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Everything posted by bigwavedave

  1. Majestic mountains! Please post more pics of your travels through BC.
  2. Is this another EC instructional for beginners? A little bounce to help you up off the snow? I can see Michelin-man carving suites as the next big thing? Extra rebound out of laid out turns? ...and when you crash into each other, it'll be like bumper cars.
  3. Yup, made in Italy, sold in Japan...but maybe not anymore?
  4. Planning to go to Spirit Thursday (or maybe IH) and GR Friday. Hope the few inches of wet snow in the forecast helps cover Spirit's icy base layer. Might have a Donek F plate to try out if conditions are still rough. Rich reported that conditions were great on Sunday at Indianhead, some snow tonight then temps up to 50° Wednesday, but then a cool spell for the next couple of weeks. Indianhead should go till mid April and they're reporting the "best spring conditions in a decade". Spirit is done Mar 31st...maybe...plus shortened weekday hours, 11-7. Looks like 4-5" at IH and GR and just an inch at Spirit last night.
  5. Yea, looks like they're not around anymore, but thought it might inspire the OP.
  6. They were advertised in Carving Magazine from a few years ago. Then I found an old thread here...
  7. These look interesting, Kind of a TD3/ Catek offspring. https://www.facebook.com/1994-Snowboard-Binding-195841927164720/
  8. This made me laugh, as I had a very similar experience recently...posted in the Spirit Mt thread...click on the arrow, upper right to go there.
  9. Just checked GR website and they've extended their season, closed April 1st and reopen April 2-8 with $18 lift tickets! I still have those 2 GR passes. I was thinking this Sunday, before the rain/snow mix forecast Sunday night. High temps will be in the 40's all next week (a nice freeze/thaw cycling), starting Sunday and I'd expect things to start turning to spring conditions. It would be nice to try and get one more day on it before it starts turning to corn snow and slush. Otherwise, I've got Thursday and Friday next week. I would be up for another trip over to Indianhead too!...but my pass is only good for Sundays-Thursdays.
  10. This is an old thread revival. But I will take the opportunity to plug the often overlooked Incline. I have two Inclines (a 180 & 164 with 23.5cm waist) and really love them. Great carving boards, I use them with hard boots, mostly when the snow conditions are too soft for my carving sticks, RE: up to about a foot of fresh on groom, spring slush, or any soft groomers where I might bury the nose of an all-out carving board. If it's really hard or icy, the Incline is not my first choice, but it will perform as well as most any glass carving board. Plus, you can't beat that you can get a new custom Incline for $675. If I was expecting to ride icy conditions too, I'd spend a bit more and get something like a Flux or the other boards mentioned. I still like the more rounded nose shape for lifting over variable terrain when on edge though. Those blunt noses can really come to a stop when they find hard spot when up on edge in softer snow! I had a Nomad, and think it is a compromise board that will ride powder well and carve better than most pow specific boards. But, when carving the soft nose flops around a lot and you're carving mainly on the stiff mid and tail. If you get the nose engaged in a turn on firm snow it will really bend. This was also a problem in deep, wet spring "powder". I found it performed best in light, dry snow.
  11. Just had a report from Rich (a skier friend) from up north. He'd been to both Giant's Ridge and Indianhead this week and said conditions were great, despite the warm days and cold nights. "More than awesome, fabulous, incredible, best I've ever seen and absolutely incredible, excellent grooming"...were just some of the superlatives he used to describe just how great it was. Apparently Indianhead has a new groomer. Also reported that Lutsen was "super icy". GR last day is March 31st. Indianhead last day is April 15th?
  12. Thanks Aracan. I guess that's similar to the UPZ's. Reading that article reminded me of another thing I heard from racers who loved Northwaves about how the location of the ankle joint of the boot was in a more natural position.
  13. This thread reminds about the heartbreak of undiagnosed CWS (Carver's Withdrawal Syndrome). Seems to be a pattern that emerges here every spring. Everyone should take their medication as the season winds down─buy something new for next season! I want a pair of those yellow boots, I think they just might be the ones! Oh, and that new board I just demoed, and maybe a plate─just thinking about carving on that rough ice last week makes my knees hurt! Back to the subject at hand. Does anyone know how much forward slope is built into the sole of Mountain Slope boots?
  14. @Algunderfoot making some smooth carves down Winnebago on his Thirst 8R WARP at Indianhead a couple of weeks ago.
  15. Such a great description─poetic! I struggled to find the right words to review this board, but I think you found them!
