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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Jack M

    oink oink

    Can't stand 'em. On the way back from Sunday River yesterday on rt 26, traffic was plodding along at the speed limit or maybe +5 downhill. I like to go 8-10 over because it saves time and effectively it's perfectly legal (no ticket). So we come to an uphill section and there's a passing lane. Everyone in the parade pulls over into the slow lane, so I take the fast lane. I get up to the SUV at the head of the pack and he won't pull over. So I flash him the beams and he still won't pull over. So I go to pass in the right lane and he speeds up to 75mph. I floor it and complete the pass. The SUV had volunteer firefighter plates on, and after I passed he quickly flashed his red dashboard-mounted strobes, just to try to freak me out a little. Then, in typical fashion, he tailgated me for a few miles. What the hell is the matter with these people?
  2. Thanks man. it's a good thing Geoff brought extra undies.
  3. check out the links below to get started. good luck!
  4. where's the 3rd Blue Man?
  5. The ECES would have sponsored your raffle! I have a SWEET helmet I could have sent...
  6. I bet for Snow Stix. Strange there isn't one on the tail.
  7. similar item in our Practice Drills article, except front hand touching rear boot cuff. That's a bit extreme and certainly no way to ride around, but it's something to try. Helps get people out of the habits of facing the toeside edge, bending over at the waist, and reaching down for the snow.
  8. sorry, forgot to answer one of your original questions. No, that board should not be too soft for you. But it is turny. Short radius boards need to make shorter carves. You can't just put it on edge and expect to go along for the ride, you have to drive it. Especially as speed increases.
  9. well here's something... not my best, but the best toeside photo sequence of me of the day. good cross-through example though. Conditions weren't great - rain re-frozen loose granular. And Bob was usually set up on the side of the trail that got better heelside shots. Wish he had been shooting faster than 3fps too. And the sun was in my eyes, and... I like the illustration of cross-through here - from shots 1 to 2 I'm starting a cross-over move, and from 2 to 3 I change edges with a cross-under move. You can see in shots 2 and 3 that my center of mass is basically in the same place (notice the tree) but the board has moved uphill.
  10. Gary, all understandable. We know what an ordeal it is to run demos! Maybe next time.
  11. Lift ticket voucher instructions are here: http://www.eces.us/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=8 Ace, correct, and not through the ECES organization either.
  12. There are some articles in the links below that can help. Sounds like you're not committed to the carve - That's a turny board you've got there - you were probably trying to make a more drawn out carve than it wanted to. Really pressure that front foot at the start of the carve and feed the board through the turn as it comes around. Finish the carve 60/40 on the back foot. LOOK where you are going - not down the hill.
  13. <b><u>Banquet:</b></u> We've got 55 people signed up for the banquet/raffle, but over 70 signed up for lift ticket vouchers.... sooo..... we negotiated an extension for <b>Monday 2/18/2008</b> to get in on the banquet. Go to www.eces.us/info.htm for instructions on signing up and payment. After 2/18 we cannot accept latecomers or walk-ups. You don't want to miss this. We have 4 boards and 4 pairs of bindings to give away among other goodies. <b><u>Demos</b></u> No formal demos. Sorry. Due to Bomber not being able to attend and the current litigious climate of this society, we will not be operating formal demos at the ECES. HOWEVER.... Donek <i>might</i> be sending some boards anyway, Bruce from Coiler will be present and possibly packing a quiver of loaners, and you never know if Madd Mike will show up with a stack. IN ANY CASE, demos will be <i>strictly</i> off the record, at your own risk, and at the discretion of the individual loaning out boards. We will have a tent or two and some chairs/workbenches to serve as the session "base station" for hanging out, swapping gear, talking schmack, cat-calling passing NYC snowbunnies, etc. Bomber is set up with insurance and gear for operating demos. They have done it for us in the past, and we are hugely bummed they can't make it due to their ongoing situation. We asked Startingate to step in, but they declined.
  14. What?!? My outfit doesn't match??
  15. :lol: but where is the demo tent?
  16. ;) Photos by Bob Jenney From the PFP gathering at Mt. Sunapee, Thursday 1/31/2008.
  17. Jack M

    Sunday River

    I really want to try to ride Mad River Glenn and if questioned say "what. this isn't a snowboard, it's a monoski."
  18. Sorry, I didn't catch that. So you can carve and make lines like this? Even if it's only on the greens, that's fine. (actually hard to do anywhere else on softies)
  19. There are articles in the links below that will help get you going. Sorry if you've already seen them. The FIRST THING before you buy any alpine equipment, is to get some carves happening on your soft gear. Head down to the green circles, practice The Norm, and see if you can initiate carves on the downhill edge. Once you can do that, then you're ready for the equipment change. But no sooner.
  20. that's nut's that it's been 10 years. I was psyched when he won it.
  21. Need to get a headcount and a payment to Stowe. Please sign up here: www.eces.us/info.htm Thanks! It's going to be a gooood time.
  22. There are articles in the links below to help you get started. Head to the greens, slow down, and get The Norm going on your softies. Learn to start a carve on the downhill edge. This will give you a big head start when you switch to hardboots. Carving is possible on soft gear - if you switch to hardboots without first knowing how to carve your edge without steering/skidding, it will be even more difficult on alpine gear.
  23. That camo board is a prototype made in 2004.
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