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Everything posted by piusthedrcarve

  1. We all have different perspective of what's good or bad. Whatever works best with one's riding style would be the best board. World Cup inspired decks with newest technologies to shorten the gate time may not be the best board for riders who just want to leave a fine pencil line on resort groomed corduroy. As carvers, some riders wants ride a whole day without exhaustion. Some just want to cruse on any condition. Some wants go fast and charge hard and enjoy pop out of each turn and call it a day after few hours. What matter is what board can give riders smile at end of the day, every run, or every turn. Madd 158 is for the later. For me, Madd is the ONE. Not the Original but.. right flex one for my like. It definitely give back what I give in and more. Excellent grip on ice so I can charge without hesitation or delay (mentally). Now my quiver has a couple of Madd, few WC decks, and few other alpine decks for not-carving friendly condition. I'll keep explore newer decks but i have a feeling that I won't find others to replace Madd.
  2. Wow..Congrat! Hopefully we have early start this season. BTW, You're welcomed to try any deck that I have ..(got few more...) I can't wait to ride with fellow WT BOLers.
  3. I have ridden newer GS boards between 169-175 and gave my recommendation. Newer shorter GS boards are not meant to soft on flex. 169 of F2, Kessler, and SG were a lot stiffer than 175. The one on the classified is for a women racer and I found its flex is tad softer/equivalent to 175's. So if the OP's son is 5'3" 100" racer, I say go for it.
  4. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?40391-Oxess-170&p=403518#post403518 This! will be very suitable for your little racer. and the seller is in your state and 14m SCR
  5. TLN, Mine is also 182mm and its RG.
  6. Wow.. I thought it is mine and went basement to check if mine is still there :) The placement of base repair and few chips on nose are exactly like mine. I've been on many recent European race decks and I say Oxess RG is the best freecarving race deck in my opinion. As Big Canuk said, this is steal at his price. I wouldn't sell mine at this price. I'll pm you for 174.
  7. I just came back from a round of golf and found this. Today's course was hilly and a lot of up and down and I found myself driving a cart like falling leave. Meanwhile, my mind was on Pogo on recent sale's post. :) I find this thing fascinating. That means I can ride board year around.. without being Mt. Hood. Then, negative thoughts come by.. 1. Am I going to be fine to drive this thing after a case of beers? 2. If I buy, are all courses allow me to drive this thing, instead of their cart? 3. What if course set 'Cart Path Only' for the day (usually after heavy rain)? Riding this just on the cart path would be cruel. 4. I can see teenager would use this device to have 5 hours of fun ride on golf course...without a line, no stopping, no lift, heck.. that would be equivalent to 2 full days on slopes. I usually think and plan for next shot while I'm moving. If I'm on GolfBoard, I am sure that will be my last thing to think about. BUT.. if there is a golf course where rent this as a cart, I'll definitely check it out. But I can see this GolfBoard would promote fast pace. found it is sold (pre-order) around $3500.
  8. I don't know about Arc'teryx but have worn Spyder for few years. Good jacket and pants. As John E said, recent Spyder models are after style and sacrificed quality. Anyway, when I worked at Bretton Wood, our staff jacket was from Karbon. I know it's more Ski jacket like but 100 days/year riding (teaching) weren't able to tear the jacket. I had same jacket for 2 years. That sold me afterward.. from then, I've only worn Karbon bib & jacket since. ...oh..not true.. I got a jibber jacket (Session) to match color of one of my boards but not near durable as Spyder or Karbon. Check Karbon jacket too.
