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  • Location
    bellingham, wa
  • Home Mountain/Resort?
    loveland, wolf creek, ski cooper
  • Occupation?
    nothing - unemployed
  • Current Boards in your Quiver
    atomic dreamraider 165
  • Current Boots Used?
    saloman solace
  • Current bindings and set-up?
    don't have bindings. i snapped the high-backs on my old pair and have yet to get new ones, but i usually set a goofy +55/+30.

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  1. Just got my new Deeluxe Track 325's molded. Looking forward to riding them.
  2. I appreciate the advice!I have a wide foot, but skinny ankles. I needed heel straps for my soft boots to prevent heel lift. Sounds like I have plenty of options to look into now. Three weeks to wait for my board, and another three for a decent base to carve here in the Interior; plenty of time to research.
  3. Unfortunately, I live in Interior Alaska. Alpine riding being a niche sport there are no retailers for snowboard hardboots. Online sizing guides and luck are my best options.
  4. I just bought my first alpine board set (Prior ATV 167 and Bomber TD3 Standard Bindings). I was curious about hardboot manufacturers. Can anyone point me in any direction? Also, I'm pretty sure this question has been asked here crazy many times, but I'd really appreciate the help.
  5. Seasonal jobs only have me working during the summer. Disc golf is good stuff. Being outdoors for any reason is all summer in Alaska is about so I've surmised.
  6. 'Sup folks? I'm kind of new to the snowboard carving community. Really just trying to get into it, but I've got no one around to share the interest with me. All my winter sports friends are skiers and park boarders, and they can only teach me so much. I've been freeriding for a few years now, and the whole "go fast and carve" aspect of hard-boots and alpine boards has gripped me in a way no terrain park ever has. I love hooking fast turns in hard-pack and ice. I guess all I'm really looking for is some advice for a guy who really wants to try a new form of riding. Anything constructive would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, c4
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