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Everything posted by bigwavedave

  1. Incrementally. The center discs are in 5° increments. Start with moving it one notch (5°), you will lose very minimal heel lift, but should feel the difference of the canting.
  2. My apologies gents, I should have said, "could be good". Worst grooming ever. Reminded me of grooming in the 60's when they'd drag a chain link fence over the hill and finish it off with a corrugated roller. Yesterday's frozen tracks were still visible under the surface. They apparently are not using the tiller. Frozen hard, bumpy, chunky, littered with ice cubes. Carvers were reduced to skidding turns like skiers. Ken and Jim were there, but we all packed it in after a few runs. Temps were not likely to get warm enough today to soften the surface and it was getting busy. I took a couple of runs through the rope tow park just to see what the groom could have been like...one picture tells the story... Then I went over to the bigair park to see if I could find a line through all the new features they added. It was closed for extra special grooming. You know, for the people that ride rails to tune their edges! Oh well, probably be there early tomorrow and hope for better grooming or at least stick it out til it warms up. Forecasting 50°.
  3. Sorry, these were sold.
  4. Got my second dose of the Moderna Monday. Sore shoulder the next morning and felt a little lazy the next day, same as the first dose, but 20 hours after the shot I had a pretty good reaction; fever chills, aches, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc. Woke up feeling fine the next morning. The funny thing is, I could swear my sense of smell is more sensitive now. I'm walking around my tiny house going, "where's that smell coming from?". Same thing in my car. I may have had Covid last March when I had the 'flu', before we knew all the weird symptoms (and I had some of them), but I don't recall losing smell or taste. You wouldn't expect a vaccine to do this, but I suppose it could be possible that it triggered my immune system to find some hidden dormant virus and finish it off. There's a lot we don't know about how this virus operates. Man, I gotta do something about that smell now.
  5. Lottsa springs here. Ordered some for my MS boots. Color coding may differ from what you have. https://www.mcmaster.com/springs/
  6. Just when you start to think the season is grinding to a halt... Yesterday's storm began with 2 hours of heavy rain before turning to snow. NWS reported 6-7" snow overnight in nearby Gary, it looked more like 4-6 at my house. I considered going to GR this morning (11 inches overnight and no rain), but the roads looked pretty bad on the snowplow cams, so I took my time with breakfast and drove to the top of Spirit. The conditions were actually pretty good! Everything on the Express side was groomed. For the most part it was a beautiful soft groom, but there were a few icy spots and invisible soft and hard spots under the groom, so no relaxed carving. You had to carve easy and keep your legs ready for the unforeseen. Here's an early track... Temps started out around 32° and got up to 38° by the time I left around 1pm. As the snow softened, icy spots disappeared and trenches started getting deep and ugly and fun. Ironically, it's the 1st day of students going back to school in person and it's a 'snow day', so kids started showing up. All in all, it was a really fun day, and with Russ there, doubly so. No sign of Ken. jolson may have been there, or maybe not. There was several inches of fresh ungroomed on Sky Hooker, but it was really chopped up by the time I got over there. Should be good tomorrow! @khoward? @jolson?
  7. Same here. The one that failed while riding broke off completely leaving the threaded ends in the lugs. Since then I've had several bails snap off at the top of the threads while attempting to remove frozen lugs. Sometimes it didn't take much force to snap it off, which makes me think there is metal fatigue where the threads end. I only have one pair of SW that I bought new, the rest were picked up used. (and maybe abused?) The lugs were not frozen on the "new" ones when I took them apart.
  8. Petunia I think the reflex to "curb stomp the nose like it owes you money" is going to be a hard habit to break for a guy from New Joysey to break. Have fun Mario! Wear a neck brace so you don't get whiplash. I kid, but these little boards can turn so quickly when pushed, that you can find your upper body struggling to catch up with your lower half.
  9. Sunny and warm, started out near freezing with firm cord, but no ice! Headed over to the the Helsinki chair for sun softened snow and did laps on Squaw, Grenoble, Helsinki and Grenoble over and over, like crimson & clover. Grenoble is so nice this year, no jumps, just a series of rollers, like waves. So many different ways to ride them. Had me hollarin' and the lifty was eggin' me on too. Rode for 5 hrs I'm beat and I have an appt for shot #2 later. Made some afternoon runs on Cortina before leaving. Untracked buttery smooth groom, slarvaliscious. Oh yeah, it got warm enough to make the snow sticky and slow. So, I got to experiment with FastStik® warm "wax". Simple on the hill application, just rub on and then a light brushing/polishing with the pad on the backside of the applicator. I got 2 good runs. After that, I reapplied following the instructions more carefully by applying with single 2" wide passes from nose to tail, rather than rubbing on like a crayon (which worked better for me with the below freezing FastStik). After the reapplication, it seemed to work better and lasted for several more runs until I quit for the day. It provided decent glide on the flats and I was easily gliding by everyone else.
