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Everything posted by piusthedrcarve

  1. swapped with bigger photos.
  2. I have a Madd 170 red sidewall (stiffer than green sidewall) for sale. I got this one from Big Canuck early last season and ride is awesome. Tip got some damaged so I cut the nose to be more squared. Epoxied the cut area with slow curing maine epoxy. (there is a thread about the process with before & after in somewhere) Tuned it to 3 degree side edge bevel and 1 degree base edge bevel. One of best Madd decks I've ridden. It's hard to break my Madd collection but want to try other decks for 170 range. Currently it is covered with storage wax. $395 OBO + shipping.
  3. I will take career bindings if Bryan pass. Sent from mobile device using Tapatalk
  4. Lowest profile bindings I have on was Phiokka bindings. Haven't ridden the step-in version though but it will be similar. I believe Bryan(oldsnowboards.com) is currently selling one of those.
  5. I knew it! That's why I (we) couldn't get out of it. Pow riding, longboard carving, surfing, and most of all, hard charging carving all makes a sense with angular acceleration.
  6. Nice. Thanks for the link. I am hoping to hit one more time but it seems the forecasted 25-26th storm will go around mid-atlantic area. Well.. but at least temp. will drop way below freezing. I don't know at this point. You too have great off-season. hey we may want to hook up to play a round of golf. :) Hope your injury is nothing more than a scratch.
  7. Dave, What happened? How did you injured? How bad is it? Hope it's not big one. Anyway, the link doesn't work. I'm hoping the 25-26 storm to cover slopes nicely so that I can ride (softboots) last time for this season.
  8. Hmm.. I also noticed the dirty thru webcam. I am hoping to ride one more before the season end. Well.. Sent from mobile device using Tapatalk
  9. Isn't that easier to swap springs of your BTS (if you have one already) to accommodate different riding conditions? (although I have several other pairs to play with..)
  10. I will take the Track boots hardware. PM me for payment instruction.
  11. Bryan, First of all, don't mention it. I couldn't think any better person to direct/offer a newbie into right direction other than you. Secondly, the one I rode yesterday was Yellow 174 Sonic F.I.R.E. with 'Cap' like designed. My Review: The deck's dimension was more of GS board and was stiff on hand test. In order to feel the deck's characteristics better, I mounted Phiokka bindings, which is known for lowest profile (binding height). Mounted bindings at centered on both front (Flat) & rear (lifted) to start with. Snow condition was loose granular but frozen, not too hard or too soft. Temp. was 28'F. The board was freshly tuned. Edges and base was like new. It wasn't stiff at all. (oh.. it wasn't noodle. comparing it to Oxygen at same time period, it is stiffer for sure) I'm about 185 lbs and could bend the board easily. It turned like 11-12 m SCR boards. I was expected it would favor fall line but rather it favored carve line. Edge hold were not that superior but good. Few times edge didn't hold at upturn. I didn't check side/base bevel though. I kinda felt that I need to spread stance little wider since the stock placement of binding holes are too close together. Base was not that fast although the condition of the board was almost new and fleshly tuned. One thing interesting was I didn't feel any rattle on my feet. The F.I.R.E. things that placed on topsheet (look like two strips of carbon fiber sheet) must be absorbing some. All in all, it was a decent board for its age. I will test it again if weather gets colder but I doubt it. We just marked +60'F today. After testing it for 4-5 runs, I switched to my board (Madd 170 that recently got cut its nose to be more hammerhead like) and loved every second of it. Superior edge hold and fast. Thanks Kurt.
  12. That's the liners that I have in RC10. My feets are 28.5 and 28.4 cm but has bone spur on inner side near ankle on my left foot. I like the support of UPZ Flo liners but I get pain on the spur. Luckly, I got the Intuition liners from one of BOL member and molded to my feet. then the pain is GONE. I just came back from 5 hours of riding without any pain on the area at all.
  13. Really? Anyone? I will have a chance to ride Sonic 174 tomorrow. I hoped to get some feedback before I take it out.
  14. Going up tomorrow (3/7, Friday) with a kid. Will be there around 9:30 ish.
  15. Extremecarving <iframe width="853" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/asILzjttoMY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
  16. Has anyone ridden Mistral Sonic before? It looks old version of F2 Speedster. How're the riding characteristics? Sent from mobile device using Tapatalk
  17. If you plan to come up to Whitetail, post up few days prior. HERE. I have few decks/bindings you can try on. No boots tho. Send me a PM with your facebook info so that we can communicate. I prefer email though.
  18. In the article, Reiter mentioned Korea. In fact, Korea sent 2 alpine riders: Shin Bong-Sik & Kim Sang-Kyum to Sochi. And I'm sure there are more fund/support available from government or associations such as KOC (Korean Olympic Committee) than here in US. They do time to time have clinics (mostly by their sponsors) to recreational riders but I haven't heard they had to work other jobs to support themselves to compete. There are good possibility if he asks, especially after Victor Ahn (formerly Ahn, Hyun-Su)'s 4 medals (3 golds and 1 bronze) in short track for Russia. Victor Ahn was not same case as Vic Wild though. He was abandoned by result of infighting within Korean Skating Union and then he took his chance with Russia two years ago. Result.... in addition to his individual 3 medals, Russia got a gold medal on men's 5000 m Relay, which proves Russia short track grew enormously as a team.
  19. http://www.stream2video.tv/countries/canada/cbft-tv CBC and SN HD are available. See CBC Olympic Broadcast schedule to see what will be shown on those channels.
  20. http://www.stream2video.tv/countries/canada/cbft-tv
  21. I was there today from 11 to 3. Lift lines were worse than weekend. Wait time for both quad lifts at base were almost 20 minutes. Surface were soft packed powder in the morning but started to melt. I brought an alpine deck but set stance little backward and didn't push at all. I brought my 2 kids to experience soft packed, which we get once a season. Younger one finally made few turns and rode SnowPark and Sidewinder mostly. Oh. Hasn't ridden the Sidewinder years but noticed it got twice wider. Sent from mobile device using Tapatalk
  22. I would like to see their equipments match with the design of their uniforms. In our sports, topsheet of snowboard.. oh..well.. Sorry Justin. but freestyle boarders may like it.
  23. Maybe SporTube and Vac Rack for glass top vehicles? SporTube is great for air travel with gears. Maybe one stone for two birds.
  24. I was browsing for replacement wiper blades for my car and somehow lead to Rain-X wikipedia. Here is a paragraph from the wiki.. Has anyone used it on base? Here in mid Atlantic area, resorts make snow whenever possible. If snow guns blasts daytime and temp. goes up, the snow underneath of guns grab board like crazy causing a nose dive sometime. If this can eliminate the sudden slow down, I would like to try. Any thought?
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