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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Awesome find! RC planes are my next hobby. I'm surprised the camera could be mounted so far forward on the plane. Of course, when I make this video, the soundtrack will be Kenny Loggins. :D
  2. Let's keep it neighborly and constructive guys. That said, I wouldn't expect any metal board to hold up for long under bumperless TD1s, sadly. S happens.
  3. Who's in? I am! Looks like my 163 will do nicely... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9CjvP7-_Imw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> http://www.sugarloaf.com/Events/Calendar/Banked_Slalom.html
  4. Camber and flex pattern are two different things. I thought "forward loaded" camber meant the camber peaked somewhere around the front foot.
  5. Nevermind Terje.... Mark Fawcett won Pro Masters!!!
  6. http://www.bomberonline.com/resources/Techarticles/practice_drills.html
  7. yes, that is his signature. And it's Fozz, btw.
  8. Here's my take... http://www.bomberonline.com/resources/Techarticles/cant_lift.html
  9. Yes! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4xjUUf_sK84" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. You handled the aftermath politely, nice job. Glad you weren't hurt. However do my eyes deceive me or was there a trail merge right before the crash? You didn't check uphill during or after the merge. If so then I think you might share a part of the fault. But it is still mostly his. Edit - Oh, well that puts things more in your favor, but still, if there was a trail merge and he was on the other trail, it looks like he wouldn't have had enough time to realize your turn pattern.
  11. To the point that they are watching Twitter, I say so? It's public info. Excellent point. If they can't understand colloquialisms, how could they possibly catch wind of anything serious? <iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Qa1rjCZxtxo" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>
  12. Yes, Fin is working on customizing the look and feel. Take 1 didn't go so well last night! We'll get that sorted out and then look into the other stuff. Thanks for your patience everyone!
  13. Ahh, ok, those are not the toe-lever bindings I thought you were mentioning. My finger hurts just looking at that picture! ;) Sounds like you need some new springs, but still those bails must be approaching their service life. TD3s with the yellow (soft) e-ring ride nothing at all like TD1s. Or you can take it even further with Sidewinders. Of course if you want step-ins, this means new boots.
  14. Hi Lamberto, The answer really is to get some new bindings. Your old bindings don't owe you anything, and you'll be playing with fire if you try to extend their service. With the money you have saved by riding the same old bindings and boots (and presumably board) for so many years, you can treat yourself to new bindings. What is more expensive, new hardware on your board, or new hardware in your ankle or leg? Intec-style step-ins work great, I've been using them for 10 years. Just visually inspect that both pins are engaged and off you go. Certain snow/air temperatures can cause a problem with snow sticking to the soles of your boots, but I think the convenience the rest of the time outweighs this. Just scrape your sole on the heel receiver. But this is probably a moot point as you don't want to upgrade your boots, and that's fine if they're really working for you. It is not true what you say about the old Burton "rat trap" bindings. There is a way out of any over-center cam device like that. It can happen during a hard impact to the bottom of the board, like during very heavy chatter or landing a jump flat, and especially if the the bindings are sized too loose or too tight. Step-ins, on the other hand, if properly clicked in, are much more secure. It would take a much more catastrophic event to release your boot from step-ins. EDIT - unless by "rat trap" you mean the old Burton step-ins that slammed closed like an actual rat trap. I'm not too familiar with those, aside from painfully getting my finger caught in one at a snowboard shop once.
  15. need some hardboots guy!
  16. Sugarloaf is in great shape - thanks mostly to the snowmakers and groomers with some help from mother nature. A few natural snow trails are actually open. We may miss the thaw tomorrow. weather.com says 31 and "wintery mix". accuweather.com says 37 and rain. But you know, it can rain in the valley and snow on the mountain!!
  17. Jack M

    Spread Eagle

    ha, nice, the image resizes with your browser window.
  18. Jack M

    Spread Eagle

    Figured I'd test the new forum's image handling with a little bragging material... my son's first mogul competition...
  19. We probably need to rebuild the search index. This is a server intensive procedure so we will probably do it tonight. As for the new look, this is just the generic look. Fin will be stylizing it soon.
  20. Hope to add you to the ranks! Check out the links below. You can save money and get a taste in your ski boots, but if they are very stiff you will probably want something softer sooner than later. A good friend of mine started on his freeride ski boots last year and is having a fine time. It's a great way to ski and board in the same day, which is especially handy if you have skiing kids/spouse. Good luck! Those boots are sold, by the way.
  21. http://espn.go.com/action/xgames/winter/2012/story/_/id/7499290/shaun-white-earns-perfect-score-five-peats-winter-x-snowboard-superpipe <script src="http://player.espn.com/player.js?pcode=1kNG061cgaoolOncv54OAO1ceO-I&width=576&height=324&externalId=espn:7518186&thruParam_espn-ui[autoPlay]=false&thruParam_espn-ui[playRelatedExternally]=true"></script> I see touchdown at 2:10. Seth Wescott weighed in on Facebook today: "Seriously a 100 perfect score in super pipe? I mean Shaun rode well but slight touch on the final hit and steadily decreasing amplitude the whole run... Is there even perfection in snowboarding?" Regarding the touch: "Whether he did or not is besides the point.. There is no such thing as perfection in a subjectively judged sport..." (PS - goggle strap outside helmet!)
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