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Everything posted by piusthedrcarve

  1. Going up tomorrow morning to make some turns before Holiday. Will be with kids but... they are finally graduated from bunny hill. Hope to see hardbooters.
  2. 12/13 Got there for first chair. It was above 32 and started to melt on top layer and got faster and faster. All man-made snow. Day time high went up to 42 degree and noticed some brown spots and grass on thin area. Generally good condition for early season. Due to opening only 6 trails, rideable trails were packed. I went with my son and followed him whole time. As he progressed, we rode on blue (angle drop and jib junction). There were no park features on Jib Junction, which was ideal for carving... but still too many people. Met a hardbooter (Jason) and a dude with Kessler Ride. * Dave, where are you? I need few pointers. Had more than few wipeouts/roll that resulted few bruises and body aches.
  3. I don't remember seeing on here but at Facebook. Excellence Snowboard There was a post to measure interest on the Norhwave .950 so that Patrik Gaudet(?) to raise funds to start the production. Although I also showed my interest, I'm quiet happy with my modified UPZ boots. For 1K as a recreational rider, I would rather spend it for family snow-time at Bretton Wood. :)
  4. Hi folks, Whitetail and Liberty have turned on snow guns for last few days. The season will start soon. As usual, I will go up on weekdays and will post up once I know when. Again, this year is to introduce snow sports for my kids. So will stay in SnowPark mostly. I'm thinking first weekend of December will be my opening runs..either WT or WISP. Please use this tread to share your coming. I look forward to make some turns with WT crews.
  5. That's it. After than, you can micro-adjust from the top. BTW, I had ridden with 'Gilmour Bias' stance for few years. Basically, it showed me how to press/decamber the center of the board effectively. Now, I am without any 'bias' (maybe little bit like 2 turns of F2 bail blocks or so)
  6. Hi Zoltan, It seems to me that you like to introduce snowboarding to them more than they like to learn. For this season, I will take my daughter with me most of time. She was able to come down bunny hills without a fall last season but I will likely spend a lot of time with her again this year. As usual, I will post up when I go up. (mostly weekday). If they don't mind learn snowboarding with 5 years old, they are welcomed.
  7. FYI, http://www.wslc.co.jp/snow/f2/03_04/silberpfeil.htm
  8. Dang.. Huge Virus-like camber it has. I'm a sucker for that. Please do review the model in English here. OES site has some reviews but in Russian. Tried Google Translate but still ..not clear on its characteristic.
  9. If you can't find the original nut, you may be able to use T-slot nut instead. The old Phiokka bindings were designed with same bail holding mechanism (not exactly but same concept). I was able to use T-slot nuts to hold bails down. You should be able to find replaceable t-lot nut at local hardware stores once you know the desired dimensions.
  10. Do you know who these guys are? Riding style is much like J.Gilmour. Love it.
  11. Alexey, dotSUB provides video translation service to many languages.
  12. Just curious as being an avid golfer too. Can you put a tour bag in that Vette?
  13. Maybe lowrider refers this. I have used NRS G/Flex Epoxy. The result was very satisfactory. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002IZFPQE/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00?
  14. uh..... The mitten is priced at 65,000 won (KRW), which is $63.86, using current exchange rate (1,018 Korean Won = $1 USD). It's quiet cheap for gloves/mitten that has Thinsulate, Waterproof, and Kevlar.
  15. hey Goro, First, congratulation! For your question, go with a smallest DSLR. I used to have a Canon DSLR camera (from Costco). Once your new born starts walking, you need a quickest reload camera to capture the right moment. DSLR provided that nicely. I used the DSLR for few years and got few good photos of them at 1st B-day or such. As I see newer point-n-shoot cameras advanced, I wanted it since carrying the DSLR camera for everywhere on top of all the baby stuff was burden. The point-n-shoot camera I got has all the nice features like upload photos thru Wifi, bigger screen, and all that but... quality of photo is not comparable. Since then, I don't have much good photos of my kids. Nowaday, I usually take photos with my phone or GoPro. but I wish I have a DSLR camera for many kids events. hmm... I better get one before my daughter's ballet recital coming soon too.
  16. I believe one of T31 or Loon crews replied with this photo few years ago. When I hiked up, which were between 1999-2002, there was none like that. I'm not sure if it still there or not. but if there is, that will save at least 1/4 of hiking time. Thanks for the map. I only rode down on sluice and headwall. which most of skiers were on. I tried hiking up to ride Hillmans Highway but couldn't climb up to the top so rode down at middle. Bummer..
  17. JT, I had hiked up Turckermans few times around early May when I was in NH years ago. Hiking up is...well... some work. Usually takes 2 hours to get to the top from the base but I was informed there is lift now for half of bottom section. That will make the hiking shorter for sure. You will see a lot of skiers hiking up there. Just follow their footsteps to climb up since nice pockets were already made from their ski boots. (I was on softboots and had hard time to make deep pocket to stand on, if I was on my way to top). Snow on Tuckerman's were packed and nice but too steep for my taste. My favorite run is not on the Turckerman's Ravine itself but going down all the way to the road from there. I believe it is called... Sherborne trail, which can be accessed from base of Tuckerman's Ravine to Pinkham Notch. You will find huge rocks, drops, or dirt on the way down (usually on the bottom half) so bring a dirt board (spec. to be all mountain, stiff one). I still dream about the ride. So much fun, long, and unexpected obstacles. First time of the run will throw a lot of challenges, if you ride really aggressively. ENJOY.
  18. Yup. I second that. Especially shorter 'Energetic' board. I always take a shorter board for first 2 hours and then swap to longer deck after...and then for my 'Last run' of the day, ride shorter one to remind the technique again.
  19. the 'last run' may be thinkable for those who are lucky enough to ride big mountains. Here in Mid-Atlantic, 1000 ft elevation from top to bottom takes about 1 min. 25 secs. (I have recorded many riding video of others and myself for a run from top to bottom and basically avg. out 85 seconds). well then... first decided 'last run' has never been the actual 'last run'. so it goes like this in typical weekday riding day... Around 11 am : hmmm.. condition is getting worse (snow, human obstacles). I better take next one to be my 'last one' After the 'last run': Well.. it wasn't that bad... let me take few more runs. After the few more runs: Ok.. I'm done but ... last heelside turns were awesome but one toeside turn was sketch.. let me correct that and will call it a day. After the few more runs: Ok..all good.. oh wait. Let me try same on a different deck. (swap board and head to lift again). After the few more runs on different deck: Yup. it does. Awesome. I'm done. oh wait! When i'm going to be up here again? ** Thinnking *** Crap! This could be my really last visit of the season! I better ride few more! After the few more: Ok.. I'm really done and my legs are shot. oh..wait.. does that guy on alpine deck? HEY!!!.. and on and on and on... Then get a call on top of the slope: Wife - 'Where are you? Are you still at work? Are you going to pick up kids? It's 2.' Me: 'Yup. on my way already!' (thinking..i may pull off one more run after this..) For end of the season, take last few bullets out but..same story different day.
  20. Thanks all, I will get one to start soon.
  21. Thanks Corey, What's the ride difference on the shape like 'Loaded' vs pintail? Sent from mobile device using Tapatalk
  22. No skating experience at all. What do i need to know to start longboarding? What to buy? What length? Shape? Wheel size? Pretty much flat area where I live. So...pumping favored than downhill. Thanks in advance Sent from mobile device using Tapatalk
  23. I haven't done snowshoeing or cross country but they seem to burn more calories. But I say riding Madd 158 on 800 feet mild downhill with making slalom turns from start to finish surely burns calories a lot.
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