  10. I always find untracked snow for afternoon tracks on Cortina at Giant's Ridge. It was 50° and like slicing through buttah. Sooo smoooth
  11. Contact Walker at Bomber by Gumbo https://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/Binding-Parts_c_42.html The lugs look to be the same as TD3's, but I'd ask Walker to be safe. Looks like heel bails are available. Replace both lugs and use anti-seize grease on the threads. Lug is aluminum and bail is SS.
  12. Too lazy to make the drive to IH today plus the spring-like slush slarving at Spirit was fun yesterday, despite the crowds. Went up for opening today, to beat the crowds and meet up with Ken. It was 32° and the surface was still icy hard under some sugary snow. It was gradually softening up with each run as the temps rose and the crowds increased. Rode for 1½ hrs. until the lines started to extend out of the corrals. The 171 XC has been my go-to ice carver lately. That board never loses its edge. Took a couple of runs on the 185 Contra AT, but it's really better in the softer snow. Might take it back up for some slush slarving if it hits 40-50° this afternoon. There are races over on the Gandy side today. Thinking about GR tomorrow. anybody? @rwmaron? @khoward? Bueller? $39 online ticket (62+) here: https://inntopia.travel/ecomm/shop/calendar/12906494/en-US/?productcategoryid=117&startmonth=3&startYear=2021
  13. a picture with the boots in the bindings is more helpful, from above, or with a straight edge against the board's edge. Skip ahead to 7:00 in this video to see how Sigi does it. Apparently RedBull doesn't come in a box.
  14. Went up for a few runs after noon. Would have done more, but the lift lines were long, a 10-15 wait for 2min downhill. Close to 40°, sunny, lots of slushy corn snow. Classic spring conditions. The ice base was soft enough to get an edge for some big, smooth, surfy carves while riding the 185 Contra AT and making big Mario trenches. I'm tempted to head back over to Indianhead tomorrow.
  15. I might go up mid-day when it gets warm enough to soften the ice.
  16. The parking lot was filling up fast and I panicked. With the current freeze/thaw cycling, those 1st tracks on frozen groom are not so special. But, once it warms up... Taking a break from IH today, but thinking about tomorrow and maybe Monday when temps reach 45-50°.
  17. Love this video... Awesomely smooth and effortless (looking) riding, and that run looks friggin' amazing. Abracadabra! Tralfamadore?
  18. Dang! Forgot about that webcam. You caught me, I got there early and figured I could either sit at the top or the bottom. It's so warm and sunny and peaceful at the bottom. The groom was actually pretty firm and a wee bit bumpy on that 1st run (almost went into the woods off Sundance), but after about ½ hour it softened up and continued to get better through the day. To add insult to injury, I've been using your parking spot too. But here's the rub; You know those days in Aspen when it warms up into the mid 30's, bluebird sky, lunch outside and you have to shed layers, yet somehow the snow maintains its magical, carving awesomeness, and you don't want to stop, but after 5 hrs you can barely walk?? That was today! 'cept inda UP. Oh yeah, Brian (aka Doobs) was there on a 170+ish F2 Silberpfeil, then Beth came out to play, and finally Al took a break from work and made some turns on his XC. Here's that 1st track... Riding the Super all day!
  19. Thinking of heading over to Indianhead tomorrow (Fri).
  20. To start the day, there was a 15 min delay while waiting for a promotional snowmobile photoshoot to get off the slopes. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the express lift, the corrals overflowed with impatient people threatening insurrection. But, if you live for those days of carving on bone rattling rough ice, today was your day! Yesterday's melted surface groom was pressed into the base leaving ½" of groomed sugar over the frozen impression of the tractor treads. It might get warm enough to soften the ice tomorrow afternoon, and certainly this weekend, but it's unlikely today. It used to be, on a day like this you could find soft turns in the park. The last time I was in there they had littered every available space with "features". 2 runs and done for me!
  21. Well now, that just encourages me more.
  22. I can already hear you... Before you comment, the 2 guys without face coverings have had their shot in the arm...plus we're outside and only stood there for 1 minute, always have mask up near others, in lift line etc.
  23. Hey Bob, coulda been this guy....looks a little maniacal to me...
  24. 2nd day windblown groom at Indianhead...tracks of the big board...
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