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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Anything over 65 degrees is pretty extreme and is not a necessity for good heelsides. Put your toes and heels as close to the edge without hanging over and adjust from there. If that still has you under 60, try 60/60. For a practice drill, try carving heelside with your rear hand touching your front foot boot cuff. As speed increases, see if you can touch your rear hand to your front toe.
  2. Pics are here! http://jmphotocraft.smugmug.com/gallery/4484815_z4Kur You can order prints, gift items, or downloads from that site. All images are proportioned 3x2. You can crop to other shapes at time of order. Bob Jenney has a TON more shots that he is in the process of, um, processing. So if you don't see a shot of yourself that you like, wait a few days for Bob's shots. They will be posted to the same site. My personal fav: <img src="http://jmphotocraft.smugmug.com/photos/263836588_WZpJu-L-1.jpg"/> love the tongue!
  3. lol... how about Medina County class then? yes... you need a Schtubby!
  4. hahaha... just a little drunken wrastlin' among friends... 'cept of course, Geoff wrastles like a girl. I'm sure if the elbow hadn't tagged me, there would have been biting and hair pulling. nah - all in good fun
  5. Ha - thought about it, but honestly I never liked that base. I thought the urine-yellow zebra stripes on the faded navy base looked, I dunno, stale.
  6. lol... I think I'm safe since it's a one-off and not for sale. I believe Bruce has a demo or two of Shred's very similar "Schtubby X2" which is 171cm, 20cm, 13.2m. Geoff loved that one... until he turned it into the "Coiler EVO" with huge street racer-boy spoiler and all.
  7. Two years in the making and my Coiler Safari Comp IV has finally arrived! <img src="http://www.jmphotocraft.com/safari/Coiler_Safari.JPG"> Believe it or not, this, my first custom snowboard ever, was a generous gift from Shred Gruumer, Helmut Karvelow, and Mellow Yellow. I had invited Shred and Helmut out to Sugarloaf in 2003, and again for the 2004 and 2006 ECES's. Mellow came for 2006. When they arrived in 2006, they presented me with a "coupon" for a free custom Coiler on them as a thank you for the hospitality and my efforts on the ECES and here at BOL. Needless to say, I was floored and very touched. So a HEEEUUUGE thank you goes out to those guys - you are world class! The graphics are a replica of my first race board, the '89 Burton Safari Comp II. The topsheet was printed by www.snowboardmaterials.com. The design of the board is inspired by Shred's Titanal "Schtubby" concept - shorter board, longer sidecut, long effective edge, Titanal race construction, which he proved at the 2006 ECES with his "Infiltrator 161". I had also been thinking that this formula would work due to the effectiveness of my Madd 180 which has at least a 16m radius - a number more commonly found on boards over 190cm. The shallower sidecut depth makes for a very maneuverable board, and it does not want for more edge length. Basically I wanted a "do-everything" board that would become the flagship of my quiver. It will be my medium to long radius board, and my all-mtn board. Here are the specs: length: 170cm running length: 155cm sidecut radius: 14m waist: 21cm taper: 4mm Shred likes his boards super damp, so I asked for a bit more liveliness and a stiffer nose for my style. Does it work? OOHHHHH YYEEEAAAAAAHHHHH... <img src="http://www.jmphotocraft.com/safari/safari_carve1.jpg"> Frankly, for its intended use, it is simply the best I've ever had. I'm glad it took me 2 years to get off my butt and get the graphics done, because in that time Bruce has really <i>nailed</i> the construction. A magical blend of Titanal, carbon fiber, fiberglass, wood, and probably some other goodies, this board is without peer, in my experience. It does not chatter. The edge feels glued to the snow in a way that is brand new to me. I can tighten up the turns or let it run long and it does it all. I can dive it into a carve at speeds too fast for many boards. It doesn't really care whether you're driving the nose hard, or chilling out on the tail. The nose initiates like a dream. It is supremely stable yet still lively. I've got that new toy giddiness and I can't wait to ride it again. It's so rare in life that something you look forward to so much turns out perfect. This board is a 10 in every respect. <img src="http://www.jmphotocraft.com/safari/safari_6.JPG"> now some humor... Bruce sometimes scribbles notes on the protective sticker he puts on the boards... well, Shred got to it first... <img src="http://www.jmphotocraft.com/safari/safari_1.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jmphotocraft.com/safari/safari_2.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jmphotocraft.com/safari/safari_3.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jmphotocraft.com/safari/safari_4.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jmphotocraft.com/safari/safari_5.JPG"> Anyway, thanks again Shred, Helmut, Mellow Yellow, and of course Bruce! You guys are the best.