  16. It's a 13-14 scr with 5mm taper, so I wouldn't say it hooks-up, but it does like to complete turns. It rides more like a single sidecut than the vscr found on most modern raceboards. Turn shape is changed by how far on edge you go and how much pressure you add to decambering the board. All with the performance of a metal raceboard (edge hold, dampness, some rebound etc), you just get to sit back and enjoy the turns a little longer if you want! For a reference comparison concerning the ride, generally, I find Coilers have a similar feel to Kesslers, and the REV feels similar to the SG Full Race. Two different personalities, one softer, one stiffer, both great rides that get the job done. I have a REV with a slightly smaller (11-12m), near radial scr that I love just as much. Some days I prefer one over the other and it's difficult to say exactly why. Could be conditions or how I'm riding that day?
  17. Mark just replied to my question regarding scr for XC171: toe 10.92/ heel 11.98. Wondering if turns are noticeably tighter than the Super since the average scr seems quite similar.
  18. @Algunderfoot @Keenan Is this pretty much a scaled down version of the Superconductor? Tighter turns? Do you know what the average scr is for heel & toe side?
  19. I was just thinking about this video...for anyone struggling with their basic carving technique, this is a great video to watch over and over, ingrain into your brain and then sleep on it and dream it. Shoulders and hips facing same direction as your feet , hands either side of the board relatively level with the snow, quiet upper body (no rotating), dropping your weight into the board driving into the turn and unweighting coming out into the transition.
  20. I got to ride Cory's MK on Thursday. I took maybe 4 runs. There was a rough ice base under a slushy groom, so it was a rough ride when carving hard. The MK rode like everyone says (tight turns, edge hold etc), including the noisy ride─but I think that's what you should expect from an all glass (no metal) board. I still have a couple of glass boards and I'm always surprised at the noise when I get on one of them. The one thing I couldn't understand was why my quads felt so worked at the end of a 2 min run. So, Muscle Killer is apropo. I wasn't aware that I was working harder, but I was happy to get back on my Coiler 165 SL and make similar turns with less effort. The qualification here is that the conditions were not ideal for a fair evaluation of this or any board's overall performance, it's just my 2 cents. I also got to ride Cory's 163 Donek Rev (ptex topped) yesterday in similar conditions. So, so smooth and not as much work. I would love one of these with a narrower range scr, like 8½-10 to make it easier to complete turns. Never got around to trying Cory's Angrry, but It sounds liket it might be similar to my above mentioned SL 165.
  21. Al told me not to get too aggressive going into turns when I demoed it, so my first couple of turns were very tentative, and then I realized that my fairly centered (lazy?) style of riding was right at home on this board, in fact I found myself getting on the back end a few times in more aggressive turns and getting a spring off the tail into the the next turn. Fun! Whenever I've had any of the newer generation (metal/vscr) race boards (Kessler, Rev etc) I found I liked to move my stance 1-2cm forward of the reference stance to get the right amount of pressure on the nose, rather than changing how I rode the board. It does make a lot of noise, but that's a non-metal glass board for ya.
  22. The mini SES returned to Spirit today with temps near freezing rocketing up to 50°F by early afternoon. After a spectacular day at Indianhead yesterday, I was not looking forward to having my joints rattled carving on the ice base at Spirit. I think Cory said that after one day (Thursday) on this stuff his legs felt the same as after 7 days at Aspen. Yesterday at Indianhead felt like much needed therapy. Carvers on the hill today were @jolson, @bobble, @DonPablo, @khoward, @Corey .Busy day on the hill with competitions and St Paddy day revelers. Found some softer carvable groom in the big air park. The hill was turning to slush piles by early afternoon when we left. Cory might have some video to post after he gets home. Felt like summer by the time I got home, but cooler temps in the forecast might usher us into some nice spring conditions.
  23. Buttermilk East?Well maybe not quite, oh but the snow was so good6" of new snow refreshed the slopes prior to the arrival of our mini traveling SES. Al welcomed us to the hill, got us some discounted guest passes and then guided us around to his favorite runs (which is pretty much all of them)─it's hard to pick a favorite─each one puts a bigger smile on your face. Seems like we were all giggling at the bottom of each run with how lucky we were to have such fun terrain, blue skies and very little traffic on the hill for the first two hours. To keep in the spirit of the SES there was some board swapping and demo-ing and I got to take a few turns on Al's 180 Thirst WARP8 before he had to run off. Here's some pics of Bob. Cory was apparently too fast for the photographer to capture. Back to Spirit tomorrow. Dave, we missed you (but good job tricking Cory into coming down here)....next timeHave a good trip back to the middleofnowhere ,
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