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Everything posted by AcousticBoarder

  1. Mammoth just had their fist day yesterday and June is slated to open 12/19! Very excited for the season to start! I am figuring no one from this group bothered with the first day crowds but hoping the conditions were good and we have a great and safe season!
  2. I know I am late to to the party here, but I agree with many others here: I would love the chance to try one out, but I don't want to die lol. I'm not a fantastic carver anyway so Instruction would be very important to me, especially at Turner since there is no green or easy blue. If there was I would very likely take it out with just a few questions as I got it set up!
  3. First year I brought my fiance who had 6 days on a snowboard total before the trip. She made it down alive, I'm sure you will too! Edit: it was 4 days!
  4. Just saw the wait list! Was about to sign up today! Here's to hoping things upen up a bit to allow more riders
  5. Yeah I still plan on renewing, but I also would like to see a little more from them in the wake of all this. True it is not their fault, but I dont like the ever increasing prices for less in return. I think I barely got my money's worth, but my fiance and 2 friends definitely did not, one of them only had one outing. One day this season for 600 is insane for no fault of their own. Mt. High a few years back in a bad snow season gave everyone who got x days or less a partial refund significantly more than the $50 discount for a significantly cheaper pass. As it stands a student discount for the ikon still trumps the renewal discount price.
  6. Yep I'm waiting to see what they decide to do in the wake of all of this, crossing my fingers for a discount for next seasons pass or refund I can put towards next year
  7. That seams to happen when there is early snowfall, atleast that's what seems to be the trend over here on the west coast.
  8. Well, aperantly it might be an early end to the season now that most mountains are shut down due to COVID-19. Hope everyone is staying healthy out there!
  9. Well trip is canceled now that the mountains are closed
  10. Well I guess we will see what happens now too with every mountain shut down because of COVID-19 (or almost atleast if not every one)
  11. That east or west? I really like the run on mh east, gold rusher I think it is? Something like that. East is not open that often though And damn that is one expensive pass... $2500... And I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to budget renewing my and my fiancé's icon base passes for next season with student discounts at less than 1/4 of that each...
  12. Not stoked about the change taking Aspen out of the base pass. Was looking forward to a trip there maybe next year. Will be renewing again though for Mammoth and june access though!
  13. I am headed up with family for the 21st and 22nd if anyone wants to make a couple turns! Hit me up if you're around. 6six1-2onetwo-83eight9
  14. I swear Gunsmoke over at June Mountain is one of the last to be groomed. I know it gets a little more sun but even in spring freeze thaw it's not super frozen over fist thing in the morning. I like to think it is because it's one of the best carving runs around and they do it just for us carvers that frequent there.....
  15. I am specifically working on not counter rotating for heel side turns. Focussing on simply bringing my hip straight over the board and falling into the heel side carve. I know it's not just the equipment, but I've made strides with the Kessler 168 this season! Thanks @Pat Donnelly for sending me this drill!
  16. Finally getting a chance to view some of this year's session stuff. So sad that I missed it this year, but I have every intention of taking part in next year's session!
  17. Welcome zipfit! Great to see you taking note of a small and very specialized community like ours! I am actually planning on being in the market for a pair of zipfits once my current liners are done which will likely be the end of this season, so I am looking forward to these alpine spesific ones! For me, I have a very high arch and instep with small ankles. I have always had a difficult time with getting my feet to have good heel hold but not have circulation cut off where my toes go numb. My current solution is custom footbeds with intuition pro wrap liners for their non-existent sole, and I smashed the top pretty thin too in the molding. They work ok, far better than the other half dozen or so options I have tried, but I notice them pack out after some time, and even with them I have to un buckle to reduce (not get rid of) cold toes. I have had more success overall with wraps but could go with tounge liners too as long as they are thin. I think it is important to consider the flex of the hard snowboard boots is fore and aft, and having a way to adjust that flex while maintaining heel hold (and in my case atleast, maximum instep volume) would be great.
  18. Love spending a weekend at June. Some of the comments I got while lapping Gunsmoke (from the chair as I am helping my fiance get the hang of linking turns on the steeper part of the blue run) come on alpine carver! Let's see you make some turns! (skier at the top of the lift) you are making some really nice tight turns on that run! A fet other similar comments, and then my favorite, also from the top of the lift from a snowboarder: "dude, what is that, it looks sick, does the tail shape help go fast?" to which I reply that it is made for carving and proceed to start down the run. 1/3 of the way down I see him approaching and pull off to the side to let him pass. Another 1/3 of the way and he stops in the middle of the trail and sits. I go and make a toe side carve right below him, almost close enough to touch his board with my hand that he yanks up in fear.
  19. I have a trip planned for 2/22-24 if anyone is around!
  20. I don't mind lending out more than once, just you can't take the bindings home, but the board you could I'm 91350 so I'm close enough to you too.
  21. I got the hero 7 last year and have used it for self analysis. It has the same features as the 8 listed above. Having others film you is great, sometimes it just isn't possible though if you are riding by yourself. I tried sticking mine to my board with a surfboard sticky mount and tethering it to my bindings... Worked for about half a run, granted I did not put the mount on the board till that morning, might try again and heat up the sticky with a heat gun first. Also, I tethered with kevlar string, I'm weary if paracord would hold well, tie line/trick line does not. I will look for the video and post later if I can. OK here it is As for holding a selfie stick, my findings are similar as others here, but it is definitely possible, look at folks like @Ryan Knapton. I think he made a video about selfie sticks too. Important thing is to keep the camera below the stick too, that's where the action is, not your face. Here is my attempt last season, not the best. Both videos are just put together with go pros phone editor, nothing fancy. No image stabilization besides what is already on the camera.
  22. Hello @agressivstreetlamp, welcome to the forums and to the dark side! I should have a board or 2 atleast that you can borrow and/or buy. I do have 2 sets of bindings that I use so if we meet up you are welcome to use a set for the day but I wont be lending them out more than that though. I definitely don't have anything to help for boots though unfortunately. What is your home mountain? Summit I am guessing if you met Terry? I should be doing a day trip there soon, probably on a Sunday, so maybe we can meet up!
  23. Heading up for another day trip tomorrow (29th) if anyone is around!
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