  8. CT = CCT clockwise torque = counter clockwise torque. torque = force x lever length play around with this and you'll notice that Burton cap straps actually decrease your leverage in softboots.
  9. And don't you think Neil Armstrong wishes he could have a mulligan?
  10. is it nails on a chalkboard to anyone else but me when you hear someone respond to a question by starting with "yeah no..." and, kjl is right, the graph isn't quite right. but I suppose it's irregardless. ;)
  11. Yes. Your original point which you have reiterated here is remarkably astute and correct. It inspired my earlier response. I don't really care that Alpine isn't covered in his mag, it's just the disrespect towards alpine, and the hypocrisy you pointed out so well. LOL - you are a genius, however we aren't excluded from terrain parks so it's not quite tit-for-tat.
  12. come on baby, hold together... (in my best Han Solo) http://www.accuweather.com/forecast.asp?partner=accuweather&traveler=1&zipChg=1&zipcode=05672&metric=0
  13. Bruce is bringing my new toy too I'll ask about yours. I'm rolling in Wednesday night, staying in the same condo as him. Come on baby, hold together... http://www.accuweather.com/forecast.asp?partner=accuweather&traveler=1&zipChg=1&zipcode=05672&metric=0
  14. Coilers have topsheets, so they're allegedly more protected and less prone to this sort of delam.
  15. Ahem.... Passat 1.8T makes <b>170</b> hp, thank you very much. See you all Wednesday night!! I'm bringing spare livers!!
  16. I've seen my father cry precisely 3 times in my life. My wedding, my sister's wedding, and when they put our 13yo golden down when I was 9. Goldens are the best. --- If you can start the day without caffeine, If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles, If you can eat the same food everyday and be grateful for it, If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time. If you can overlook it when those you love take it out on you, If you can take criticism and blame without resentment, If you can ignore a friend's limited education and never correct him, If you can resist treating a rich friend better than an poor friend, If you can face the world without lies and deceit, If you can conquer tension without medical help, If you can relax without liquor, If you can sleep without the aid of drugs, If you can say honestly that deep in your heart you have no prejudice against creed, color, religion or politics, THEN, my friend, you are almost as good as your dog. Author Unknown
  17. I think you're thinking of Jean-Claude Killy. He loves snowboarding but I don't know if he hardboots.
  18. I seem to recall a somewhat lengthy post by Mr. Hoy in the old maroon BOL forum saying how alpine was dying and irrelevant, that we should give up hope on ever being respected by his magazine, and how well the new softboot gear carved. Seemed like a sellout at the time and it ticked me off. If he's still got the love for the buckles, then we can kiss and make up. And yeah, our (lack of) popularity doesn't bother me... it seems to be slowly growing at a sustainable rate and hey, more cord for me. I love that we still have the sense of community that is extinct in the softboot world. However this may come to change... I feel like I get more questions and people impressed with my gear every year - both from adults who are done with the park and from kids who've never seen it because our last print exposure was the 2001 Burton catalog. Snowboarding was cool because it was different... now everybody does it and WE'RE the cool different ones! (well, different at least)
  19. :( :( :( :( :( :( I'll send your love to the plump bartenderess at The Rack PS... you guys don't know schtubby.... ~1990 Flite Weapon... length: 161cm, running length: 160cm. Right Gecko?
  20. How big are your feet?? Unless they are like US12 or bigger, the FC's 19.5cm waist will be fine. If this is going to be your only snowboard, the wider board will do better in powder/off-piste/crud. So if this is the case and all-terrain ability is a priority, the Blade will probably be better. But if you can relegate the Alp to all-terrain/powder/spring duty, and you want a more focused carving tool, get the FC. Again, 19.5cm is VERY middle of the road, and quite versatile. Good luck, and welcome!
  21. unless you weigh less than 150 pounds, no.
  22. Well, my favorite involves monkeys and is not suitable here. But here's a good one... <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxtUH_bHBxs&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxtUH_bHBxs&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  23. Yes. You can probably go wider, like 19.5" if you use toe lift under the front foot and heel lift under the back foot.
  24. ski blades, skiboards, snoblades, fruit boots... whateva.
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