It was a ton of fun to shoot from inside turn apexes. Also I feel like I learned a lot about how to ride the track better by watching others from such an intimate angle. I wanted to get there earlier, but I got stuck by a semi-emergency at work. Thanks for the generous offer to ride your other bike.
  11. I was the photog this time. No riding for me, but it was big fun to get all-access to the track, sit on the grass in the turn apexes and shoot away. Some highlights of our esteemed brethren... GeoffV Shaggy same turn, different angle Bob Jenney PaulK Paul borrowing Geoff's bike AlexJ and the piece de resistance... TT riding bitch:
  12. http://www.goodstorm.com/item/dropsoul/dont_tase_me_bro_dark_brown_black_or_olive_green_t_shirt_sweat_shop_free
  13. Bob, good point about the iMac being having all (or rather several) of the disadvantages of a laptop with none of the benefits. I think I'll scratch that off the list. I started this quest lusting for the Mini because it's so cheap. You can get it with 2gb ram. However again, all the disadvantages of a laptop. So I think a laptop is the way to go. So I'm back to the original quesiton... is the MBP <i>really</i> worth another $550?? That's a season pass to Sugarloaf and then some. I will wait for Leopard in any case.
  14. Hey.... can I get Leopard for free too? Or will it only be on the iMac? Actually.... shee-it, maybe I want an iMac! Seems like more bang for the buck, no? Does it have a battery? Carrying case? It would be cool to grab it and bring it into the kitchen for entertaining to do juke-box duties. Hmmm.... Anyway, here is the matrix so far: Macbook 2.16ghz, 2gb ram: $1450 15" Macbook Pro 2.2ghz, 2gb ram: $2000 20" iMac, 2.4ghz, 2gb ram: $1650 24" iMac, 2.4ghz, 2gb ram: $1950 24" iMac, 2.8ghz, 2gb ram: $2200 I dunno, I'm thinking either the $1450 or $1650 machines.
  15. I don't see myself using Aperture. my iPod comment was based on a Nano I had that saw light duty and lived for precisely 12.1 months. Also I have some friends who have had bad luck with other 'pods. Another thought: resale? The Pro is just sooo much more money. Would I be able to buy a standard Macbook, try it out for a month and if it doesn't cut the mustard, ebay it without losing my shirt? Or better yet, exchange it??
  16. oh yeah. Well it's *nix, in any case. One more Q: how necessary is AppleCare? I assume it's like rustproofing.
  17. Since there's so many fellow geeks here.... Soon to be ex-PC user here. Not that I'm disgruntled with PC's, but I've been seduced by iTunes and I want to give the Mac world a try. Also the Linux-esque OS is a big turn on. The computer's primary function will be photography. I shoot a Canon 30D in RAW. 95% of my post-processing is done in Canon Digital Photo Professional (DPP). I do not see myself going to Aperture. I am a serious hobbyist and a semi-pro. Can I get away with the standard Macbook, or is the Macbook Pro the proper machine for evaluating images on screen, and for a RAW image workflow? PLEASE NOTE, when at home, where I will be working on my images 99% of the time, I will be using an EXTERNAL MONITOR - 20" Samsung lcd, 1600x1200. As far as I can tell, the major difference to the pro is the graphics card and the ability to go to 4gb RAM. Is the better graphics card really necessary for photo work? Or is it really for gamers? I would think it wouldn't take a supercharged graphics card to display static images. Any other reason I should go for the pro? I have 2 external USB hard drives, so on-board HD space is not a concern. I am not into video editing or gaming. At all. I neglect my family enough as it is working on my stills. My last PC (Gateway 2.2GHz Pentium 4 desktop) has served me well for 5 years. So I will expect and demand 4-5 years of service out of my next machine. Are Macbooks up to that task? Or are they like iPods - just fragile fashion accessories for college co-eds, good for 2 years tops? Thanks in advance. -Jack
  18. hence the reason I lobbied to keep politics/religion/etc out of this forum as well. it sucks everyone in, including me, and serves little purpose.
  19. ...just giving honest feedback. "How low can you get" is ok, but you can't see the board or his arms or legs in the picture - he just looks like a blob with a helmet - you will get the classic "what is he doing, falling?" response. The tracks one I think would be better with a picture of roller coaster tracks. Otherwise the train tracks don't imply speed and g-forces. The ultimate tool one will confuse people who either don't know what a compass is, or won't figure out what it has to do with snowboarding. A big chef's knife or meat cleaver would make a better impact, and it relates to the name of your boards. The draft your path one is pure misinformation. The sidecut radius of your board never equals your carve radius. please don't perpetuate that common misconception. don't take it personally. I'm jealous. Wish I could have my own private label of carving boards. Good luck. edit- good point below about changing it to "how low can you <i>go</i>?"
  20. understood tex, probably for the best. for the record I was being very sarcastic when I said "evil American capitalist machine", if that wasn't obvious. pebu, while we're at it, nuke the gay unborn whales for Jesus!
  21. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showpost.php?p=49667&postcount=17
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