  9. I asked my 5 yrs old son what he wants before his first day of elementary school coming Tuesday. He asked for Skiing and MTBing. ....... NZ or Chile..? About 3 hours south from Norther Virginia, There is a outdoor ski park, made with Snowflex in Lynchburg, VA. We headed down yesterday afternoon and arrived there around 6 but the park was suspended by lighting. The park was re-opened around 8 p.m. (they open Noon to 1 a.m. on weekend). It was our first time there and as I wasn't too sure about the Snowflex material for carving, I didn't even bother to bring my alpine gears. I rented jibber board and boots and spend 30 min. at beginner's slope with him. Snowflex was basically like golf mat with small holes that water spray nozzles placed under the material, approximately 6 ft apart, to spray water to soak the mat for ski/snowboard to slide. The material were like golf mats with a lot of cushion. I could dig edges for little carving-like turns. I noticed that some spots that weren't getting watered same amount as other area, were significantly slow. So I had to check all areas to make sure if it doesn't catch edges/base so that I don't fold nose. After few turns, I went to top of the slope and went down and made some turns on the already checked spots. Did few more runs and hit few table tops/rails and got some good air too. Landing were very soft.. When I tried to lift edges more than...about 30-45 degree, the material didn't hold edges as snow. I got washed and fell. I did few more turns to make sure if I was doing right, and same result. The Snowflex materials allowed skiers/riders to change directions as on snow and provides very cushioned surface. It was perfect for Jibbers. The slope length was about... good 9-10 turns but the turns were obstructed by rails/boxes/table tops.. so had to improvised. If there are no obstacles, I think carving can be attempted. But I don't see the they will do that. As seen on the first photo, there is one big step-up style jump where few freestyle skiers (I assume they are Liberty University ski team since the tricks they are throwing were x-game quality). This morning, I and my son hit the BlackWater trails.. little steep/rough for 5 yrs old to ride.. so took easy x-country trails afterward. All in all. it was a great trip. Next time, i will bring my golf clubs so I can accomplish all 3 in one day.
  10. Maybe your Christmas came early. I may let go of my black UPZ RC10 boots (312mm shell). They have like 'ACSS' spring systems installed. Heels are F.A.S.T. step-in heels and I do have matching SnowPro Race F.A.S.T. Step-in bindings. If you PM me with your email address, I will send photos of them.
  11. I do have both bindings. TD3 are constantly attached to many other boards for its easiness of adjustment and interchangeable design. Although my Phiokka is older than TD1, I keep them for future use with narrow boards (<16cm width) for my mp28 boots. For ridding, with Phiokka, my feet are much closer to board (low profile) so I get more direct response from the board. As other posted, once I set them up, I don't want to touch the setup. hmmm.. As think of it, I've spent good + 30 min. to set one up. TD3? 5 min. max.
  12. <iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/kVWW7R95sE8?list=UUuzgHxvrQYJ0J8mT-I4B8ZA" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe> I subscribed to Mont Tremblant's videos and found this. One of my favorites is <iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/lV6FXkmaYec?list=UUuzgHxvrQYJ0J8mT-I4B8ZA" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe>
  13. Weekend Break with Family: WISP,MD or SnowShoe, WV Break from Family: First chair at Whitetail on weekdays, with die-hard carvers. Priceless..
  14. Mugika2, There are good number of carvers in NoVA/MD/DC and we usually ride at Whitetail (sometime WISP) on weekday. Once season starts, look into VA/MD/PA forum where we post for upcoming gathering. We are not experts/gurus but should be able to give you some points here and there when we ride together. Of course, if you have any question on techniques, post them too.
  15. My 5 years old son gave me this this morning. Behind story: Used to hang more than 14 decks up in my man cave. Now, only have 4 left. He asked me why. I made sad face and told him I need to get some more. Hmm.. I need to teach him plural form
  16. What is XXR? How does it differ from XR?
  17. Is there a way to measure "pop" of boards? I think it can be measured somehow and standarize the measurement, if we have a method to measure. How to generate it is totally up to riders though. For me, General indication of 'Pop' are amount of camber, stiffness, and materials. But tried recent race decks with metal layers and experienced more pops than glass boards with good amount of camber.
  18. Thanks for the explanation. When can we see the model and its spec. for sale?
  19. Sean, If the board is that narrow, are those UPM inserts ever get used? I don't see any advantage of having those inserts on skinny boards. If you think otherwise, please educate me.
  20. Here. http://www.wslc.co.jp/snow/f2/04_05/index.htm
  21. Sure. If you give me your ZIPcode, I can find out the shipping cost. PM me for PayPal information.
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